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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. Tonight from 11-11:30 ET I'll be doing a radio interview for Other Worlds of Romance live as a promotion for my book. You can listen online if you want on the site.... www.blogtalkradio.com/other_worlds_of_romance

    Since this is my first time doing something like this it outta be interesting to listen to. :rolleyes: Because of the late hour it's going to be for M rated only but NOT MA. I'll be answering questions and reading a excerpt from my book that it up for sale. So if you want to come and listen, you're most welcome to!

    Some of the instructions for it are this...

    The call in number is (646) 727-2932. People can sit on the site and listen to the live feed (first button in the box advertising my show), or they can call in and listen while the calls are moderated. Or you can go to the chat room and listen, and type any questions or comments they have, which will later be passed along to me. So come and enjoy yourselves!

  2. I can help with Power Unleashed if you want (it's still on my favs list from when i actually read in the Inuyasha fandom). The others, ergh... :) i don't know the fandoms at all but i can check for spelling and that but i would be no help with anything else since I've never watched them. Just e-mail me at Danyealle@Gmail.com.

  3. the only one it doesn't save is if you do the three - then hit enter making it a line across the page. That doesn't register at all but if you do a custom one like --------------------------------------- or something else, it does. I use the one in format--> borders and shading then horizontal line and it put it in fine.

  4. Actually, your doing it the hard way in both places. All you have to do, if you use things like Open Office or Word, is save it in HTML format and then upload it rather than copy and paste and everything is persevered (except centering on AFF for some reason). You can upload the HTML file in both places without having to copy and paste then worry about certain things transferring over after upgrades on ff.net (that's probably the issue, they just upgraded some stuff again and that always fuggles things up).

  5. Alright, on the original... this is the part that has the problem...

    The characters, and settings are not meant to be based on anything real dead or alive.

    what you need to say is any RESEMBLANCE to anyone real or dead.... what you have doesn't mean the same thing.

    In Naruto...

    for the first one this is your disclaimer

    This is a NARUTO fanfiction. The characters and the settings belong to Masashi Kishimoto. I'm not making any money out of it - it just my own story line i want to write

    what you need to say is I don't own Naruto. That covers it all. The way you have it worded doesn't mean the same thing

    this is the 2nd one...

    Disclaimer: This was written using a plotline from SurienAngel. The characters do not belong to me. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto. This is a Naruto fanfiction and im writing this for fun not money

    this is a character disclaim, not one that disclaims the whole fandom. Again, just say I don't own Naruto that covers that.

    When you get them adjusted contact us and we'll unhide them.

  6. That's why they were deleted then. Naruto has it's own domain so it doesn't belong in Anime. In the FAQ there is one that explains how to use the jump menu (not going to try to find it this second because my connection is deciding to be twitchy right now). That should be a great help to you and will show how to get it in the right place.

  7. From what she says on her ff.net profile, the only way to get access to most of her stories is through her Yahoo group. She has issues with AFF and one of her relatives hacking into he account and deleting it

  8. From this article...

    The estate of the late Adrian Jacobs added the world's richest author as a defendant to a lawsuit that alleges that a substantial part of Mr Jacob's 1987 book The Adventures of Willy the Wizard: No 1 Livid Land was replicated in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, published 13 years later in July 2000.

    Sounds weird to me and like someone is trying to make some bucks off the success of Harry Potter but do you think it could be true? Anyone read the book the mentioned?

    I know Stephanie Meyer of Twilight fame is accused of the same thing and it's in the court system now.

    So, what do you think?

  9. First, we can and HAVE banned by IP. We can also contact the site he posted on to get the stuff removed since it is obtained by a violation of the rules he ripped them from. If they are unreceptive, we go above them to the server and hosting site. They tend to be receptive to such complaints.

    While you are reading the rules, i suggest you also brush up on a few about behavior Joe, because you are starting to tread in dangerous areas and are looking at getting in trouble yourself with the snark and attitude.

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