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Everything posted by RikuDrak

  1. 7135
  2. 7133
  3. [ - ] =/= [ - ] Good way of dealing with things.
  4. 7129
  5. I've seen worse. Much, much worse. This was just boring. But "Cernel" gets on my nerves pretty badly.
  6. 7126
  7. Watch the car have been stolen, or they were uninsured, or illegal immigrants, or...
  8. I absolutely agree 100%
  9. Ah :3 Gotcha. *writes that down for the future* >_<
  10. Because knowing Dutch and German means you have more expertise on judging if they sound bad or not? And yes, yes I did. I believe you have bad taste. I also believe it's ridiculously easy to get you worked up enough to spout "Fuck You." Or that you're pretty trigger happy with it. Oh and, by the way. I said your taste was bland, not bad
  11. 7123
  12. I think the majority of deviantART would disagree with you. But I figured you meant people don't like it, it just seemed strange to term it as racist.
  13. "Fieber" in my pants.
  14. 7121
  15. "Träumst Du" by Oomph!
  16. "Träumst Du" in my pants. I hope so
  17. "Frage" by Eisbrecher
  18. 7117
  19. I happen to agree that being civil isn't overrated as well. Indeed it can be hard to control intense emotions, but you're not a child, you should have proper control over them. Not many people are quite fond of people who can't talk in a level headed manner because they are overrun with emotions, and plenty of people will not appreciate someone who is violently against getting themselves under control. Hence why I mentioned a lonely life. And I said don't whine because, to be honest, a lot of the posts I've seen you make (back then) are nothing but. I'd say please give your retort, but I posted that comment ages ago and have since taken a hiatus. I don't know if you're still around or not, or even if you remember what your retort would be. XD
  20. Indeed. Why are the forums so inactive? D: I'll have to spam your page out of boredom. >.>

  21. Life does turn out weird sometimes.
  22. lolwut "Racist" against anime? I would like to go to a con sometime, though I'm not sure if I'd go to an Anime one. I've never been to one.
  23. 7113
  24. 7111
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