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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. I think everyone is missing what I'm asking far, long and wide. Like the others have mentioned, I have some really bad fiction I like as well. In fact, I'm, at this moment, working on one that i adore but actually fixing the mistakes in it myself to make it more readable. What you like isn't the issue I'm talking about. What I'm asking is this: are those that are leaving absolutely glowing reviews for fictions that need serious work doing the author any favors by just giving them that ego stroke or does there need to be some honesty here in pointing out that there re mistakes? Will they ever learn from the mistakes or grow into their potential if no one does anything but praise them?

  2. I know that we ALL have seen this one... you open a fiction because you see it had a score of 5 out of 5 and glowing reviews only to find that it is so poorly written and has such bad grammar that it's all but unreadable. Then you begin to wonder just how it got those reviews and the rating it has.

    My question is this... are people who do such a thing doing an author a bad turn by only giving praise and not pointing out serious issues? Does it help them in any way other than to feed their ego? Should people really make those reviews and ratings count by giving the story just what it deserves rather than artificially elevating it? What do you think?

  3. I do this... first make sure your fingers are on the right keys (hehehe if you don't chances are whatever your about to type won't make any sense then you will have a nervous breakdown and cry :D ) the shut your eyes and GO. Don't open them, don't peek, just type and visualize. When you are done then you go back and fix things. Until then just let your fingers do what they do and follow where your mind leads. It helps me anyways....

  4. "The central heating broke down and I had to hold my pussy in front of it. It was frozen solid."

    - Mrs. Slocombe - Are You Being Served

    "What about this fog! My pussy's been gasping all night."

    - Mrs. Slocombe - Are You Being Served

    "You're dead but your not dead dead"

    -Lister-Red Dwarf

  5. i saw it a couple weeks ago looking for something else now I can't find it again.

    Basically it was a fiction where Voldemort had Snape create some kind of potion that brought forth the dormant creature in his followers so he would have an army of them. Lucius was a frost drake and Snape turned out to be a vamprie. They both ended up mated with Harry

    Any help would be appreciated

  6. try the Boiler Room it specializes in Inyuasha slash fiction

    there is also Speedy Tomato's Sesshomaru's Princess Though it

    s primarily a Kagome/Sesshomaru/Inupapa story the end of it, from where Kouga/Inuyasha come in is among the HOTTEST things I've ever read. Pure smut.

    I have like one Sesshomaru/Inuyasha but it's pure PWP and about 6 chapters long called The Battle Ends It has a continuation but it's a threesome with Kagome fic

    Beyond those, sorry, not much help

  7. OK, I've had this problem on other sites along with the issue of the formating stripping out all spaces and punctuation in the story (ergh) and I can safely tell you it's a microshit problem to do with one of their updates for office. There is a very easy solution for this....

    for an existing document you need to open it in notepad then save it as a text. Once that is done open in it Word then put the formatting back in then save it as a .doc file. Close it wait a minute or so or clean out your temp files then open it again. When you open it again save it in HTML format. That should eliminate the problem.

    For a new document...

    save it as a .doc then close it

    wait a minute or so

    then open it again

    save it as an HTLM

    close it

    that SHOULD fix the problem and it should upload with no clitches

    you should be good to go then. This is how I do it and it seems to save the trouble for my end

  8. Also a good way to drum lazy readers into reviews...


    Actually, that is now against the site rules...

    Review "Whoring"

    I'll start this with an explanatory. What this is, is a person who holds his/her story hostage for xx number of reviews. Someone who refuses to post unless they reach their stated target, and openly STATE this is what they are doing.

    Stories where review whoring is taking place, are subject to the same action as a story which has an improper disclaimer. The user will receive a review from a moderator stating the problem, and that the story is subject to being hidden after 7 days if the demand is not removed from the story. In point of fact, someone on the outside, should they choose to pursue it, could construe it as a form of payment, which is why it is NOT allowed. Granted, I realize reviews are not money. That doesn't change the reason for why it's not allowed.

  9. Of course I'm not saying that I am a better writer or anything I just think it helps if you reply to your reviewers. And it really is cool to go back to a story I've read and see that the author replied to what I wrote or something. Also getting little reviews like "Update soon" or something of the sort is actually very encouraging. It means people want to read what you wrote. I love to get those kind. :3

    Actually, as an archive mod, we are asking that people NOT do this in the archive in their stories at this point. During peak hours we are having problems with overload because of the increasing database size. We are working to fix it but it takes time to do. So, for now, we are asking that people not do this in stories or reviews but to start a thread here on the forum to do that or e-mail the person. Already tonight there has been problems loading the site, if you noticed lag in loading or getting time-out notices an having to refresh the page, you are seeing the problem.

  10. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?s...mit=&page=4


    Pure Demon 2009-10-23 id # 3001309337

    God.Even though I wrote this, I'M annoyed with this A/N.That's it!!!I'm taking it off!!!



    Pure Demon 2009-10-06 id # 3001306989

    To Saeadame,I didn't mean it like that.All I meant was that I don;t want people flaming my work,and it's not that I hate you or anything like that,I just hate flamers.And he fact that my bloody email is still down makes it hard for me to get it Beta(d), which is realy anoying.So,i'm sorry that I offended you,but I just got all carried away.But I realy hate flammers people!!!So dont flame it please!!!

  11. The problem is that you are in the Games sub-domain not in the original.

    In your authors panel along the left side near the very top (under where all the standard site tabs are) is something called Take Me To.... that is the main jump menu. Pull that down then go to original. It's there you find categories where your story would go.

    Hope that helps

  12. For those interested, I use this link to help with some words. It's great! It also has a section on there of what NOT to use in any case.

    Now, coming in from the published world of erotica, the one thing I saw on all sites when I was looking to submit was they want 1.) heat factor-to make the sex scenes as hot, erotic and believable as you can possibly get them and 2.) for you to use the correct terms for things in the way real people would refer to them. Some colorful euphemisms are fine but what they want is real and a sex scene that people can visualize. They also want it tailored to what you are writing. That at least gives you some hints as to what people seem to look for

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