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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. I logged into chat on another site tonight and was bombarded with a lot of angry people. It seems that popular artist on DA Yuumei has not only had her artwork and one of her poems stolen AGAIN but this time the lil creep that did it won a national award for it!

    here is the link to her profile where she talks about it and what steps she had taken to remedy the situation.

    Here is the article about the thief from January. I assure you, the comments are well worth looking at and pull no punches.

    Isn't life FUN? And they wonder why so many get so upset by this. <_<

  2. the only uploadedable files on the site are HTML and text. Beyond that you would have to copy and paste. An easy way to do this is open the original Word document then save as... select Web Page (*htm, *html) from the pull down menu and save it that way then upload. That's how i do it and it saves all the formatting except centering for some reason)

  3. it's not missing, it's hidden because you have an authors note as a chapter (first chapter). You were sent a notice to remove it on 4/7/10. You can still access it through your authors panel. Once you remove the authors note, tell us and we'll check then unhide it.

  4. my God... I'm sorry if I offend you - this is certainly not my goal, but... do you even have time to think the story through? to create some complex relations, characters, and person-to-person games?

    I mean, for me it's better to write one very good (it's relative, of course) thing, put a lot of effort into it, than have a high production rate - it doesn't work for me;

    well, sure, sometimes you just go with the flow, and it happened to me that I was able to pull the thing in one day or night, but it's not my standard :cry:

    however,... it's just me :(

    Oh they are very thought out. Most of mine are very complex multi-chapter stories that are huge with plotlines that twist all over the place. Since i work off very detailed outlines (most times though there are exceptions to this) i have no problems going through a chapter and getting it done. I have everything thought out and worked out before i even start to write it so, yes, they are well thought through before i start writing them. At any given time i have roughly 30 outlines in various stages of completion on my computer to work off of. Those are done in off times when I'm not writing. I just have more time to do this than most people on here is all. ;)

  5. I believe the story that you're looking for is Baby Boy... Either the Admins, or the athor removed the stories form AFF. I've been unable to find the authors sorties anywhere else, sorry I couldn't be more help!

    It was removed because it was plagiarized from another story

  6. What's even worse is when you see the same exact wording on a review they give other people, no matter the story. It kinda' feels like a form letter thing from some of them.

    As for ratings.... I don't see where they mean a lot at all. Once you get over a certain number of them, giving it the rating it truly deserves if it's at a 5 is like adding teaspoons of sand to a beach, it doesn't mean anything.

  7. When I try to log in to give a review of a story it tells me username and password are not found. I need assitance to get this issue resovled. Thank you.

    OK, first thing to try is this...

    along the top toolbar, go to members tools then login. Once there, enter your username or the email address that you have in your profile, and then press the link. Your username and password will be emailed out to you. (Please check your "Bulk" or "Spam" folders for the email, as it sometimes ends up there.) If that doesn't work, post again and we'll work from there.

  8. Oh yeah and I saw what's in her profile. throwup.gif Bull!!! She is so not sorry. It reads fake. She thought she could get away with quickly posting then taking down. Definitely not sorry.

    The profile, as it is now, is something we did. It''s meant to read fake and be snarky and sarcastic hehehee :lol:

  9. It is still very much there http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090900 I just looked at it

    this is the first chapter as posted...

    This is the first of a six book saga called the Blood Nation Novels. This first book explores the journey of a chubby computer programmer to his destiny as the last of the lost Blue Bloodline of the Royal House. A genetic hybrid hidden within the human race -- Xavier Von Drachenfeld, Lord Emperor of the Vampire Nation.

    That constitutes an authors note as a chapter, not a chapter and is the problem

  10. Simply and easily, write what turns you on and what you visualize as being 'hot'. That's what I do.

    Start by visualizing what you want to write about then add the details. The smells, whether it's hot or cold, the time of day, shadows if there are any, where it takes place, describe what's around the scene, talk about where the placement of the hands are, what the mouths are doing, what the naughty bits are doing, how the arousal feels, what they are saying, what each being smells like, are they sweating, what they are saying to each other, where what is going, what mouths are doing, what eyes look like, etc. Think details. Paint the picture in your mind then let your fingers walk across the keyboard and describe them.

    Beyond that, there is something that does help... providing you don't have to look at the keyboard when you type, shut your eyes and don't look at the screen. Just let your fingers do what they do and follow what your brain is showing you. Don't worry about spelling or grammar mistakes, just let them go. You can always go back and fix them later.

    Another hint is just block it out basically as to what you want to include then take that rough outline and flesh it out when you write. Use that as a visual aid in doing what you want.

    Hope that helps you a bit.

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