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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. Well it's rather difficult for me as I'm still a virgin.

    :) despite what people thing, that matters not. I've done M/M stuff and I'm not a man (even won awards for it). I've also done f/f stuff and never done that in real life either. So, honestly, your real experiences don't mean diddly in this areal. What matters is you use your imagination and make it seem real with the way you describe it. And pointers would depend on what you want to do. If you're not comfortable with this or it's your first time, try something soft and go more for the feel of the scene rather than graphic details. Once you get more comfortable, go for more details with stuff that is more graphic and such.

    But just a big hint on something that seems to be a problem with so many: keep an eye on where you place hands. Characters don't generally have more than two of those things and I've seen too many that describe things like a human is an octopus with 8 of em.

  2. My opinion is that you just know when you've done enough. You find the point or something jumps out at you that tells you that you're done and just need to go with it. It's not something that you can explain beyond that, it's just instinctual is all. That's not a bit help I know, just something that has always worked for me.

  3. Titles are hard for me and always have been, like summaries. I've done tons of them. The only thing that I can tell you is you make something that stands out and gets attention. I've used song titles, such as Kryptonite, to lines from the anime i write it, Supreme Conquest, to chunks of old sayings, Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, to odd words that most people don't know. Anything to grab attention. Odd, from my perspective, works for titles. Try to come up with something that no one else has used.

    Getting attention for a fiction is something that isn't always easy. From what I've seen, the Naruto section is one that is fairly busy on this site, in the top three of traffic along with Anime and Harry Potter. So you are competing for readers with many other authors in a way you don't have to in some of the older domains like Buffy or Inuyasha or slower domains like YuYu or Yugioh. So you have to do something to get attention. To do that, don't be afraid to use the forum or other sites to promote what you do. There are many other sites out there that devote to one fandom or one pairing in a fandom. Try posting there as well instead of one site. The more sites you post on, the more hits you garner. The biggest hits I get come not from AFF or ff.net, the multi-fandom sites, but the site Dokuga where a specific pairing is allowed. Fans of that pairing only congregate and send my hit count high. AFF helps to get the name out there but don't be afraid to branch out.

    I will admit that once you establish yourself as doing good or fair work and putting out consistently does help in the hit count. Once you've been around for a while and develop a bit of a reputation, you do get better hits because you're known and people remember you. But that can be ruined if you drop off the face of the earth for a long period of time or allow your skills to erode and just put out less of a quality of work than you are known for. Try not to fall into those ruts and plug on. If you keep going then you will find that you will get recognized for it. Honestly, though they mean nothing at all in the real world, awards do help. Try to get your stuff submitted for them and encourage others to vote.

    Asking for reviews, from my point of view personally, doesn't do anything one way or another. It may encourage some to do so but most won't bother. On the whole, 99% of those that read fiction will never review and nothing you do will change that. Just keep that in mind and don't let it discourage you.

    Realistically, AR/AU stories, in most domains, don't do as well as things in canon and never have. Most want canon stories. Though AR/AU have a niche, they, as a rule, don't do as well. But they have their following and those that adore them.

    I don't read Naruto fiction, I've never seen the series so I wouldn't be one to ask about that fandom, so my comments are more general from someone who has been around for a few years. Hope they help and don't get discouraged. We were all noobs once.

  4. OK, the fiction is located here on AFF (link) but it's not finished. I've found the full but censored version on ff.net but I was looking for the uncensored version. I found the LJ and IJ entries for it but they aren't working. Does anyone know where else I might be able to find the last couple chapters? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  5. checked the story and it's now unhidden. The only notice you get that it will be hidden is the one we leave you the change the disclaimer. We don't follow that up because there are far too many of those to do that. Once it's hidden it's up to you to contact us about the problem as we have a limited number of mods that can do such things.

  6. I'm not a big fan of Harry/Draco but I like Snarry so here are a couple of my favs

    Measure of a Man is one of the best i've read. It's actually a Harry/Draco/Snape

    Their Phoenix is another and it's also a Harry/Draco/Snape

    Pains and Contradictions is a Snarry

    (by the way, those are all complete)

    Pledges has got to be about the funniest story i've ever read, i was in tears from laughing. Now, it's and old one and has some glitches in it with a bit of a formating problem but it's well worth the read. It's a Snarry. It's also complete

    Teddy Bear is a Snarry veela fic

    The Flip Side of Sanity

    To Have and To Hold is also good. There are two sequels to this as well

    I'm believing that all of them (except the final sequel to To Have and To Hold) are complete

  7. This is because this type of authors and reviewers don't have an objective to 'grow into their potential'. Posting fandom fantasies is about making friends, and receiving 'ego stroking' and SQUEEEE!. A relatively small number of authors wish to become actual professional writers in RL. This is a normal occurrence in any fandom.

    Actually, from what I know when it comes to authors, 90 plus percent of them are looking towards publication of something in the future. I'm a published author that uses fan fiction as 'practice' not to just get my ego stroked. To me, it's used to hone skills and practice what I do. All authors I know want constructive crit, not just the ego stroke thing.

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