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Posts posted by Calanthee

  1. i dont know about you but personally i think gods up to something with all the good looking Female Angels Up Thier! oh and he has quite the Ego

    Peace Out And May The Furs Be With You WOOOOOO!!!

    Dear Monsterking, Godzilla Sweety,

    NOt all those pretty angels are females...from what I heard from a little winged birdy...angels can be just a little bite confused gender-wise...sometimes you have to look up their little white robes... too see whats actually there. Angels for the most part, must be pure of thought and deed or so its said! But I agree with you, Mr EGo the almighty with G, nails'em every chance he gets... when no ones looking...the horn Dog! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! What's with the baby angels, cherubs, is you know who, a the celestial pedophile too? :) But then I suppose HE created Yaoi too!

    The Infamous and EVil, Calanthee

  2. A fully functional hermaphrodite IS impossible. The situation is a hypothetical.

    According to science anything conceivable is possible, we haven't reached that point to make it so yet or perhaps the mutation hasn't taken place, so far, but keep looking down and checking yourself out, things might develop any time now! :(:P^_^

    Diabolical, Cal

    PS If anyone finds something there, that wasn't there before let me know! Damn it could change everything. What if Mpreg was suddenly real, and not just fan fiction?

  3. I totally agree. Most of what I write is het, and it's REALLY HARD. Pussy sounds too weak and juvenile. Cunt sounds too rough and harsh. Flower and womanhood sound inspecific and avoidant, much like member and manhood. And after those, you start getting into words that are just plain stupid or ugly: twat, slit, gash, fanny, chasm, cavern, hole, box, beaver, etc. They're just awful.

    I think I usually try to write AROUND the issue, by using prepositions and descriptions. "[adjective] folds" has also come in handy a couple times, I think.

    Yes I think "folds" comes in very handy, you can dress it up or down, with moist or damp...make it tender, delicate, fragile, fragrant, heated or hot....and it's truly not so vulgar as those other words you used!

    The lovely and fragrant, Cal ^_^

    Alas, almost as versatile as "folds" for females, is the term "shaft" for men...you can dress it up or down with hard, rigid, slick, thick, long, massive, dripping, fragrant, heated and hot! Etc! Etc! Etc! So have fun all! :D

  4. Normal, Zyxy Babe, is an illusion, no such thing exist, everything is in a state of flux/change from minute to minute in the universe....oh accept you... your alway so rigid about things ...guess that's normal for you, happy titties, but you should learn to be flexiable and go with the flow and enjoy the balls once in while... truly you don't know what your missing.

    Har- die har har, Calanthee ^_^

  5. It takes little effort to read, but to review, one is force to actually think. Appariently most people don't like to think. I don't review stories I don't like because I don't want to give negative fed back to the author and discourage them, when they enjoy doing it... so let'em write and be happy. I give lots of reviews, but rarily negative one. Who am I to correct other people grammar and spelling when mine sucks too!

    Be honest with yourself do you really appreciate negative reviews, even though you say you do... I often get discouraged and want to cry... and I appreciate the readers mercy.

    One way to get them to response is to shock'em, tease'em or keep'em hanging with a cliff-hanger LOL... occasionally they will yell at you! But then you know they care!

    So boys and girls have mercy for those numerious non-thinkers out there, perhaps that mental muscle is broken from daily wear and tear!

    The compassionate Cal, the Assassin ^_^

    See plot bunny hiding:


  6. Confess who's got a real fetish for toe cheese and toe sucking out there, ergo a lover of smelly stinking feet <_<<_<:o:lol::P

    Truly yucky foot action is Worse than a inny or outty laving anytime.... especially after some college Kid drinks strong boose from inside it !

    Truth is there is more nasty germs in a human's mouth... than in a dog's!

    My Sweet lovelies, A heads up from, Cal

  7. Be careful what you wish for. Some of us are unabashed, fetishistic perverts. But don't let that scare you- when I'm not writing stories about women as mindless sex objects, I'm actually a very personable fellow.

    - FS

    Yo 'Flesh_Seraph' Sweet Cheeks, if your anything like whats under the hat in your avaitar picture, beware of strange deviate fangirls...or boys... who will be after your ass, and you'll learn the true meaning of a mindless sex object. You couldn't scare me if you tried...sugarbutt!

    Lurid perverted, Cal the Har, I look in either direction and then I pounce hard :whip:

    PS. Here hoping you have a big whopping sense of humor, to go along with your other fetishes and perversions! :balloon:

  8. Oh, what is wrong with me? So many things i should be doing right now, and my brain is obsessed with carpenter porn.

    Not guys with leather tool belts... Describing a nail getting hammered as a smutty encounter.

    "BAM!" "Oh, baby. Call me?"

    Soooooooooooo, so, so weird. But inexorable until i get it out and on paper. Okay, well, out and pixellated on the screen, anyway.

    Makes me want to know what lubricating a henge... or a gate does for you... LoL, or is just the sound of bang bang bang or the nail getting smaller and smaller as it goes into the wood... with you're male affinity for size and stuff??? Perhapes you should stay away from those big giant screws 8 to 10 inches long.

    Evil Dirty, Cal

    PS I spend a lot of Free time at hardware stores like Home Depot... it turns me on! :rolleyes:

  9. :angry:Poor thing! Just wasn't up to dealing with digital, so he passed on to the next level and is playing situation comedies for the angels now.... hopefully he wont play those naughty soap operas or that White trash tV Where they yell and talk dirty.

    Hang in there and don't cry, just enjoy your brand new wide screen HD TV. that you replace him with! LOL CAL

  10. Hi all.

    This is my 1st topic on the forums so please excuse if there is one like this already going.Basically I would like to start writing a few fan-fics to go with the ones I have already done for here.The only problem is when i go to write them I get writers block so can't come up with a plot or anything.Is there anyway to clear this away as I would love to do some for all to read out there.


    Andrew Price/And 1

    Write down anything to brake the block, and the use the words you pick to make up a story. Even if you don't use them later....

    the blankness of the screen or the paper... causes mind freezes, sometimes you need, to grab your muse by the throat and shake the little bastard to wakefulness... he likes to be lazy and not produce plot bunnies like he should....so wake him up with a little violence or throttle him to life! Cal :balloon:

  11. Wang? Where did this word come from?

    Yet I have heard it used in the most ancient lyric prose:

    [Does your wang hang low, does it wobble to and fro!]

    Yo, but something tells me thats not Chinese, so can anyone tell me the source of this little gem? :balloon:

    I was told once that a lot of naughty words, came from German, could 'schlong' be one of them?


    Someone should put out, a Dictionary of Sexy Filthy Words,and indicating the countries they come from, as a source for writers.... I think it would be a fun read!

  12. The anus shouldn't even be mentioned, ever.

    Anal sex is everything that is wrong with our society >_>

    Zyxy Critic in case you haven't noticed, everyone disagrees with you...According the forum count Anal Sex Rules!!! Numerious stories on AFF can't seem to do without it! What would you have us replace it with knitting or embroadary??? Even in politics everybody gets screwed in public.

    List of words Zyxy wont like near and close to Anus: alley, butt hole, channel, drill door, eyelet, flue, gate, hole, inlet, jar,knob,lair, mouth, niche, orifice, pucker, quiver, rear, sanctum, tunnel, unprepared, vent, wicket, Yaoi spot, Zyx!

    Cal the ASS aSS in

  13. I'm working on my original story The Vampire Hunter. Right now I am at a part that has one of the enemy vampires explaining his plan to the Count and I'm totally stuck. I can move a little but it is forced moving.

    I know something is not right as the story is not flowing so fast like it would with the other blocks. I may have to wait till tonight to talk with my other story writer about the story as I know something is not right with the story itself to have such a block on it.

    I hate this when it happens.

    So how do you handle a story block?


    Ask yourself various questions about the part that's holding you up, for example... why must every vampire tell his plans? Some vampires might wish to keep their plans secret, some might lie, tell half truths...or just be late for the meeting with the Count. The repetition of the situation might be boring your Muse. Give your Muse something exciting, so he/she is hopping with excitment... then see how many assorted plot bunnies you get. Good LUck, Cal

  14. Cal,

    I can't speak for anyone other than myself but I know that you're not a troll! lol And I do realize that you're just poking fun to get a rise out of us anime lovers. But I also realize how much people want to protect and defend the things they love. And sometimes, it's hard not to take such things personally. Afterall, you are attacking our incredible good taste! :D Now if you really want fireworks, try posting one of your colorful reviews of a Harry Potter book and see what happens! :P

    As far as making fun of the animes that you love, I wouldn't dream of it. You've got several of my personal favorites listed there so I'll just stick with applauding your good taste! lol I'll even go so far as to suggest you check out Black Blood Brothers. I think you might really enjoy it, based on your little list there. Just, please, don't review it here! :P

    DEar Maidenhair, already did the Potter Thing See Aimless Bable April 6, 2008. Under "Moderators are you aware," surprising most people got the humor, accept for my old nemsis poor humorless little Zyxy the Red....he still hates me to the point of wanting to murder me... no doubt he has my name in his little book...........giggle! Hugs CAl

    How do I check out this Black Blood Brothers?

  15. Attention this is very long, perhaps I should included chapters....Sorry DarkinuLord, sometimes I just can't stop...I have this writing adiction............

    I was going to leave this thread sink into the world of the retired, despised, disliked threads... for a number of you were truly getting your poopie in a stir over nothing. At least the ones with no sense of humor. While others replyed with their logical opinions, without having a mental breakdown or a tizzie fit, in other words they acted like normal adults. I don't dislike those who disagree with me...thats everyone right. How boring it would be if we all agreed with each other all the time.

    I suppose I briefly acted a little semi- trollish, to get you people to respond in the beginning, because I thought most of you were adult enough to handle it. But I only flamed or retilated when you flamed me first, and I thought I was doing it with humor and sarcasm, and even mocking myself, but some of "the children type" didn't see it that way especially when I threw some of their very own words and statements right back at them... critics don't seem to enjoy having their own words thrown back them... it disturb their little small minds.

    But the following flaming words deserved my response.... "I still hate you" by critic one /and critic two... "Did you actually watch Gundam Seed or did just make it up as you went along... how dare you get Orbs creed wrong... why didn't know the names of characters in the show I how dare you devestate such great show" [Paraphrasing the Critic ]...Because basically the series didn't deserve such delicate percision...it was simply an abbrevated parody for the sack of humor and I didn't need names to describe their basic movation. This same critic couldn't even take a simply joke about battle-pro... he took it total seriousily.

    A sense of humor seems a rare thing these days, to bad we each need one, to make it through in this modern world today... almost as much as food... plus its not fattening!

    Just for everybody knowledge I was never thrown off a forum for Trolling ever, but I did Flame back trolls, because they interfered with the forums functions... I gave them a big dose of their own Medician... until they fled back under their bridges and were never heard from again.

    I biggest Reason I am writing this is to let everyone know, how much I value being on this forum, as well Aff archives. I shutter at the though that some uptight little child, will call me a troll one too many times and I'd get tossed out on my ear... I truly don't know what I'd would do, most likely I have a nervous breakdown... because it is so much a part of my life now!

    So no more Anime Parodies, that might upset the children, but kids if you want to make fun of a few of Mine feel free, if it makes you feel validated: here is a small list of my Favorites, but without the Yaoi Manga thrown in.... just for my young critics:

    Final Fantasy VII / Crisis Core, anything with sexy Sephiroth in it

    Trinity Blood sexy Able Nightroad



    Ghost in a Shell

    Cowboy Bebop

    The humorous one about about the chick with the lovely eyepatch, when she puts it on she turns into a long dead warrior, and nearly kills her boy friend, it is very very funny!

    Oh little Shin and his little bare butt and his nutty mother, also very funny!

    If you get through this, I suppose I should give out naughty point... naah I need'em for Battle-pro!

  16. I give up you guys are not any fun at all.... everything I say you take intimately personal...no more parody reviews of anime... that you people have a fanatic love relationship with...your just too uptight about it and get insulted very easily! I thought I was dealing with adults, but I guess not?

    I should spend more to writing my story anyway... so by by,


  17. /////////////////////////////////////////

    Wikipedia says:

    An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


    it may be true you start your own threads but you're still a troll.

    Fee fi fo fom, under the bridge I hide, all the better to eat you... Hun!

    You needn't reply if you don't like what I writ, your free to avoid my threads, if you can't take the heat~

  18. Ah, what a fair and fragiln thin skinned beauty I behold. Had I known that such silly works were meant to be a representative of your very being, I admit I would not have been so cruel. My honor weeps that I did not hone the edge of my rapier wit, the better for my barbs to make a clean cut! You have my regrets, madam. I shall do my utmost to prevent a recurrence in the future of these events!

    But you must admit, your attempt at parody falls flat when you so misunderstand your target. When the depth of your comprehension can be measured in terms normally reserved for the strangest of quarks you disqualify yourself from the ranks of the satirist and descend instead into the ranks of the ignorant. Do not attempt to quibble with this judgement. Your inability to identify even the most base of figures from the series reveals just how shallow your fountain of knowledge truly is.

    This error has its magnitude compounded when you consider how falsely you portray ORB's creed, and the rather regrettable attempt to distract with real world politics. The series itself portrays the tragedy of what happens when that ideal is betrayed by Yuna's attempts to grab power from itself; and at the same time why it is important to be able to defend oneself even when conflict is not sought; this case in both series when both the Atlantic Federation and the forces of ZAFT attempt bully ORB into doing their bidding. This has little, if anything to do with the Iraq war or the situation in the Middle East in general, though I supposed a case could be made that this illustrates the position that Isreal occupies; either way I can only assume this is an attempt to draw me into a politically charged battle. I fear this is neither the time, nor the place for such an event. And from your own personal opinion, which you so colorfully stated, I doubt it would matter even if it was.

    In a much more honest tone of voice, I do suggest getting a grip. You really did do a horrible job of trying to parody the situations of the anime. I admit that I am one of the few fans the series has, since I enjoyed the camp, but that doesn't make some sort of diehard Gundam defender. You failed to name anyone of importance to the series. You tried to nitpick things that weren't even there with that line about space and going to another planet. Instead you just posted some aimless rant, with no good cause, and then immediately took offense on the first people to call you on the mistakes you made. To make matters worse, you posted this travesty on a site dedicated to fandoms and writing, as if you desired to spark such a conflict. (Which, to be honest, I am almost sure was the goal.)

    Now, as far as you or battlepro, I honestly could care less. Who are you to think you have some importance to me? As far as I am concerned you are nothing more than disembodied presence represented by pixels on the screen. As for battlepro, it is neither a game of skill, nor chance. Hack away, it matters not. But if you're desiring to play the wounded victim, than I shall enjoy first inflicting the wounds.

    Such big words and so many, Let me get out the dictionary...Republican and Gundam seed lover... Gee I must have drawn some blood or you wouldn't have gotten you panties in such a painful twist. Wounded victim not me! I was laughing my ass off and mocking myself as much as You Kiddo...its you who fails to see the humor or the sarcasm!

    Calanthee, the Travesty and the Sparker of Conflicts, Aha my evil goal has been found out... oh poor poor me! LOL

    The battlepro thing was a joke... trust you to take that serious, unfortunately its you who can't take the heat or the Joke~Republican!

    By the way all art and that includes writing, reflect the real world in some way, whether we want it to or not!

  19. Calanthee, I have to ask...do you actually watch these series? Or do you just pull these from Something Awful and try to imitate them here?

    This would require an interstellar drive for one thing, something that is quite lacking from anything in any Gundam universe. Besides, you might as well say the same thing about any other space driven show, from Star Trek to Earth 2.

    Wha-? At this point I'm not even sure you are watching a Gundam series at all, so much as a bad parody of one. There aren't any mutants, for one thing. The Coordinators are genetically engineered, sort of a analogy for the current scares over genetically engineered food. And both sides are fighting to either cause/prevent (depends on who the good guys are at any given moment) genocide. Since I realized you were talking about Seed Destiny, there's also a strong over tone of free will, and the right to self determination in there... I guess if you consider these to be "stupid political reasons" they are, at least for you. As for me and most folks I know, these tend to be a pretty big damn deal.

    Actually, the plan was to turn everyone into genectically engineered worker bees after he had conquered the place. It was a pretty blatant attempt to take over and make himself god.

    I'm assuming then that you haven't seen the first series? Lacus was most definitely a driving force for peace...up until a corrupt government had her entire family killed and turned her into an exile. At which point she realized there was a time to talk things through, and a time to clean house. Since I get the feeling you didn't actually watch the series, I think it is worth pointing out that the Lacus who was flying about singing for peace was a fake installed for propaganda purposes. It was trying to kill the real one that was the first clue that Dullindal was evil.

    *Sigh* Ok, ORB's creed is, and I'm paraphrasing somewhat, "We shall not interfere with the affairs of other nations. We will not invade our neighbors, nor shall tolerate and invasion of our shores." There is actually a little monologue where Cagalli's father point blank explains that pacifism is a fine ideal, and one that she should up hold, but that as the leader of her country it is in fact her duty to defend the ideals of others. If ORB didn't have the means to protect itself, it would just become a victim of its own creed.

    And Kira's I Object! scene was just damned awesome for being pulled off the way it was.

    Oh, and it's not anima, it's anime... Anima, as defined by wikipedia:

    Review Score: 3/10. Nice attempts at humor, but failure to properly summarize makes the mockery ring hollow. Judge's suggestion: Next time watch the damned show!

    Oh golly Gosh another critic that hates me for my little parody... Yeah babe/dude I watched the Damn Seed the full series twice to look at the pretty people and I took what I wanted from it... and abrevated the rest... so whether the word anima... anime... or enima... its the way it is, I was trying to be funny...nor was I trying for every last nuance of the series. Man Made mutants or Coordinators they are both genetically engineered, whats the bloody difference its just words... they are artificially created or altered for a particular purpose.

    "*Sigh* Ok, ORB's creed is, and I'm paraphrasing somewhat, "We shall not interfere with the affairs of other nations. We will not invade our neighbors, nor shall tolerate and invasion of our shores."


    All wars are generated to make money for someone or a group of someones, who cares if people die in process... that is the warmongers Creed!

    As for the scene being pulled from Death Note... it abuse of Artistic free speech!

    Well I guess we took a step up, you just gave me a bad grade 3 out of 10, at least you did threaten to kill me, Like a previous Critic! :rolleyes: Or Maybe you're just mad, because I killed you a number of times on Battle Pro? Smooches, Cal

  20. Never seen it, still hate you

    Oh God "SoB" I devastated....Not really sugar butt, but it sounds good :ph34r: Its almost as much fun to be well hated by your enemies, as it is to be well liked by your friends! Go for it Zyxy Darling, whatever make you happy... say hello to your Shinigami for me and give him an apple for me! I know he is lurking just beside you..............Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Cal :rolleyes:

  21. Boo... i haven't seen this one so I can't really comment, but I do enjoy your reviews. As far as capitalist arms dealers selling to both sides, isn't that the best idea ever? No matter who loses, you win!

    Thanks for the review of my review, please I don't think your missing anything, hate to tell you this, but... it happens all the time....capitalist arms dealers selling to both sides, even if it is through a middle man! Cal

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