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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. i don't have that many fingers and toes to count them :P There are a great many in the archive. I saw, i think, at least three new uploads this week that would qualify in one archive alone. Scale wise, there are more out there than Vore when it would come to needing or using the tag.

  2. ABDL- Most know it as DaddyKink (or mommy depending on the gender portrayed) or DaddyDom (MommyDomme, depending on the sex). Correct term is ABDL -Adult Baby Diaper Lover. Seeing quite a few floating around and need it for someone smacking me over the head with a foam rubber 2X4

  3. Flaming is against the rules. Period. We do not allow such things. Go read the TOS and Guidelines. We can, and have in the past, banned flamers, flamebaiters and others that engage in such 'happiness'.

    You agree to conduct yourself in a responsible, mature manner on the site. This means that you will remain polite and respectful to all users, staff, admins and owners and will not 'flame' other users.

    From TOS itself.

    I am also going to state this as clearly as I can; unlike other sites on the web, AFF is fully moderated and we expect our users to follow the TOS and Guidelines as posted. If they don't, we handle it. I would also like to point you to our Hall of Shame. Yes, indeed, there are flamers there - several as matter of fact. We, on AFF, take the rules seriously and expect everyone to follow them. Consequences for not doing so are clearly laid out and spelled out in very clear language.

  4. What you can do is tag chapters in the story that needs them as an author's note. Something like tags for this chapter: blah, blah, blah, blah. We accept that as correct and don't take issue with it. Just make sure you put it as an AN we'll see, or the readers will, at the top.

  5. I'm going to state what i did early on in this thread once more...

    Now, I’m going to say something that you might not think is supportive or what you’re looking for but it’s factual… If you can’t handle the concrit reviews or someone telling you that you’re doing something wrong, writing isn’t for you. You are going to get them. Though you might not like what they say, the realism is that you probably need to listen. Especially if it’s been said by several people.

    I stick by that statement. If someone is so thin skinned they can't handle concrit, this isn't for them. Period. Because, honestly, if they think concrit is bad, try an editing process with a pro or reviews you get after published. Those are ego smashers.

  6. It was a troll fic, meaning she did it for attention and it was intentionally written to be bad. As most of the comments it got, especially the arguing back and forth between people on the board, were her, she knew just what she was doing. As we see these kinds of things all the time, and have a few residents in our Hall of Shame that have done such things, it's nothing new. It's done to gain them attention since, apparently, they can't get it for writing the normal way.

  7. Alright, first and foremost, I’m going to say I’m a blunt being. That’s why I don’t chime in on many of these threads as people take what I say, and how it’s said, wrong. With that being said, I’m going to jump into this.

    Starting off, I’m going to stay one thing very clearly. Dyslexia is not an excuse to put out anything that is poor in quality. Period. End of story. I’m dyslexic and I don’t do such a thing. I’m also published. Yes, it’s a struggle to work with it but it’s not an excuse to do so. It just takes you slowing down and going about things differently. Help from a beta would also assist in cleaning up mistakes you make on such things because of it. There are ways around it; all you need do is look for them.

    The other thing I’m going to say is this; though I know you’ve had problems with trolls, especially on The Pit, the realism is that if you can’t handle such things, writing isn’t for you. Trolls are like ants at a picnic. They happen. And, the thing is, the more they know they’ve gotten to you, the more they are going to do it and push harder. If there is a site that doesn’t rein in such beings, get off it and go to other ones. If they follow, report their ass. It’s that simple. They might not be able to do much but they can help. Beyond that, you ignore them. Trust me, I’ve had my share of the beasts. When you don’t respond or let them get to you, they get bored and move on.

    Now, I’m going to say something that you might not think is supportive or what you’re looking for but it’s factual… If you can’t handle the concrit reviews or someone telling you that you’re doing something wrong, writing isn’t for you. You are going to get them. Though you might not like what they say, the realism is that you probably need to listen. Especially if it’s been said by several people. Writing, and how you do it, is an ever evolving thing that you should nurture and make grow. It changes a great deal over time. You can’t change if you don’t realize you are doing something wrong and just stick to what you are over and over.

    Now, you said you had one you wanted to publish. I’m here to tell you from experience that if you can’t take the reviews, don’t submit it. First, there are something most authors will get at least once over their life; rejection letters. Then, if it is picked up for publication, the edit process you have to go through to get it ready will about kill you. I’ve been through it five times now. Some of the editors are very nice about it and some make the overly harsh concrit in the archive for stories look nice. It’s bad, even if they are nice. It’s horrific if they aren’t. You do it and go through it, though, to put out the best product you can. Dealing with some in the archive is nothing compared to that process, trust me. If you can’t deal with the concrit or other things, you won’t survive this and will be in tears over the whole thing.

    I’m not trying to be mean here, just lay out the facts of how it goes. Please try to take it that way.

  8. Heaven forbid, though, if we point out to someone that they make mistakes or need help. After all, this isn't a professional writing site and we shouldn't treat things in it as such. Or we hold the written word that people post to a standard of readability that doesn't want to make you spork your eyes out or you need a version of Babel Fish to figure out what was said.

    And, sorry, not buying the dyslexia excuse for poor writing either as I am one that suffers from it and i sure as heck don't put that kind of horribly written stuff out there!

    Sorry, all the excuses out there for poor writing are just that... excuses! There are ways to get help or fix it if you want to, most just think they don't have to bother.


    *goes back to hiding*

  9. OK, I think I found it. If it's the story located in Games this is the disclaimer you have...

    Disclaimer: I do not own these characters except the girl narrating it. As more chapters are added, violent sex, torture, BDSM, and other dastardly deeds will be part of the story.

    that doesn't have any of the points we need in the disclaimer. Here is the FAQs on Disclaimers and what is needed....


  10. OK, we'll take a look and see what we can determine! Just some FYI; if they are what we call 'current', uploaded within the last week, we'll get to them on our normal sweep of the archive. But this one appears to have been missed and we'll handle it.

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