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Posts posted by Calanthee

  1. Yes I know a few demons and they owe me big for all the souls I sold them...Including yours....Yeah stole it trough the internet anyways my word back is "Super."

    And like they say there's no kill like overkill


    Lost my soul to rock and roll, along time ago, so whatever you have its not mine! CAL

    "trash talk" :D

  2. This is me being nice like i always say I'm rude, sarcastic and mean sprited and that's when i like someone if i don't like someone i just ingore they exist altogather and for Tentacle porn i was thinking more along the lines of demons.

    and to truce I say War

    Such a little badass, so HOOD do know any real demons on a personal basis that you'd ask to borrow their tentacle?

    Well I am sarcastic and like to tease people especially about what they write, truly its not my intention to hurt your feelings, I just to like fool around and play with words and see where your coming from, if I am annoying you let me know. lol I might even stop... maybe! or maybe not CAL

    By the way are you sure you killed me enough times today, good thing I am undead and keep coming back for more or you might become bored. What would you do if Keith killed you as much you do me. Nothing I like better than sneaking in and going up a few levels when you aren't looking babe it make me high. I real glad you can't make my levels go down or I actually might get upset. lol


  3. Tentacle porn

    Hood Trust you to like tentacle porn, no intelligent Octpuss would bother wasting his time going after people when he can get a nice fat fish to fill his belly. There smarter than some people.

    You and me need to be nicer to each other and stop being meanies. You dig HOOd. Pyrocore is nicer than you and me are we going to let him get away with that, now! You can kill me all you want in game its just a game, just don't call bad names it hurt my feeling and makes me cry! SOB

    Cal :huh:

    "truce" be nice, just don't hurt yourself.

  4. glasses

    you should read all of my love hina fics than and be sure to leave reviews they make my write more

    Don't know what your talking about and dont't care, all I know my favorite Bad ASS Anime Character of all time is the Silvery Sephiroth with his big sword Masamune... he just might be stronge enough to handle Imasuky Lomae, she of the REd Hood with the fierce superbad killer Attitude. Ah the finally fantasy my way.

    A braking "Shattering" defeat LOL, Cal

  5. In regards to my gender I'm called gender fluid male, female, or something inbetween all depends on my mood in my mind as for the body that's a secret and as for what's in my pants

    Ask a Fool in Time of Need....in my pants

    Ah yes fluid gender, very necessary in this modern age. I concur. Plus it doubles your chances for getting some action. B) Cal

    A sexy powerful Mage with fiery balls... in my pants

  6. Shine, My Sword....In My pants

    Liar Liar pants on fire, Girl you do not have a shiny sword in your pants, Unless you are a Wreaththtu with a dual gender and certainly its not shiny, more colorfully red and blushing than Shiny, but I suppose you could oil it up????

    Exaggerated symbolism... in my pants!

  7. bested

    what i just did to you =P

    "Overwhelm", what I plan to do to you both Pyro [fire boy] and [imasuky of the Bright REd Hood], eventually, lol it just hasn't happened yet, for I am Cal the patient, I'll wait my turn! And get by you both by your chinny chin chins!

    I'd twirl my mustach, if had one Evil Cal, the Big Bad Wolf

    Yo isn't roleplaying fun Guys.... he he her and har

  8. hot dog wolf...in my pants

    By the way there's always room in my pants but the fee to get in is higher than you could ever hope to pay B)

    So you put a padlock on it, so no one can in...or do you have a favorite bouncer that stand outside to protect the goods.

    Chastity belt... in my pants! :rolleyes:

  9. I have no delusions of Godhood I was Blessed by Cthulhu join us now or be driven mad when the great old ones rise.

    And as to itty bitty pieces I have

    Great Big Chunks

    Now I see your worship of Ancient Chaos God Cthulhu is the giant bloody Octo'pussy... eek the female symbolism is profound! He he,,, he cums in cycles from the great deep dark orifess between the world to devour the living and the world in "great big chunks" to satisfy endless appetite, his eight tenticules reach out to destroy and crush all into bitty pieces... till nothing is left but residue and dust!

    "Residue" but lOl afterward from this chaotic swirling dust and entropy once more comes life. Bang So it written, so it shall be! Whither you like it, sweet cheeks, or not.... :rolleyes:


    Gee, I know I read it somewhere, Calanthee

  10. Whole

    if I'm struck down a thousand shall rise in my place and by that i mean I'll burst into a cloud and a thousand smaller copies of me will from and for each one of them that is killed another thousand so before long I would rule the Earth

    Okee-dokey, Sugarpuss, whatever floats you boat and rolls you hoop... everyone should have a nice hobbie... an illustion of Godhood is only one example of this type of occupation or past time!

    Have fun Kiddo bursting into a cloud, just watch for that nasty Hurricane, that plays with clouds as if they were toys, Personally I think your in for a bumpy ride sweet cheeks!

    LOve and Wet Smooches, Cal

    "Little bitty pieces"

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