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Posts posted by Danyealle

  1. OK, I found the thread I was looking for. Just earlier tonight I was very depressed, seeing the large number of hits my 5 day-old story got compared to its lack of reviews, & to be honest I just wanted to delete my whole AFF account & leave. I'm still doubting my desire to post anything else, which I would have to type directly here for nothing. I get more support, guidance & encouragement on my personal fanfic blog where not nearly that many people read my stuff, who are not at all obliged to encourage me but still do. I also see fics that have been here for ages (excellent ones) boasting thousands of hits and (maybe) 1 or 2 reviews. WTH?

    I'm going to say this honestly... if you are here to get reviews, get out now. This isn't the place to do that. Some fandoms, especially those that cater to younger beings, get those no matter what craptastic, unreadable BS you put up but most of the fandoms don't get the kind of thing you are looking for, especially the older ones. Some stories, ones that have gone on forever, do get such things but newer ones from authors people don't know tend to not get the mega-hits or review counts. However, though reviews might be scarce as hen's teeth, that doesn't mean what you do get doesn't mean anything. Hell, I have a multitude of stories on this site that have been up for years that have no reviews. A few even came down to be published, and I don't mean self-published either, though they had no reviews on this site. Lack of reviews means nothing. It means that people aren't reviewing for their own reasons. You also need to take into account the concept of review karma, meaning the more YOU review, the more apt you are to get them in return. It does tend to work that way.

    Reviews are an odd thing. As so many have pointed out, many stories that get mega hits, reviews and rates aren't worth it and you wonder if those that did that read the same one you did while really good ones don't get such things. It just goes that way on all sites I've seen.

    In closing, I'll say this... if you like what you're doing and do it for your own reason, what difference do reviews make to you anyway?

  2. OK, folks, I’ve tried to stay out of this because I tend to offend as I’m a blunt being but I’m going to back up what BW says from the prospective of a mod AND someone that has gone through the procedure to adopt a story….

    This is not a hard procedure to go through, period. End of story.

    It took me a whole five minutes to give the proof the site needed to adopt the story Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness. No, I did not get a break from anything anyone else had to do. In fact, I had to go through the same thing as everyone else and provide proof that, indeed, I was given permission to do so. It’s on file with the site and admins that the original author gave me said permission and I could take over the story. It was easy.

    There is no reason in this world that Grumpy and Jordinio cannot do the same bloody thing if Grumpy wants to take over the story. All we need is proof from the original author that they have permission to take over this story. Period. All. We. Need. We don’t have this!

    What most of you are not ‘getting’ is we get plagiarism reports about stories posted years ago to this day. Some are founded, some aren’t. If we don’t have the proof of permissions, it comes down to can we prove it. If the author of the original isn’t around and the author that adopted it can’t provide them for that reason, we have no choice but to down the story because they can’t. We see people posting others work without permission all the damned time! We also see unauthorized sequels just as often. These are plagiarism. To stave off the accusations and protect the author adopting, we need proof that they have the permissions. It’s easy to do and can be easily provided. That’s all these two need to do. Something, apparently, they aren’t.

    The other issue is that it’s against the rules to post another’s work on the site. That’s clear as a bell in the damned TOS. Adopting and taking over a story is one thing, posting for another is another and it’s not allowed. That’s what Grumpy is doing. We don’t allow anyone to do this with one exception; translated works. Those also have to provide the proof of permission like I said above.

    These aren’t hard rules, folks. They are simple, easy and provide protection to all those involved in the damned situation. Just because other sites (read that ff.net) don’t give a fiddler’s damn about it, doesn’t mean we don’t. We protect our authors here to the best of our ability because, golly, gee, WOW, most of the mods and admins are writers themselves!

    So, rather than tantrum, go tantrum with the two that have decided to ignore what the mods and admins say and when they are bluntly told not to do something, the consequences of what will happen being clearly given, The issue is we are enforcing the same rule we do with everyone else! If these two can’t follow what everyone else does, this is not OUR PROBLEM!

  3. please don't ask for copies. That's against site rules and it was made clear with this when you posted in this thread...

    If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected.

    Respect the authors wishes and don't ask for copies of downed stories

  4. the issue is it was placed in the wrong domain. You put it in Harry Potter when it belongs in Books in the Anita Blake section since the setting for it was in the Anita Blake 'verse. This is the standard way we determine where crossovers go. As we do with all misplaced stories, we delete them on sight. You are free to reupload it to the right place. But it can't go back into Harry Potter.

  5. while it might be a pain and I spend my fair amount of time cussing, it beats the last spam attack we got of over 1000 stories in multiple archives that were nothing but spam in a matter of hours. Yeah, I remember that spam attack and having literally tons of pages to go through to find actual stories (this was before I was a mod and the reason that recapta came into being on the site). It's eaten a fair share of my reviews, I'll admit to that, but I type them up in my word processing program anyway the paste over. This one, though me and it have no fondness for each other, is far better than that POS custom one Yahell has or a couple others I've seen. You might complain that some are easier but you need to remember that they are either custom written code (like for ff.net) cost money to put on. So, rather than have to deal with what we did in the past, I'd rather deal with recapta and refresh when i can't read something it kicks out to me.

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