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Everything posted by RikuDrak

  1. Pfft you have bland tastes. Dutch and German are my two most favourite languages and they sound absolutely incredible to me. I'm quite fond of the idea of mastering all their sounds. Plus I find Romanic languages too soft and pansy I would really like to read in German but I'm afraid I don't know enough at this point in time. It won't stop me from peeking every so often.
  2. Dero from Oomph!, "Träumst Du" featuring Marta Jandova video. Creepy goodness.
  3. RikuDrak

    The Rhyme Game

    Outside the local TV Stations, All of this would fortunately change,
  4. RikuDrak


    Banned for having a borderless avatar. Tsk tsk.
  5. Despite all normal sensibilities in the real world and for real relationships, I have a thing for creepy, sexy, slutty men. That it to say, I'm a sucker for hot men that utilize obnoxious/flaunty/blatant sexual innuendo. All the better if they act like they are socially inept.
  6. I have hmmhmm. I've never been to any sort of strip club. I wonder if I'm missing out.
  7. Mein Schatz in my pants
  8. 7109
  9. "Gott Ist Ein Popstar" by Oomph!
  10. That's... Scary. And sort of sad.
  11. ...Yeah no. Be prepared for a lonely life, and don't whine about it either.
  12. RikuDrak

    Top 5

    H4x D:
  13. I just got another one by thinking I might get lucky and kill someone ten levels above me. Nope. XD
  14. I'm Scorpio/Saggitarius (cusp person, some horoscopes say scorpio for my birthday, some saggitarius, but I tend to have traits of both) and a snake.
  15. I admit I was killing you a lot, Squall (rofl sounds funny to me as a FF fan) but only because there weren't enough people not in my guild in range. But I revived and gave you my health every time <3
  16. I just have two. One when I got ballsy, the other was pretty stupid (like attacking a lower level, missing, and then slamming me in the face with a weapon they can't even use). At least, I think so. They both could be when I got ballsy, since I sort of blocked out those humiliating experiences. XD
  17. "Lieder" by Eisbrecher
  18. Economy
  19. 9630
  20. And that's why guilds are lovely things.
  21. I just like to know who I gotta slaughter to have some revenge XP
  22. I think that's a standard title? Mine is "The Reality Dysfunction" because it sounds cool. And is the title of a good book.
  23. I once ran in to my parent's room while my mum and step-dad were at it when I was younger. They forgot to lock their door. I wasn't too scarred by it. I didn't see or hear much. Jut got yelled at to gtfo, which I did. Then again, my mother's been pretty weird about sex and nudity with me. While I think it's good that she talked to me about it instead of ignoring it completely, she also had this thing where she felt it was good to be comfortable with being naked around each other (not like running around naked in the house all day, but just not being surprise when she came out of the shower without a towel or if she needed me to get her something while she was in the shower). Unfortunately for her, I didn't like it. Not like it mattered, because when I told her that and acted like that she got super pissed off at me and yelled that that's "not how she raised me" and all this. Okay I went way off topic. But I'm sorry for you, DarkInuLord. And I don't really think it's a lol moment, I actually think that's sad
  24. This is what happens when feminism and political correctness are allowed to go too far for too long. I grew up in the US by the way, all of my mandatory schooling took place there. I'm going to start off by saying my latter two years of high school were pretty good. I managed to get straight A's in my last year, which although plenty of people (girls) pulled off for all four years or more than one year, I'm quite proud of. I buckle under competitive pressure, especially when the person you're "competing against" taunts and jeers and jests and throws in your face that they won and therefore are superior than you. But I know that's a boy thing and they actually work better with those humiliating things. I wouldn't want to be placed in classes where I'm forced to face that, but at the same time I don't think boys should be deprived of that. It might be a wise idea for schools to have less coed classes, though I know that'll never happen especially with very flamboyant and ruthlessly annoying feminists. But, if there were less coed classes (that don't necessarily mean girls and boys can't take the same classes that they want to) then more classes could be geared towards stimulating their audience. It's too bad that most school systems work ass backwards and are full of stupid politics. I'm really sorry to the men that are effected by this. Especially because no one gives a damn because it's not minorities of women being effected. And I strongly dislike überfeminists.
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