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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. Melrick, like DG said, there is nothing I can say to make this easier. I lost my husband to the disease about 10 years ago (though not lung cancer, it was another kind) and nothing makes it easier, nothing. Just take it one day at a time, my friend, that's all you can do and enjoy the time you have left with him. Beyond that, try to stay strong and roll with the punches. It's not easy but just try. If you need anything, you yell. I'm more than willing to listen. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  2. To Yocom1219: No, sorry, I don't have a mailing list. What I have is Twitter and my Yahoo group where i do notifications. That and FaceBook if you have me on it, most don't, trust me!

    To She-who-waits-in-darkness and Tesgura: I'm working as fast as I can to get through the beta then I will start writing. My own beta, the amazing and stupendous Tenchi, is going to be helping me so I'm hoping it'll go faster and by next week I can start writing!

  3. First, let me remind everyone that the first 25 chapters were written by the most talented Aya Macchiato from ff.net as the sequel to Harry Potter and the Descent Into Darkness so I have no idea what her thought process was or anything like that when it came to things. She had 25 chapters complete and one very short partical chapter for 26 where I will be picking it up.

    Now, onto replies...

    To Unneeded...

    1.) I can't host the original story here as it's not mine. It's complete and the author of it is the only one that can post it here.

    2.) Oh yes, I will be continuing it! I have the brief notes she had on what she had planned and my own wicked, twisted ideas of what's going to happen to work with, so more is coming!!

    3.) I'm sorry, I can't give a link to the fic, that's not allowed. I've given where it's from and the name, best I can do for that!

  4. We're not done yet. The big boss has to work today so she'll finish when she gets home. But we do have it hidden and action WILL be taken! Just reality intrudes so much.... I'm sure you know that.

  5. Gotcha! Grabbing what we need now. Just give it some time since I'm the only on right now (it's like 4 AM so everyone sensible is asleep). But, rest assured, we take this VERY seriously and will be handling it!

  6. The whole LEMON STARTS HERE and LEMON ENDS HERE bit is enough to make me want to take a bat to someone. I'm sorry, but if I'm reading on here I rather expect smut to come into play somewhere unless there is a nosex tag on it. Nor am I going to have vapors and faint dead away if I find said smut in a story somewhere. If you're posting on AFF and reading on here then the fact that a story contains it isn't going to come as a complete and utter shock <sarcasm> though if it's well written by someone who has working knowledge of sexual escapades and the mechanics there of might</sarcasm>. Nor do you need to warn minors its there (let's face it folks, even the kids on The Pit read the crap and putting that up just draws them like flies to shit).

    Massive authors notes are another thing that make me want to beat people with something that causes an immense amount of pain. The truth? I don't read them unless I'm working in the archive or if it's an author that NEVER leaves a note, which generally conveys that it's something important I might need to take a gander at, and generally just scroll to where the story starts or leave it when the story part ends. Most of it isn't anything I need or want to know and is more BS than anything else (don't get me started on that as I've seen things like people bitching how their sister is screwing their husband and she's mad about it... no joke!). If you need a massive authors note to explain your story, plot or something in it that means you didn't write it correctly to impart those kinds of things. And if you did write it properly and someone didn't get it, it's their issue, not yours. Even worse than that is when they scream at you (via all caps) in the note or to leave a review. There is a special place in hell for these people, I swear it...

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