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Everything posted by Kanashii

  1. Of course?!?!? Why wouldn't I ??? He lets me write and read whatever I want on AFF, pornography (written or visual) is just another tool in bonding two people together. It shouldn't be anything to be jealous of. When I was young, newly married (around 20) then yeah, I found at first I was a teeny bit jealous. But I know where he comes home and hangs his hat. We have been married nearly 25 years now, and I can say with certainty neither of us has ever cheated on the other. Why? Because we don't get jealous or feel hurt about stuff that has nothing to do with "us" as a team. But no, I have no problem with letting any lover, partner or spouse watch porn. After all, the first thing you will ever learn (despite whether you are gay, hetero, married, single or just shacking up) is that the more RESTRICTIONS you place on another human being, the quicker and faster they will run far away from you. As my buddy Furio likes to say..."If you love something then set it free...If it doesn't return to you. Hunt it down and kill it" <j/k>
  2. Depends on what the circumstances are. If I need the money to feed my family because we are out on the street. Yeah...I would do it. If I had to do it because some sick bastard had a gun pointed at my husbands head and was gonna blow his brains out all over the floor if I didn't... I would perform a sexual favor in a heartbeat to buy him more time. If doing a sexual favor was the only way I could raise money to pay for an operation on my son, that would save his life...Of course. When I was single, I had lower standards and would do it just for fun. Hope that answers the question.
  3. WTF is an "Uke"??? Or maybe I don't want to know. If it has to do with anal sex, ah...Um. Well that is something I don't do or recieve. Not a turn on of mine. As for penis size of a partner...well...It's what they do with it and the fantasies they can weave... Ya know...the sex games you play with your partner. (BDSM, romance, whatever floats yer boat).
  4. I would sell my soul to a fuzzy blue smurf for a date with Federico Castelluccio. 'Enuf said. As far as killing folks or nuking them...Ah, I can only do that in stories, not in real life. Karma is a bitch. I know. PS: What does Gargamel DO with Smurfs?? he's awfully obsessive about them isn't he? (Thinking sick disgusting thoughts of Gargamel and Smurfs)... Ugh!
  5. First person POV /Narrative can be really wonderful when done well. (And it does take a bit of practice to make it come out well and draw your reader in!) I have one First Person POV fanfic under my Harry Potter section called "The Noble House of Malfoy". > http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544213053 I didn't INTEND the story to come out that way at first, but that is the way it wanted to be written so I wasn't going to argue with my muse. First Person writing is a technique that all writers should try once (even if you don't post it) just to try it. Think of it like Creative Writing class 101. it can work in some stories, but in others not at all. As for writers block, I agree with everyone else. Sometimes you just need to take a sabbatical from writing. Your muses will let you know when they are ready to come back out and play. Stress, changes, many things can affect writing. Sometimes a good author needs to know when to step back and take a breath. Best of luck to you!
  6. WOW! This thread has generated some wonderful debate and creativity on it's own. I will answer the questions as you asked them: Questions that maybe you can or cannot answer in reply: Would you feel flattered or angry if someone twisted the plots and character's personalities in ways you did or did not want them to? As an author with some published works the answer is 'maybe'. Would I HATE any fanfic writers who made characters of mine who were hetero into slash pairings, no... I would be on some level flattered people took the time to actually READ my work and then come up with some story of their own. Are fan-fic authors "fake writers" who are just not creative or good enough to write their own best-selling original ideas? Maybe their scared of rejection of their own ideas? Wowsers! ouch! Ah....to answer your question...No. As I said, I am a published author both in fiction and nonfiction. I also write Harry Potter FANFIC and Soprano's FANFIC. I have tons of my own original stories, in fact a whole universe of them. Writing is like ART, to one person a metal sculpture might be deep philisophical art and to another it might be shite. Some folks love classical music, some folks despise it. It's all these differences that make us unique and not mere clones of one another. Any person who picks up a pencil, pen or taps out on a keyboard, whether they are writing poetry, or fanfics, or their own original stories is an artist and creator. Period. I think ANY author, professional or not. Young, old, male or female, writer of trade journals, or best selling horror novels HOPES and prays that the reader LIKES their work. I don't know ANY human being who would WANT rejection, ya know? Personally anyone who posts online, or fanfics realizes their work IS out there for all to see, and so 'rejection' is a real possibility. But I think they as artists and creative folks are brave for laying it on the line like that. A professional author only has to please their editor and agent. A "fanfic" author has to please alot more folks. Do original fan-fics even exist anymore? Do original story ideas? Do original authors? TONS of them, click on the original sections here on AFF. Click on my original section. There are myriads of people on AFF, and other places who write original characters from their own worlds and imaginations. Suprisingly, these "original" stories seem to get the lowest hits and reviews. Weird, eh? Why do you write fan-fics? Why do you read them? Ah, now here is a good question. I WRITE fanfics for the same reason I write original stories. Let me give you an example based on my Soprano's fanfics. I write fanfics because maybe I want to write what was never done as an episode, or maybe I want to write about a character because very little was written/shown about them by the original author/TV show. I write what I *wished* would have happened. I started by writing Original stories first and then later on began some fanfics. I started writing original stories because I could not find the kind of novels I enjoyed reading, so I thought...Why not write my own stuff! In time that extended to fanfics. When I do write a fanfic (and this is just me) I don't change anything in the authors/TV shows storyline, nor change anything about their major characters. In otherwords my fanfic characters stay in character and I don't deviate what is known about them in their original form. I just add some back story or adventure to their lives. (Like my Harry Potter fanfic "Broken by the Dark Lord") which ties into and happens around the time of book 5, but yet with some original characters thrown in, however my story has no interference with anything that happened in the book OOTP. So one could read my story and say "Yeah I could see that happening in the background" because it doesn't change who core characters are. Are fan-fics without the writers consent wrong? Well now...That is "ify". As one poster pointed out (Forgive me, I forgot your name, the one with the spider avatar! I love your posts by the way!) "Fanfics" have been going on since the time humans could first sing around a fire and tell stories through dance and vocalizations. This whole "fanfic" thing is not a new phenomena at all. I seriously doubt that Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Robert Jordan, JRR Tolken, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, etc... Would even (if they were all alive) be in a position to GIVE consent. Unless one is making a profit from a fanfic and calling it their "own" creation, then it is just someone's tribute or interpretation of another authors work, correct? I have even seen "fanfics' of "fanfics" go figure! Do fan-fics stop writers from coming up with their own original characters and story lines? And if they don't, do you find authors basing their story lines more and more on their fav animes, shows, and books instead coming up with their own ideas? See my anwers under 'Are Fanfic writers real writers' and 'why do you write fanfics' in fact just reread my whole post. The answer to this question is all there. And no...Writing fanfics doesn't prevent anyone from coming up with original ideas...After all, half of a fanfic IS original...You are just using known quantitives (characters) but you gotta come up with a story, some OC's, and a plot. Just my humble opinion, as always.
  7. 96% percent of my stories are posted here in AFF. Mainly because they are far to sexually or violently explicit for FanFic...Although I did tone down a few of my Soprano's fanfics and posted them on FF...But my other stuff...Nah, I gotta post it here. It's just to adult rated for other sites... Any of my Harry Potter fanfic just doesn't fall into what is popular at the moment (slash) since it is hetero and fairly dark. So again, no place else to post it. And I have no idea how to post a story on LJ or any other place. Most of my stories are original and vary from Mafia themes to strong BDSM and even fetish stuff like ponyplay. I have posted a few of my ponyplay stories to a ponyplay fetish site, but again that is about it. I do have a few stories that are published professionally (erotica). But I always try and throw stuff out to AFF first. So I would say, yes. I am quite loyal to AFF.
  8. It is very frustrating for any of us. Sometimes yes it is a bit disheartening, I could understand if maybe one of my "sections" didn't get as many reviews as the others (since I write Original, HP Fanfic and Soprano's Fanfic) but man, I get alot of hits and then like very few reviews. What is funny is those I DO get end up becoming great friends and fans of my work, but I am wondering am I just promoting my stories wrongly? Are they not what people like? Sometimes it makes you scratch your head... If I get a good review from a fellow author I do try and read some of their works even if it may not be from a fandom I would normally read, because face it...We all (as authors and readers) do need to expand some. But yes, it just leaves me scratching my head sometimes at what motivates certain people to review or not.
  9. Kanashii


    Geeze I have so many, where to begin 1) Dom/sub (me being a natural sub) BDSM 2) Ponyplay/Ponygirl (Not what you think, it's where a person acts as a human pony either pulling a cart or being ridden. It falls under BDSM fetish) 3) Erotic wrestling (being pinned down by a dom) 4) Italians. Italian men are kinky, sexy and hot to me. 5) erotic Mafia stories (women being kidnapped, held captive or whatnot by the mafia. The real Mafia (Italian) not the triads, Yakuza or other gangster groups. 6) breath play (choking/ strangulation) 7) Tall men. Any man over 6'5 makes me daydream erotic and kinky thougts. "might be kinks" 1) Bisexuality (with another woman) It arouses me to think of it, but have never tried it.
  10. It's funny! A good comic... Of course when my writers block hits it SMACKS me upside the head like a baseball bat and glues itself there. I wish mine was so benign. LOL!
  11. Furio Giunta (from the Soprano's) doing kinky things with any female... Laurence Martel (from my own stories) enslaving and kinky things with any female...
  12. M/M slash isn't my cup o' tea and I don't write or read it, but I would NEVER slam anyone's story. Whether F/F, M/F, M/M or a person with an inflatable doll. Isn't AFF for EVERYONES fetishes? Yes? I don't "flame" peoples work, that is for immature people. If someone's codes and warning aren't my cuppa, then I just find a fic that is. Simple as that.
  13. Pistola (La pistola)...Pistol. Your Italiano language lesson for today
  14. Zip/Jump drives are your friend! Boy did I learn this the hard way. Mr. Kanashii gave me a zip drive for my birthday one year and now I am religous about backing up weekly, especially since I write professionally.... Agents and publishers are not amused by the ol' "The computer crashed" excuse.
  15. ciao mio amico! I'm from the US, near St. Louis MO...Here it is around 4:00 pm. con saluti~
  16. Well Cheescake IS pretty delicious and addicting! I'm still thinking on my answer...
  17. You didn't send a naughty nude picture to Knorg to get in did you? LOL!
  18. I agree, if you are going to write fanfic based on an existing FANDOM then yes, it is hoped the author at least gets the names of the canon characters right. Usually those that don't it's for 2 reasons... 1) they don't have a beta or are to lazy to take the time and go back and check and double check and TRIPLE check their work before posting it (for grammar, punctuation and correct spelling) 2) they are too lazy (if uncertain) to make SURE they check the names of the characters within the fandom they are writing. If you are even a wee bit uncertain on a characters name...Look it up on the internet! (especially if it's a TV show, game, anime or Harry Potter). It takes but a few moments and these two things really do show to the reader you are professional and mature about your writing.
  19. Kanashii

    Stupid Reviews

    Cu-Kid9 I agree with you 100%...Ok, so if someone just leaves a "I love this story update soooooooon pleeze" I am still HONORED that reader took time to click the rate and also leave me a review! It's better than NO review, ya know? Would we all like to get nice Concrits mixed with praise? Sure, yeah...But THIS author is more than thankful and appreciative of those who even leave the little "I luv it! Keep it going". It means they are READING and enjoying it. JMHO
  20. My biggest flaw would probably be Obsessiveness... Whether with a fetish of mine or a person, once I get hooked then that is all I can think about constantly.
  21. L= Letterbomb
  22. Now tell us how you REALLY feel Beth But I do agree with you 110%. Now..... Stupid question of the day...What the heck is LJ? Is this like "Myspace" or something? Yes, I am one of those that remembers the internet back in the early to mid 80's. Except for occasionally browsing around most of those "myspace" and "face book" stuff I never could 'get'. Yes, I am an old curmudgeon and proud of it.
  23. Consider it done Knorg... Talk to that fella in my avatar, I'm sure he has a job you can do... Jolie will be delivered afterwards to you for payment...
  24. What would you do for favorite food, fun or activity?
  25. Wolfie, Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I think as some others have said, sometimes people just throw in the "I had that too" maybe they are trying to empathize, or want attention or just care (but in a strange way) ya know? Either way, I hope you feel better soon!
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