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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. Alrightly, i got a couple for you! These are LM/HP...

    En Las MontaƱas


    it's sequel Come the Maƫlstrom


    both complete. They are on ff.net but these are the MA rated, the MA stuff is cut out on ff.net

    Hanging By A Moment Complete


    I have some others but they tend to be Gary Stu-ish and some i haven't finished reading or incomplete at this point. For now, those three should hold you (especially the first two, they are big!) Since Hp?LM are fairly odd as a pairing there's not much out there that's complete.

  2. OK, the issue is you have a character disclaim, you aren't disclaiming the fandom itself (profit is right so we aren't going to go into that). Here is what you have...

    Disclaimer: I do not own Draco Malfoy or any of the characters related to the Harry Potter fandom or books. All rights belong to the Warner Brothers/Rowling. I do not own Jack Sparrow or any characters related to the fandom of Pirates of the Carribbean. All rights belong to Disney. I do not own Peter Drinkwater or any of the characters belonging in the Midsomer Murders fandom. All rights belong to the BBC. I do not own Paris of Troy or any other characters related to the fandom Troy. All rights belong to Warner Brothers.

    It should read I don't own Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Midsomer Murders or Troy. That disclaims the fandom not just the characters. Character disclaims are invalid.

    When you get it corrected, let us know and we'll check it!

  3. I've been a long time user of aff.net and it hasn't been until recently that aff.net has come up with some really insane policies that can really hurt the site (such as whole account deletions which seem plain stupid especially in the case/context of the deleted author account we are talking about). If aff.net loses good authors that they could have kept, they lose readership. If they lose readership, they lose funding.

    That's better than losing the whole site and the owner and admins going to jail for doing nothing about people that sign up underage. That's what they are facing if they allow these people to say. That is the LAW and it's not a joke! And, as for that policy being recent, it isn't. It's been around for a very long time now, since 2007 I believe. Also, it only applies in certain cases, not all. Current ones we find get EVERYTHING deleted, account, stories, all of it. People who sign up on this site when they are underage put the site at risk, the owner at risk and the admins at risk. Since no one wants the site to be downed, the owner and admins to go to jail and/or end up fined, this is what happens. Funding means nothing to a site that is no longer there. Just because some sites do things certain ways, doesn't mean we do. We have our way of doing it and they have theirs.

  4. All I'm saying is, Dany, you asked a question. Your own site policies are to blame for the very problem you started this thread to complain about.

    Actually, if you go back and reread what I wrote, I wasn't complaining. I was ASKING A QUESTION because I was curious as to what everyone else though. I've read plenty of bad fictions over my time and some that were so rife with bad spelling and grammar that I downloaded them and fixed them to make them more readable. However, there are some truly bad fictions I've enjoyed for various reasons.

    Bad fiction is everywhere on every site that posts fiction, fan fiction or not. And I don't always mean that it's full of spelling errors, bad grammar, whatever, some is just plain bad for various reasons. To say we have to deleted all bad fiction takes away the readers option to read something they may like. I have a friend that reads some of the worst fiction you could ever imagine and has a tolerance for bad writing, as in spelling, grammar, etc., that I have ever seen in anyone, most of us our eyes and brain would be bleeding from some of what she likes, but she adores it and will continue reading. To censor that would take away her choice to read something she enjoys just because someone arbitrarily decides it's bad for whatever reason. That's not up to any of us to do, it's their choice in the matter.

    So I think, somewhere along the way, this thread has gone a direction that is way off track. It was a simple couple questions that I was curious about is all.

  5. There's no "find this piece of code, change 1 to 0 disables delete button" option? I know Storyline originally had it as an option in configuration because TtH has never had deletion while other Storyline sites did.

    It's not just finding the code that is the issue. It's the deluge of reports that would follow. We are already swamped at this juncture of things without enough bodies to go around and do the work. Off the top of my head, DG would have to start with the moderators review boards since we get hammered with reviews that have nothing at all to do with our stories but with issues we left reviews about as part of our job. Since she's the only one that can go in and delete reviews, it's her that would get swamped. She has enough to do as it is, she doesn't need this all added on top of everything else.

  6. I think the main problem is that most of the writers that those types of stories are brain-washed by the media to believe that all, or most, relationships are like that, or that it's acceptable. I also think that many of them are fresh out of high school and haven't had a real relationship, getting most of their research from books, movies, tv, and elsewhere.

    I'm agreeing there. It takes some time and maturing to learn this. Speaking from experience, as an example, I used to think that Romeo and Juliet was like the most romantic story ever written. As someone with a bit more time and experience under her belt, I realize it's not and I'm actually rather disgusted by it and how some people think death is the solution to being without someone you love. Many times you outgrow this kind of thing with experience but, sadly, some never do.

    And I also agree with the fact that D/s, M/s, whatever you want to call it, stories that are well written are hard to come by. The relationship in those aren't, in reality, what most portray them as in stories. There is a major trust issue involved in them that very rarely is shown in the stories. And the top isn't just doing it to be a complete and utter asshole. It's far more involved and complex than that but most can't seem to get that across in a story.

  7. Honestly, you should make it impossible for authors to remove reviews except by request. If the review is objectively bad/poorly written/out of place/spam, then the mods can remove it.

    That is not happening. There is only one being that is able to do that, the head admin. Since she has more than enough on her plate and the rest of the mods are so backlogged with what needs done on a regular basis with not enough bodies to go around it's not feasible to even attempt it. Since removing reviews is a standard on most big sites (even ff.net is promising it) there would be a backlash to kingdom come if we did it.

  8. I take offense at the snarky asshole bit! I consider myself one (hey, we all deal with human stupidity in our own way!), and consider these lame fuckers as a stain on our reputation. :P

    LMAO! One snarky asshole to another, i agree but it needs to be taken in context. Let's face it, to deal with reality we all need to be snarky assholes to an extent, some of us have just lifted to a higher art form than the moronicus stupidic's we are talking about that pull these stunts.

  9. There is that old theory of the 'bad boy' and how girls just fall for them left and right. Unfortunately, it turns out to be true much of the time. The more of a snarky asshole you are, the more you tend to get females dying to date you and spread their legs. I think, honestly, it's something you have to grow out of and learn that you deserve better. But, sadly, many never do. Look at the legions of women that fall all over serial killers (Richard Rameriez-the Night Stalker, got married in prison, Ted Bundy fathered a child in prison, the list goes on and on) and people like Scott Peterson and the Menendez brothers. They have more women than they know what to do with despite the fact that they are stone cold killers and not what any beings would deem nice people. It's a similar vein of thought process there.

  10. The problem was that you were demanding reviews in your story. You were sent a notice on Sept 10th about the issue. Since it wasn't fixed the story was hidden on Sept 19th. As the issue was still not resolved after that the story was finally deleted on Oct 17th.

    You can reupload the story and there won't be a problem as long as you don't have the review demands in it or anything else that is a violation of TOS.

  11. The story was deleted on 10/17/10

    On 8/24/10 you were sent a notice about an author's note that was in excess of the allowable limit via e-mail. When no action was taken to correct the issue the story was hidden on 9/15/10. After that no action was taken to correct the issue so on the 17th it was deleted as we specified in the e-mail sent.

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