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Everything posted by RikuDrak

  1. Adam's Family
  2. =/ Don't invite her to the forums if she's not actually a legal adult. This is adultfanfiction, after all, and I'd like to believe at least the forums are that way. Even if this thread wouldn't piss her off. Anyways, I am feeling a bit annoyed/frustrated by this situation (silly that I should get that way about another person's life ). Now, I'm not saying this is what you're doing, but it comes across as feeling genuinely unhappy as she disregards your feelings in the relationship and then forgetting it all once it's passed because you don't want anything to actually change. Which bothers me a little. You're a good guy, you shouldn't have to feel like you're giving more than receiving. Relationships work both ways. But I guess, regardless of any advice you receive from here, you'll do what you chose and experience what you will ('tis your life after all, not anyone elses). I just hope you don't continue to subject yourself to such a draining occurance for much longer. I've had a similar experience with my mother, and although that's quite different, the both ways thing still stands. I was giving far too much and receiving absolutely nothing and my mother expected me to keep giving. Well, I've taken a stance against it even as hard as it may be. She's my mother after all, and the only constant person in my entire life for many years.
  3. I've never come across clothes that were tried on be a smelly bitch before me, thank god. x.x I'm sorry I don't share your pain, but I can imagine wanting to track her down (with a dog, wouldn't be hard if she smells that bad) and beating cleanliness into her.
  4. I'm sorry but I feel like saying this. *cowers in fear of reprocussions* What you should do is wait it out until you don't feel so awful about it and go back and do editing. Heavy editing, if need be in some areas. It might even take a few edits over top each other. The key thing a lot of people misunderstand or forget is that raw writing is always that. Raw. My biggest peeve with a lot of fanfiction and original fiction is that people just submit their raw writing and move on. You're supposed to edit it, it even says in the submission guidelines that works submitted should be editted and not raw. Anyways, don't get down about it. Revise it as much as you need to
  5. "Granite" in my pants.
  6. Lies.
  7. "Granite" by Pendulum
  8. Not guilty. I actively pursue non-slutty actions, sayings, behaviours, and mannerisms. G/NG: Ever felt bad about the truthful way you felt about someone because it was quite mean?
  9. 9595
  10. Lag It effects us all in some way.
  11. Another big jump ô.o Why? 9549
  12. Probably guilty. It's sad. I don't even like anime anymore. G/NG: Has spent more than €1.000 on manga and/or anime and merchandise. (About 1,460 USD)
  13. Sugar
  14. "Le Ciel" by Malice Mizer
  15. My fiance isn't British and he always said his accent was awesome. I agreed though. Does someone actually liking the way they talk and where they're from bother you that much? Seems silly to me.
  16. Not guilty. Wut? D: G/NG: Has ever ended up in a really bad and uncomfortable position you didn't want to be in by rolling with a lie you made
  17. komodo (dragon)
  18. 9546
  19. Not guilty, depending on your definition of a long period of time. It hasn't been more than three days. G/NG: Actually enjoyed embarrassingly stupid commercials?
  20. Changed it, now I have a siggy image to go with my avatar of "Fight Club" plus an extra line from the movie.
  21. Changed mine to the incredibly great movie "Fight Club." If you haven't seen it, and aren't the type that enjoy somewhat shallow movies, I recommend you see it. My avatar is of the main characters. Just by saying that I giggle. If you've seen it, you'd know why.
  22. RikuDrak


    The partner collaboration story was awesome XD Damn now I wish I could do tons of those.
  23. Yes XP Vlaams = Flemish
  24. For English: British accents > American accents, to be honest. I'm sorry but American accents are too flat. And don't get me started on American southern accents XD (btw, I speak English with an American accent because I was born and raised there and while I hate it myself, my fiance just says "it's cute" and I can't figure out how) I also like Irish accents, but heavy German ones are pretty sweet too. It just sounds funny and nifty at the same time. For Dutch: Western accents bother me >.> I live in the east towards the south and people speak much softer here. Flemish acents are just... Peculiar XD Colonial dutch variations are scary to me. For Spanish: Sadly, my mother's own accent bothers me but I blame that on her never teaching me spanish when I was little and only learning it in school where the most influence comes from Mexico. The Spain Spanish accent isn't so bad, but Argentine spanish gets annoying with the "y" and "ll" sound always being "sh." Sounds like a lisp to me.
  25. Well, to be honest, I feel cu-kid9 basically said it all. I agree and that's probably close to what I would have said. I'm an artist type and even I find it wierd that she'd go into a stranger's house and take off her shirt for a cheap line like that. I don't even begin to comprehend about it "feeling like a relationship." I never felt relationships were taking your shirt off for a stranger and having them stare, and it's quite a silly thing to say if she wants you to feel guilty about how you treat her or how your relationship is going. Unfortunately a fair amount of females are manipulative bitches that get off on making their partner feel horrible. That or, like my mother, she's creating some drama soap opera in her head about real life because she's unhappy with a normal or partially normal life.
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