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Posts posted by Calanthee

  1. Okay lets see, who gets their little panties in twist of over this review of the Gundumb Seeds, Come I dare you not too.

    I never understand war in space, why bother, just get in your little Space Ships and head for parts unknown and save bullets!

    These pretty tiny little people with their sweet little faces and large brightly different colored eyes, they should be enjoying sex with each other.... instead they enjoy climbing into big metal suit aka Space Ships and wacken the high tech crap out of each other, because of Stupid political reasons, the ones side Called the Plants genetic enhanced Mutants, While the earth force are suppose to Regular Humans, but here were it gets confusing appariently there some mutants work for the human too and some humans work for the plants... yuck these guy need to get a life.

    Apparently some one likes to mind wipe these little Space Jockeys and their wee minds, send them out to fight each other over and over and until they die again and die again! Well everybody needs a hobby!

    They have this long dark haired hottie running the Off earth Plant side, who appariently want to kill everyone who doesn't agree with him. But he does get to screw one of his Female Space ship Captains.. lucky for him. He want to kill for peace, so it will never happen again.... yeah thats it... Kill for peace that will work?

    There is all so a bunch of human Captalist who just want to make money, and take control of the world... very likely sell weapons to both sides to make few Bucks! Sounds familliar to me. The Dark haired hottie tried to kill all these guys too, because they were warmongers! He might have succeeded, but something tells me more will replace them.

    Then we have a pink hair Chickey babe is a Hot Singer, who is supposedly to be a force for peace between all the world at beginning, but later she ends up Leading, another stupid battle in Space!

    Oh heavens, I nearly forgot Orb, sounds like glandular problem, a human country for peace, but they also have battleships, spaceships, and of course those big robot space ships for peace, and they have elected themselves as saviors of the world, run by pretty blonde Chicky, who was forced into marrage with a purple haired male whimp... who was in gouhoots with the earth Captalists... accept she was rescued by one of the many hero cuties types, who operates one the giant Killer Robot Space suits/Space ships.

    This show is a stupid waist of time... why is popular when its Dumb, These pretty little people should be out screwing each other and exploring the Universe or both at the same time! :rolleyes:

    What these guys need is a good Nasty enemy like the Borg or Gou'ole...it annoys me to watch them kill each other over and over!

    Cal the Assassin, and another one bites the dust!

    Please feel free to reply and threaten to kill me, I always enjoy a good threat... do you really think I have a bad Attitude? Not me I am just a pussy kat.... really Leer Leer :ph34r:

  2. Sometimes I wonder if it's me... Because no one else seems to notice calanthee's attitude...

    If I like something enough I feel insulted too when it gets insulted. This is what happened here, and despite clear signaling that I didn't like it, it continued. I say three words to defend this show that I like and suddenly I'm insulting??? Now I could express my burning rage by saying things that would make "fuck you" seem like a marriage proposal but then I'd get banned and even angrier. Obviously internet doesn't allow me to stab people online... Well, I think I've made my point: I'm pretty pissed off.

    So Zyx your going to kill me, because you don't Like My Attitude... LOL I am honored, Giggle... gee... no wonder you Worship Lord Kira... your one of his perverse pissed-off little children.

    Yes my attitude was Confrontational on purpose... truly not to insult you personally Zyxy, just to make people respond to my e-mail and explain their opinions... sorry you don't get my sarcasm, but Honey its time you get a sense of humor, nothing on this earth is so important that you can't make fun of it... especially ourselves and our human frailties. Learn to laugh at yourself before its too late, or truely kiddo you'll end up in the bug house with a selection of mixed nuts, banging your head against the wall!

    PS Kiddo it will take a lot to insult me, I am the last of Red Hot Flamers of the Rightous, I use to eat trolls for breakfast and spit out their horns and tails... the F word and the like doesn't phase me a bit.


  3. Okay, I was going to keep my mouth shut but I really suck at doing that. :P Death Note is a wonderful anime. Yes, it's dark. Yes, it's morbid. Yes, it's bizarre. But those aren't bad things. I like the anime (because of all those things! :P ) and I like the manga that it's based on, as well. The writing is amazing. It's multi-layered and complex. This is not a storyline where you can easily anticipate what lies around the corner. Messianic and Utopian themes are very dominant in this story. But again, that doesn't present a problem. They're used to show how even good and true intentions can be corrupted. Also, I think, to show the thin line between good and evil sometimes.

    The characters are weird but intriguing, at least to me. They're also flawed. It adds a depth to them that's rarely found in shows these days. Even Light, who on the surface, appears to be perfect. He begins this crusade with the best intentions. But he's the living embodiment of how power corrupts, and in his case, how it can drive you freaking nuts.

    To me, the struggle between Light and L takes is fascinating to watch. And honestly, I was surprised that the writers would have the balls to kill off such a central character. But they did then they picked up the storyline and moved on. I will admit that I'm not as big as a fan of the later stuff but I still love it overall.

    I never really picked up on the traces of yaoi that you're talking about but my mind doesn't seem to work that way. I have terrible gaydar! lol I know that any anime with a lot of male characters, especially attractive male characters, interacting closely is going to spawn a rabid yaoi fangirl brigade. This one's no different. :)

    If you don't like Death Note, I can understand. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But trust me, it's nowhere near the darkest or most bizarre anime that I've ever seen! lol You might be interested in the original, one-shot manga written for it. It's very different than the later one or the anime that was developed from it. ( http://www.onemanga.com/Death_Note/0/ ) But then again, you might hate it too! B) The only character to really survive in it's second incarnation was Ryuk, your apple loving shinigami. :P

    Oh, and FLCL rocks too! ;)

    Thank You, Maidenhair, that was great, you even had reasons why you liked it... plus you suggusted the possible Moral...."that power corrupts." I think another thing the writers were also trying say was that, Kira/light and L Note the similiarity in Light and L is they act after a certain point very like each other... right and wrong is not major motivation, they merely want to beat each other at the game. L did bathe Lights feet, was this yaoi or L's of conceeding the victory to Kira? Cal

    You kids and your initials what does FLCL mean? :D

  4. I liked the show. The back and forth struggle, two masters of the game competing against each other, it was fun to see how it played out. I agree it went a little downhill after L, but i'm glad they didn't drag that part out either. Right about that point i was thinking, "okay this needs to move in a new direction" and then it did. I didn't understand what Mello contributed to the show, he was annoying and his rivalry with Near never really got fleshed out.

    I never saw the yaoi subtext between L and Light tho, fangirls take that shit to ridiculous levels. I just saw it as a test of wills between two highly intelligent people. Not everything has to be about sex. I liked Misa because of the two sides to her. One a happy and successfull young woman, the other a girl who'se past turned her into a murderous psychopath. I'm not surprised Light never went for her tho, all women are crazy but one with a death note? who knows when she'll end up writing YOUR name down...

    Thank you Pork Chop, at least that was an intelligent response and you explained why you liked it, which is your right. But Sorry I still think it's weird, but Yo I still watch it too to see what the deviates are up too. Cal

  5. -Sigh-

    I'm not going to get into WHY it's good. You either get it or you don't.

    And yeah, Death Note was the best animE ever. Though it should've ended after L.

    M and N were two brats who couldn't have killed Lord Kira even by writing his name in a death note.

    If you can't actually say why you think its good, why reply with wasted words and static... Zyx you can't tell me why it good,,, because its really not or basicaly it a reflection of teen/adult angst...the only people who like it get off on the idea of a teenagers killing adults in authority as well as criminals. A Book or a piece of paper whether it fell from heaven or hell does not.... make a god or anti-christ.... no matter how spoiled and arogant, Lord Kira, my Ass! Boys and Girls, can you spell delusional Serial Killer with a personality disorder!

    I'll take Bugs Bunny and Sephiroth over Kira any day, Death Note, is just as good. as old used toilet paper :P Cal

  6. That's one morbid dark bazaar sick show....I really don't like any of characters on it, accept that strange ugly Goth guy, who likes apples and laughs at the humans, because laughing at humans is a hobby of mine too. I think they should give Mr. Bone Boy, Shinigami [spelling] a bigger part and his own agenda! It you look closely that show has a big messiah complex too, and a touch of closet Yaoi if you check around the edges!

    Do you really like it? Or do you watch it, because you find it as fascinating as a train wreck?

    Surely Ladies you don't find Light sexy, the guys a fanatic homo'cidal psychopath serial killer, who enjoys manipulating people and/or killing them... for the better good... yeah right????

    Then we have the Mutants Dorky Detectives brother L and N[ whats with big eyeballs] , other than different hair color not much different... each with a bazaar immature fetish for food or playing with toys, and they too like to manipulate people, and each fanatically desire to catch Kira to satisfy their overbaring igos and prove that they are the better...Man... or that they're better than Kira ? And what is the strange incestious relationship, these young Detective mutants, have with certain political government departments?

    The supposedly cute Loud slutty little model, what's her name... the little twit, who thinks she is in love with Kira, but Kira finds her pathetically loud and annoying... if he did her, it was only to shut her up or manipulator her into following his orders. I actually thought Kira had a bigger thing for the now dead L... who washed his feet! Grrrrrrrrrrrr yuck!

    The latest thing on the Show, now Kira has fanatic followers that worship him as the new God... big holy Wop! Just what the world needs is more religions and more religious followers to clog up the minds of men... great big gobs of purple puke!

    Call me sick and old fashioned, but I like to find something to like, about the characters in the anima or any kind of shows or movies I watch, so sue me, Cal

    So what do you think folks? Am I full a who'eee.... and the show is the best anima there ever was?

    Opinion appreciated... come on make my day... one way or the other. Nothing better than a nice heated argument to make your fangs extend and the blood flow in your veins.

    One more thing, would anyone care to make a guess or suggestion, as to what the moral of DeathNote Is? If DeathNote, even has one???

  7. I'm pretty sure this title will have repelled anyone not interested. If you are not interested but still reading... wtf???

    So this is probably gonna be big, and I might need to be corrected in my reasoning because of the choas that is my mind. So right and wrong, it's complicated. Part of what I'm going to be saying here might not be completely objective but I'll accept anyones views as long as there's sound reasoning behind it. Let's keep the moral questions here on a scale of lets say 20.000 people. Enough to keep things interesting yet not enough for war issues.

    So you wake up one day, what do you want? I'd say love, appreciation, freedom, safety, adventure. Just some random thoughts but I think we've hit a pretty sound basis for it. Love because well, everyone wants love. Appreciation because even if you're loved and thus socially in the place you want to be, you'll still want some control over the people around you for comfort. Freedom is an important one that's missing in this world probably even more as love and appreciation: It means you can do whatever you want as long as you abide by certain guidelines which we'll discuss later. Safety is the only thing I'd say is really present in our world, though much to forced upon us. Adventure of course, life is missing here without livelyness. People to my knowledge don't want to sit around on their asses all day long! They just don't have anything better to do.

    So how do we accomplish this? Not to sound cliché but it's not that hard if we all work together, in this scenario at least. In our world we'd still have to deal with overpopulation and such. Let's say everyone in our imaginary world works together to love, appreciate and keep everyone safe? This I think, would be no problem at all. But freedom here would mean that you would not even be subject to a government. This wouldn't be needed if everyone worked together for love and such. Of course with every man working for the collective as such there'd need to be rules everyone knew.

    -No stealing

    -No unprovoked murder


    Though nothing as strict as we know now. And of course punishments would be needed.



    -Repayment for losses and inconvenience

    These seem reasonable punsihments contrary to prison. Though this, as the rules, might be discussed for each individual case. Adventure might seem hard to take care of but with the things we've discussed before people would be perfectly capable of taking care of that. No rules to abide by as such, love and appreciation assuring them mistakes would be forgiven and succesful endeavors rewarded. Everyone's happy no? No, because people will always want something different. Perhaps things impossible, so from here we go from a utopia as a perfect land to a utopia as a nonexistent land. (utopia in greek can mean both perfect and nonexistent land)

    In a perfect (though fictional) world I think there'd still be rules of honour one must abide by. Strangely the bible seems to sum them up pretty nicely:

    * Lust (Latin, luxuria)

    Love is more important than lust so cheating is a definate no-no and the rest I'll let you figure out on your own.

    * Gluttony (Latin, gula)

    Gluttony is wrong because too much of a thing good for you will spoil you (though people often think it's just about food)

    * Greed (Latin, avaritia)

    Greed is wrong because sharing with others will make not only their lives better but yours as well.

    * Sloth (Latin, acedia)

    Sloth is extremely bad becasue you won't live unless you experience things.

    * Wrath (Latin, ira)

    Wrath is wrong you'll just increase suffering, instead work towards limiting it.

    Killing someone to protect others is still ok.

    * Envy (Latin, invidia)

    Probably the hardest to avoid but in a perfect world all you'd have to do is work towards the same goal.

    In a perfect world there'd be nothing out of reach.

    * Pride (Latin, superbia)

    The father of all sins for all sins come forth from the illusion it's your choice to make.

    Sloth would seem to oppose this sin but in fact: if you are not proud you'll see your duty and sloth would keep you from that duty.

    Others might see a perfect world as an eternal orgie but this allows for change and that's all that life is about.

    Substance over pleasure. These rules apply in the real world too but it might just make your life worse there....

    (excuse me if this made no sense at all, there's always that risk with things I write)

    I hate to discourage your Heavenly Peaceful theme Park, All People are not rational or logical nor do they seek a peaceful world, it will bore them out of their mind... a true rebel will break all your rules, one by one just for the sake of breaking them... and he will enjoy breaking them very much for he is not passive... he think only of I and what he wants. He has no desire to be a team player. His personal goals are; Lust, greed, and violence... and he gets off on them. He would laugh at your so-called honor... he is both the sin and sinner, chaos in the flesh, internal violator of perfection.

    Would you try to destroy all those who would rebel against you? Ergo Kill for Peace!

    Better to seek a causual balance between the dark and light or the right and wrong... a clean perfect society is weak, for the Laughing Lord of Fate and the Universe will alway try to bring it down around the ears of its creator until nothing is left, simply for daring to compete with him!

    Truly it's much better to seek a society just a little bit better than the one before, and you might catch that naughty Mr Fate napping, or perhaps he's away on holiday for a time!

  8. 1) Sue and Bob: (M/F)

    Bob was hanging around the local ___nut store____ when he saw Sue. "Hey Sue!" he called, "You look really ____nutty___, do you want to go and ____eat some nuts___ or ___are you too insane for that___?"

    "Oh yes!" Sue squirmed in delight.

    Bob grabbed Sue and began to _____shove nuts down_____ her ____throat____. Sue leaned back and with a throaty moan began to___crack nuts____ on Bob's_____head______.

    Bob felt his ____skull______ was going to___crack____!!! Never had it felt like this before!

    Sue began to use her_____coconut_____ to_____smash_____ over and over again on Bob's____head_____.

    "_____Mother of all tomatoes_______!" Bob roared in pleasure,"I'm gonna______spray my peanutbutter_______"

    "Do it Bob!" Sue encouraged him as she continued to ______rub coconutoil______ on his_____cock______ for ____nutty nut____ times.

    "That was so _____nutty_____, baby!" Bob breathed deeply, "Let's do it again."

    "OK," Sue eyed him sexily, "but only if you _____lick_____ my _____peanut_____ this time!"

    "You got it babe!" Bob said_____as Sue rubbed his nuts______.

    THE END.

    NUt Ball!

  9. Let's try veggies :P

    2) Kevin and Rob (M/M)

    With deep indigo eyes Kevin was known to be the best_ cucumber_ in the land. However the one thing that made his heart flutter with desire to _cauliflower_ was Rob. How could he not crave that _chard_ hunk of Rob's hot,_sweet potato_?

    As he entered the desolate room he spied the golden haired Rob in the corner.

    "There you are!" Kevin pointed at him, "I have been wanting to _squash_ your_mushroom_ all day long! Are you ready to _pumpkin_ to me?"

    With a half arrogant smirk, Rob nodded, "Do you think you can make me_lentil_ your_bok choy_?"

    Kevin began to feel his _cabbage_ rising to the occasion, "Yeah I bet I can make you!" he accepted the challenge.

    Both men closed the gap between them and Rob instantly reached out and_beet_ on Bob's_rhubarb_. "What did you think of that, you big _arugula_?" Rob asked with his own _jalapeno_ growing.

    "Oh,_chickpea_!" Kevin moaned in _rutabaga_ and now his _endive_body began to grab Rob with _tomato_ intent!

    Both mens hands began to_chive_ as their _turnips_ met in a passionate_spinach_.

    With frenzied speed Kevin began to undo Rob's_broccoli_ and freed his_brussel sprout__.

    Rob shivered in want and anticipation of the _sweet pepper_ he knew Kevin would give him.

    "Yeah, I want it _chard_ and long!" Rob breathed in deeply.

    Kevin now _okra_ Rob's body and began to _artichoke_ his_carrot_ against Rob's_eggplant_.

    Both men began to _shallot_ in a deep passion as they_celery_ on one another.

    Rob felt Kevin's _kale_ filling up his tight_watercress_ and he groaned in passion as he felt his own_green onion_ getting ready to_leek_.

    Reaching around he began to stroke Kevin's_zucchini_ as both men began to hit_potato__.

    Afterwards Rob looked at Kevin with a look of _avocado_ and said, "You can make me _summer squash_ anyday!"

    The end!

    Anyone hungry? :P

    ;) With all those veggies, sounds totally healthy to me, but you forgot my favorite erotically shaped Veggie the glorius Asparagus! Smooches Cal B)

  10. Maybe a little? >> I get to play pretend like a little kid again, it's fun. :3

    Hmm. . . Nope. I don't like that friend as anything more than a friend. Sure she's cute, and we laugh a lot, but eh... Just a friend.

    Sigh, I got suckered into going fishing with my family, on three hours of sleep, this is going to really suck. I had a new visual novel I wanted to read...

    Sometimes I think we do things just because we enjoy play acting for the fun of it... I know I do... once a roleplayer always a roleplayer :blush: Have fun fishing, at very least enjoy the out doors while your there. And if the fish aren't biting, you could take a nice nap under a tree. Try to have fun anyway. Cal

    Well back to catching up on my writing!

  11. I don't know if this counts as a proper rant, it's more like laughing at myself. But oh well, here goes. :3

    So I've been reading a ton of these H-Visual novels lately, you know, click to advance the story sort of things with different storylines for each girl you choose. >> Anyways, I've gone two straight days without stopping, I just keep playing these.

    I think they've been warping my view on reality, I've been almost speaking in third person a lot, and I'm play flirting with my friends more than normal, that really is just play flirting though, don't get me wrong. >>

    And like, I have one friend who I share this inside joke with. Whenever her MSN status sets to a certain thing, I make random perverted comments, or talk about 'us' and our 'relationship' and stuff. Because when she sets her status to a certain thing, that means her boyfriend's in the room, and even though he knows it's a joke, she says he glares at the screen and basically just pouts. It's just our way of picking on him, gives us something to do. :3

    Anyways, after playing all these visual novels, I've been laying it on pretty thick. It's all still a joke, sure, but even I re-read one of the things I said and it didn't sound like a joke. :C

    I don't even know where I'm going with this, lost my train of thought.... Guess I'll leave it at that for now? Even though it doesn't even make sense to me... I'm sure someone can decipher it.

    Sounds like your getting off on playing with the poor boy friends head! Unless you like your friend more than your willing to conceed. Just a thought,Cal

  12. How about each girl has a mental or physical flaw or a particular sexual hang-up... if you want to make it real challenging!

    "Harem of the Damned" "Harem of the maimed" "Harem of the Psycho Killers"

    Examples:One girl is missing a leg, another an arm, an eye, all Lost in battle because they are X military or black co-vert Ops, Spys... sick deadly chicks with an edge! :)

    One girl doesn't like to kiss, but will do anything else sexual, and another is turned on by male bare feet...etc etc etc!

    One will only have sex, if she defeated by physical force by either male or female

    Look just because one is handicaped, mental or a little bite psycho, doesn't mean they can't be beautiful and kinky too!

    Wouldn't you love to see a TV Reality show based on this premise :( Just Old Cal

  13. I get into a discussion with someone about The Books porn.

    Well, it started with an assertion that by being cynical skeptics we lose our creativity.

    I suggest that he compare Mel's Fanfic snuff flick: The Passion to The Gold Compass. Which was more creative, which was more derivative?

    Then he wants to argue that you can't have The Books fanfic. Not shouldn't, that you can't.

    I show him mine.

    THEN he says that i'm not ever, ever going to be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Well, among other things he promises/threatens.


    We establish that God demanded a blood sacrifice to himself and sent himself to earth to be that blood sacrifice so the blood of the lamb is god blood. And that's apparently a GOOD thing?

    Somehow, the idea that god uses his own blood being spilled to make things better, makes me point out that that makes God, technically, a cutter.

    Any other self-image issues we should know about for this guy?

    I mean, he's a user. Noah gets off the boat, sets 6 pairs of the Clean animals afire, God takes a hit on the smoke and gets all maudlin ("I should never have killed Mankind for being wicked. Mankind's always going to be wicked. He's made that way.")(There's always one guy at the party, right? Gets a few hits of the smoke, starts regretting a past relationship, cries about a girlfriend that he screwed over or something).

    What's next?

    "The Flesh eating godz from outer space" :samurai:

    Your saying the god/gods got off, or drunk on smoked animal flesh... it turned'em on. Well that's what lots and lots of I space ship food will do for you.... most likely they took pills or liquid for food, which was odorless and tastless....so when they smelled real BBQ it sent'em over the edge. I think the altar set before the Lord was a dinner table.

    Didn't God tell someone to toast or smoke his young son on a fire altar to prove his loyalty, obedience, and trust in god... right about then I think I'd told'em he was fired for being a sick bastard... even though god didn't let the man actually go through with it. It was still smoking under the kid, before the fire went out... by the breath of god.


    PS. I wish you young folk, would stop using initials and text speak, which this old one can't understand, so what the blue blazes does XD Mean? My cell it sends smoke signal... it doesn't do text!

  14. We were created By horny doppy long lived messed up aliens :o , flawed pathetic aliens.... if you check all, the different group of gods around the world, they were all similiar and flawed and all bases on the same Small group of assholes down through time... whether is East Indian god or greek god...Egyption... Norse etc! All of its a real bad soap opera... everybody sleeps with each other and their sister or kills each other in wars, just the Names changed over time .... Seed of Aliens and a great ape species were combined to make humans, and we were created as slaves to mine gold from the earth, because the gods were much to lazy to do it themselves. :angry: Gold was needed to save the atmosphere of their own home planet!

    So if you wonder where you got all your bad habits from.... the godZ! :blink:

    They made us in their image, decided we were beautiful and then screwed us totally. :samurai:

    Then they left us, when their long life spans, started to deminish and returned to their home planet, supposedly to come back some day, hope not, there goes the neighbor hood, personally I hope a great Icy comet took out their great big planet long ago and thus save us all the trouble of their return! I perfer the dinasaur to come back first or Godzella to really exist, than all those doppy horny assholes... we refer to as godz! They're just trouble or worse! :jaws:

    Then one of the flawed Gods decided he was going to corner the market on the name god... ergo the one god theory... thou shall have no other gods before me! :P

    Yeah Bullshit there was so many fake so-called gods on earth, at one time or other, you couldn't help but trip on them! ;)

    There only one real perfect god/ the creator/ eternal the almighty and that is the Universe itself and his word is the big bang, from dust an nothingness to us and back to nothingness again over and over! Pulsing on and off over and over until you WANT SCREAM or come! Sound fun don't it! :)

    Make up your own compasionate god, it's better than following a fake one that belongs to someone else! Cal

    PS So if you want to get down to it "the Bible is the first Sci-fi novel ever written" Can you dig it, yeah I knew that you could! :D

  15. I have no problem with herms, actually, I'm fond of the fetish. There are countless many herm stories on the archive, including some by mine. Just look for "herm", "TransG" or "futa(nari)".

    Yo Streti Dearist,

    Herms are a mutation, deviate life form, while a fetish is a mental deviation or fixsation on certain objects, behaviors, or particular body parts... unless of course...maybe a herm story might be considered a fetish itself, but whatever, I plan to look up your stories and see what your cooking!

    Big Wet Smooches, Cal

  16. Dear Writers and Readers does the idea of main character, who is a Hermaphrodite, leave you cold, or do you just find the idea detasteful?

    The dictionary describes a Hermaphrodite as; an animal or a plant having both both male and female reproductive organs... right now we are refering to a human or half human individual in such a versital state, who is able to interact sexually with both men and women. Though it does stir-up the plot bunny, about a intelligent creature that is both plant and animal in one, who wants to fool around! :D

    I just wrote a short story about such AN individual, GOT ONE REVIEW, BUT IT WAS MORE A ENCOURAGEMENT TO FINISH MY OTHER STORY which is okay, a number of others have read it... but made no comments. But since my story wasn't beta'ed, maybe they just didn't like my story, because of my poor grammar and spelling. I can accept that since I don't have a Beta

    Any way my curosity got the better of me, to see what you people thought about a Hermaphrotite as major character in story?

    Acceptable on this forum and Archieve is Het, M/M, F/F , even Bi to some degree, and don't forget the beast with the tentacles, but what about a lovely so-called creature that can take on all male and female "comers" and satisfy their needs. Is that thought horrifying to you all?

    Any comments or critism will be gladly appreciated!

    Sincerely, the lovely and evil Cal :D

  17. Hey, I'm 23. Just cus I'm not over 40, don't I get to be an older writer?

    Dear Harley

    You can be as old as you want, after all we have all been reborn many times, so just don't be mentally unflexable and decrepit with it! LOve, Cal :D

  18. Hark all you Young'ens!

    I fear I am the oldest on this forum, for I am older than Sin, and I was around to give the Dinosaurs a bad time....everyone thinks it was meterors... no Silly it was me! I warned Eve not to take that apple from Lucifer... that charming shiny badass, but she was head strong and wouldn't listen. I can remember when bread was a quarter and you could buy candy for 1 cent. Old right?

    But I must warn you I am very immature for my age, being immature keeps YOU young try it you'll like it!

    Now children don't go visit my profile, just to see my age, that's rude!

    Please all you kids don't, be frighten, just because "this Ancient one" has recently discover.... boy love, Yaoi, anima, manga, an fan porno....truly I am harmless, though I can be annoying and sarcastic at times and can you tell, I just love satire... LOL!

    Giggling Cal the Elder

    PS Is my immaturity, the reason no one wants to be my Beta???

  19. This is "My" Definition of an flame somebody whom just for fun types your an ass hole and your story sucks is an flame and any other such insults constitunt as flames

    Peace out brothers and sisters of adult-fanfiction.org and may the furs be wit you "WOOOOOO!!"

    Just the idea of big nASTY radioactive fire-breathing Godzilla being my personal story critic, makes tremble in horror... THEN giggle with my hand over my mouth, so he wont see me. It gives new meaning to the word Flaming! I can see it now he "Your story sucks" then he comes after you, clomp clomp clomp and destroys your computer, Ah but alas who has the guts to flame him back I ask you?

    Cal Fantasizing :jaws:

  20. Oh! Golly gee boys and girls... I am just not into the word "dingle-dangle" to describe the male penis... even though it does dingle and dangle it's just not sexy, and that goes for the word "hoo-ha" to describe my lady's unique folded flowered parts... totally disrepectful truly.

    Just imagine the phrase, "The evil warlord dared to put his dingle-dangle, in the lovely fair maidens hoo-ha and pounded away, until the poor lady screamed and fainted." See I told you, it's just not sexy!

    Smirking, Evil Cal ;)

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