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Everything posted by Kanashii

  1. My greatest fantasy would be for Maia to draw one of my characters from my Original stories! ::sigh!::

  2. Solaris has a cool

    profile page!

  3. Neither have I. I've never had sex while horseback riding or riding on a motorcycle....
  4. NG/ somethings need the darker side to help our souls grow. G/NG, sexually cheated on a boy/girlfriend or spouse?
  5. Equine
  6. Or truth!
  7. 9592
  8. 9592
  9. Keeps Italian spiders as pets!
  10. You can always check out a couple of my original fics as I write alot of fights and violence. But the best thing is to be descriptive without disrupting the flow... Example... "His fist slammed into her with a sickening thud." "He delivered a round-house kick that connected solidly with the man's jaw sending him sprawling onto the dry earth." "With a series of well placed jabs he knocked his opponet down and then dropped heavily astride his chest." Just be descriptive without disrupting the energy and flow of the fight scene. If you're adding words you can do something like, "You piss me off!" he growled as he lunged at him. or "Vendetta is mine!" the tall man hissed with anger as he grabbed his enemy in his large hands. Hope this helps ya! As I said, click on a couple of my short original stories since I mostly write alot of action stuff. Warmly,
  11. Thank you Knorg!
  12. Eh, I just find it mean to attack people when they aren't online or what not. It's not at all like AD&D or RPG's (which I have played for nearly 29 years). I even enjoy stuff like D2, AOW, etc. But this battle mod just seems unbalanced to me. People could just gang up on others they didn't like and kill them continuously. I don't like to do that to folks. So just tell me how to Opt Out (Couldn't find any way to do it in the attack shop or tutorial). Thanks in advance. (Maybe post a little thing in the tutorial explaining how to opt out, as I know several folks who would be interested in how to Opt out).
  13. How do you "Opt out". No offense, and I know it is alot of fun for folks, but I just find it depressing to sign on and get a message saying I've been "killed" this or that many times. So, someone please tell me how to "Opt out" I'll just put all my naughty points in the bank ahead of time. Warmly,
  14. Hmmm, I really think that participating should be optional. Because, I have no idea how to do this, what to do, and people just keep attacking me. It's not something I want to partake of, so maybe we need to make it an "optional" thing where you have to sign up to play. Someone it doesn't seem fair if a few know how to play and others don't, ya know? JMHO Warmly,
  15. Ah now you are getting into regional dialects and regional slang...That's why when I started the thread I just listed "Country" and said not dialects. Every country has dialects, and the older ones some of the worst. Just like there is "Proper" or formal language for each language, the dialects and regional differences and make even natives of that country confused! (Take Sicilian for example. True Sicilian can hardly be understood by Italians from the North or even mid regions). Here in America we might just pronounce a word differently (Bostonians dragging the Aaaa out in the Paaaak the caaar) or southern's with a distinct twang, etc. But in like Italy, the Sardinian's and southern regions (Naples, Calabria, etc) have very old and complex dialects that can be near impossible to understand. This is true also in some of the Eastern European block countries, (Georgia, Romania, Czech, etc). And don't even get started on the Oriental languages...There are so many regional dialects even within the same country it can be nigh impossible for a Korean to understand a Vietnamese, etc. It would be like here in America if one person said "I parked the car" and someone else from another state said "Car, stop, move, stand." or worse, it was just gibberish to you, with no discernable words. So English speakers have it really easy. (Old Gaelic and Celtic sound nothing like "Proper Queens English" or "Formal American English") So yeah, just comparing regional dialects is like comparing apples and oranges. That is why I just said "country" in general. Oh, and as far as "hating" an accent. Hate is such a very strong word, filled with alot of misunderstanding and closemindedness. I can see someone not "understanding" an accent or even not finding it pleasing, but to just tell someone you don't know... "I HATE the way all people of your country sound" is just rude. Also I have never found someone (male or female) who has just run off with someone because they think an accent sounds 'dreamy'. But then again, as I often point out, I am probably older than 98% of you, so all my teen/young adult ::::squeeing:::: was done long ago and I grew out of it. Warmly,
  16. Ok, what is this "Otters Walk Among us" I see all the time? What am I missing. Fill me in.
  17. The strangest dream I had, was that I was in the future on a starship as an engineer. Our engine was having problems and I was reciting off the equations for the quantum physics needed to make faster than light speed possible... My husband woke me up and and I was mad and asked him if he had written down what I said! (He said he was sitting and listening to me spout off all this complex quantum and particle physics and fuzzy math). I was totally PO'd he didn't write down what I had dreamt! I coulda been rich by now having invented Hyperdrive and space travel
  18. Shirotaka is NEW and IMPROVED!

  19. No problem Kokiden, you're good folks! By the way, what does your screen name mean "Kokiden"?


  20. Whack people who piss me off.
  21. Mine pretty self explanitory. Mafia Muppets Mainly because I write about the Mafia and mobsters (IE: Godfather, etc). I found the picture one day on the internet and the large blonde haired looking fellow looks exactly like my main character Laurence Martel. (Well in Muppet form) so I had to have it.
  22. I just wanted to say Shirotaka, I think your avatar is great! It makes me smile every time I see it!
  23. Kanashii is my author name and forum name, it comes from a character in my Original story that I wrote. Her name was given to her by her teacher. Kanashii is just a really cool heroine that I identify with. (her full name is Kanashii-Taka, the 'wounded/sad Hawk')
  24. Has an awesome avatar and latin title! Wicked Spiders!
  25. Thanks Shinju!

    Anyone else want to drop by and leave a 'hello' for me?

    I don't bite, honest. ;)

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