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Everything posted by Kanashii

  1. There are so many times I have heard an author say they are hesitant to write or post something within a fandom because they are afraid an Original Character might be seen as a "Mary Sue" (Or Marty Smith if it's a guy?) But I honestly think the "Mary Sue" term is thrown about much to losely myself. Yes, there is the ol' "Mary Sue Litmus Test" and yes, we have all come across some fanfics that are truly the silly "Mary Sue/Marty Smith" type stories (some on purpose as paradies and well done too!) But is EVERY 'Original Character' in a fandom a Mary/Marty Sue? I say a resounding No! I have read many wonderful stories on this site and other where Original Characters are not a way to bring to light the 'fandom characters' themselves, but can truly bring a well written story together. So many times I have seen authors throw in the caveat of "Well I write Original Characters within a fandom but...They are not Mary Sue's!" it seems almost as if authors are afraid or apologizing ahead of time for putting Original Characters within a fandom story. There is no reason for it. I really think that the term "Mary Sue" is bandied about with far to much frequency and fear. Yes, we as writers cannot please everyone, and there will always be some reader who raises bloody hell because we are not writing a true 'sequel' to LOTR, HP or heaven forbid, we introduce ONE Original Character to a fandom. But honestly, I would say that as an avid reader and experienced writer, most of what I read in the fandoms is NOT Mary/Marty Sue material at all. Yes I have written in fandoms as well, both Harry Potter and the Sopranos, and I try and keep things within timelines and the authors/shows original plot lines, but of course my stories have Original Characters in them. So please fellow authors, never feel as if you are walking on eggshells when introducing OC's to a fandom fic. Some of the best and favorite stuff I have read here are stories with wonderful and varied OC's! And if you do get the one review out of twenty that flames you for writing a "Mary Sue" or how you "destroyed someones image of their characters" well, it is more than likely the readers problem than yours as an author... on the other hand if all twenty reviews are flames...Well, maybe the story needs to be tweaked..Unless of course you are the author(s) of that wonderful story "The Mary Sue Virus"
  2. Overall, I have to say writing someone elses characters are more tricky. Especially if you are doing a certain fandom or character (Say Harry Potter, LOTR, etc). People who enjoy these characters and fandoms come to expect that their favorite characters will behave and act a certain way. Soooo, you (in my humble opinion) as an author have to remain 'faithful' to how canon characters act, but while still telling a great story (even if it is say Slash or something that might not be found by the original author- like HP slash) I've tried to do this with the Sopranos and Harry Potter, it is a delicate thing to do because you are introducing new characters, but yet you want to remain faithful to the characters that the people enjoy. Original characters are easy because they are all 'yours' there is no right or wrong way. Who's going to say your original character is out of character, ya know?
  3. Kanashii


    One of the codes you can choose for a story description and codes is "B-Mod". Now after talking to a few people I gotta ask, what would you consider "B-Mod" or "Body Modification"? Would someone getting a branding, tattoo or piercing be considered B-Mod? How about stuff like knife or needle play? (and then piercing or branding?) Or does B-Mod to you mean more extravagent stuff like people getting mechanical parts put into them? (think of The Borg), or something inbetween. Let me know what you think, would love to hear all your opinions. I have several stories with BDSM and the Master giving his slave tattoo's, piercings or skilled brandings, and I always considered that "B-Mod".
  4. I'm female and write M/F, hetero stories only.
  5. Well, Ok. But only 'cause you asked so nicely Knorg. :::snerk::: Here ya go... "Knorg, Knorg...He's much better than the Borg!"
  6. It's like the Mob...they have an induction ceremony and everything. Ya gotta get yer points and earn yer vig...Capisce? Now no bitcha to me! Er, ah...Um Nevermind...I was thinkin' of something else. :::snerk:::
  7. I vote to keep it..I had a hoot figuring out how to get in here and felt like a kid at Christmas once I figured it out. Also I knew before I gained access I was always wonder...Just what IS in there (the Mystery Forum) If you want to be creative you can always lable it "Area 51", "Level 9" or some other thing. (Mystery forum works just fine).
  8. :::Waving:::: I got in! Yee haw. Now to check around.
  9. [Tessio brings in Luca Brasi's bulletproof vest, delivered with a fish inside] Sonny: What the hell is this? Clemenza: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with sillybugger. -The Godfather
  10. Geeze I want to be adopted by you guys who come up with the creative stuff! I do the same kind of things (as opposed to just store bought/commercialism gifts). For some people I give homemade coupons for: a 30 massage (from me) or a their favorite home cooked meal, or a dinner out or a whatever really appeals to THEM. For some of my friends I have written stories (short 1-10 chapter stories) if they like my work. I have one friend who is as big a Soprano nut as me, (she likes different characters than I do though) so I wrote her a story with her fav characters in it. For another author friend he had a specific 'kink-fetish' he wanted me to write for him, so I did. The dogs get special goodies, and friends that HAVE pets (cats or dogs) I will usually send coupons or samples for good holistic-healthy food for them. For me...I may splurge and get a new flogger or restrain or BDSM thingy for myself... Heh, heh!
  11. LOL, I'm just me. Biologically I'm female, but I had ovarian cancer and had all my inner girl parts removed at 30. But I have always been a "tom boy" (Do they use that term anymore?) Fishing, training dogs and horses, catching lizards with my 20 year old son. Writing stories, playing naughty games with the husband... I'm just 'gender neutral" I guess, I don't consciously THINK about whether I am female or not. But no I am not a "frilly" girl. Haven't worn a dress or skirt in like maybe 22 years? LOL! Always jeans and a T-shirt with some dog training or martial arts slogan on it. Does that count?? <evil grin>
  12. Eve wrote: "I've fixed the poll. Unfortunately, doing so misplaced the votes. The one person who had voted before shall have to vote again. Kanashii, I'm sending you a brief guide on creating polls. I have a pretty good idea of what went wrong. " Mille Grazie (many thanks!) Eveknight! I appreciate the help. I'm old and curmudgeonly, what do I know.
  13. I also wanted to add to my post, that just quick PHYSICAL attraction (looking at someone and thinking they are "hot") is much different than the attraction that comes when KNOWING someone and being their partner for many years or decades. Neither me or my husband would be considered "hawt" but yet each time we see each other our hearts still beat with love, and our eyes and hearts know what the other is thinking before we say it. When I FIRST met him, I didn't find him "hot" in the least (remember, I liked ultra tall guys.) but he and I dated awhile and after about a month, my heart began bending in ways it had never done before. There are people you want FLINGS with, and then there are people you want a part of your heart and soul the rest of your life. Who you feel you can grow old with, ya know? Two different ways of love, in my opinion.
  14. Well, I can only speak from my own experiences. My brother who is 39 is gay, and he has many times been attracted to straight men. I consider myself a heterosexual female and have been married for 24 years, however I have had lesbians give me invites (which I politely refused, but thanked them for the compliment). I also know that as a heterosexual woman there ARE certain women I find attractive. I may not want to go to bed with them, but I can look at them and say "My, that one is VERY hot and attractive! So very pretty!" (Julie Newmar and Jane Mansfield come to mind and a few others). My brother who is gay has also found certain women to be attractive even though he would have no interest in having sex with them. For most people sex ALWAYS starts between the ears (your brain) depending on your likes, fetishes, fantasies and what YOU personally think is arousing and attractive. (For me it's ultra TALL guys and guys with Italian accents. Even though the husband is only 5'4 and american, no accent <G>) but we all have our "attractions". This in my humble opinion is just normal, period. Yes gay men are attracted to straight men, gay women to straight women, straight people to gay people (There was one man who dated my brother and he was from Italy and tall...I was VERY attracted! LOL!) but that is the sexual attraction between the ears and because of our fetishes and likes. Had Mr. Gay tall Italian invited me for a quicky fling in the bed, I would have refused without a second thought.
  15. White Sands missle range in Alamogordo was one, also the deep jungles/rainforest of Panama was another and the original old citadel in Charleston (now a hotel) was really cool and eerie in a good way. IN the Atlantic Ocean (Shrimps nibbling your toes when you are in the middle of doing it, is definately ah, surreal!) But those are probably the "strangest" places. As far as different beds/hotels, that is so common it isn't strange. (The husband and I have been married for nearly 24 years and he has 24 years in the military so we have traveled, PCS'd, TDY'd and everything else). The most "cliche'd" place I'd done it was back when I was a teen (17 or 18) in the back of a 1978 BOAT of a Grandville!
  16. My question is; How can you NOT write things based on your own experiences? I have been to many countries, many locations, experienced what i have done myself, seen, heard or known in others. I think all authors and writers are (should be) GREAT observers of humanity and what is around them. You may not be homeless, but certainly you have seen a homeless person, their shuffling walk, or the way they look at life through tormented and hopless eyes. I think with us "oldsters" (those who are over 35) we have been around the block and seen and experienced much, so we have a greater 'database' where to write from. No, I am not a male 6'11 hitman, but I know what RAGE feels like inside me, and I know the pain of losing someone close. I may not be a 69 year old Mafia Don, but again, I know certain emotions and how certain currents and activities run in the deep city (being I was born in Chicago, lived in NJ and Philadelphia) and have actually known people in the Mob. I have lived in the South in Charleston and so know the sweet cloying scent of jasmine and magnolia draping over one on a hot swelter day, I have seen the eerie spanish moss in the moonlight framing the old antebellum plantations. As a human, I have loved many, had sex with many, experimented much, have my own kinks and desires and fantasies...ALL of these things I think comes out to some degree in our writing. It is very difficult to paint a picture for your reader if you cannot truly 'see' it in your own mind and soul. I have read stories where the writers ( you can tell) have never seen abuse, or had a night of wild sex, or visited England or whatnot, and the writing is 'flat' and without life because they are not giving the readers a sense of what is truly experienced.... Yes, even in SCI-FI, Anime, fantasy etc...Sure, we may have not seen or interacted with a dragon or Llamia, BUT, we can bring our human characters to life (and to some extent the dragons and naga's and llamia's as well) by putting EMOTIONS and subtle context of what we ourselves have seen, lived through, experienced with all of our senses and heart. So that is my take on the whole thing, and as always JMHO.
  17. Wow, that's a hard one to answer. I think I only have like two "one shots" most of mine are always chapter stories and many are down right NOVELS with 40+ chapters. (and those chapters can be 10,000-40,000 words each!) even some of my 'shorter' stuff is at least 7 chapters. That being said, the LENGTH of the chapters varies, I have had some chapters that were only about 6 paragraphs, (2000 words) and others that ran nearly 30,000 words! To me, chapter progression (start and finish) takes place when the story ITSELF demands a chapter change. (New thing going on, switching perspective to another person/party/individual or location) or simply because in the story it seems an appropriate and natural "break". (Hard to describe) I'm sure this didn't help you out to much, sorry for that. I think that with experience and practice of your craft comes the ability to know where the 'breaks' (new chapters) in your stories will occur. Also read some of your favorite published authors (not fanfic) and see how and why they end their chapters where they do. The transistions they put in there.
  18. Sorry, the poll seemed to screw up... it was supposed to have MANY answers to choose from, but it didn't come out that way, despite me filling out the instructions. Soooo, feel free to add here your opinions and choices. (Short vs Long, in reading or writing)
  19. I want to get the opinions of both authors AND readers. I write both kinds of stories (short 1-5) chapter ones and also recently put up a huge nearly 500 page (43) chapter novel. It surprises me how few hits this novel is getting, so I am wondering if it is just tooo long and involved for the average reader. > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095567 However I would love to hear from both authors and readers of what they tend to like and why. What do YOU enjoy reading and or writing and if you are a writer, do you notice any difference in your longer stories (as far as hits/reviews) over your shorter ones (under 6 chapters) Thanks in advance for your input and opinions
  20. Ginevra: "Adult talk ahead...If this offends you, please skip..." As a female myself who has asked my husband this question (and he just made the face too and didn't know how to explain it) But I am persistant and a first class interrogationer...(Muhahahha). What I would do (as a fellow female) is describe how it feels to have your clitoris sucked and tongued. Science says that a mans forskin, helmet and underside of his cock is as sensitive as a womans clitoris (NOT the labia) and the more erect his cock gets the more sensitive it gets (just as our clits get more sensitive when they start getting 'hard', filling with blood and getting more juices flowing). Most men I have given BJ's too, say they that the sucking and tonguing around the frenem and underside is the MOST enjoyable and gives them the same feeling as when they are thrusting inside their partner. Some men like their balls sucked some hate it. Most men do NOT like teeth laid anywhere on their aroused cock and say it is uncomfortable to downright painful (think of a man CHOMPING on your clit) Men say when they get ready to come, that they feel not only a PULL inside their lower gut, but that the balls get tighter, closer to the body and begin to set up a reaction of a sense of building to something within them. The best part is being "milked" (the coming and having that steady pressure on their cock milking their semen out) That to THEM what the 'waves' that hit us females as we come are like. Granted, everyone is different I am just putting down what I know from my husband of 24 years of marriage and also recalling from all the men I dated before I met and married my husband. Sorry if this sounds a bit like a TLC or medical show description but I hope it helps. All you have to do is fill in the colorful words and such inbetween...(Again, think of how it feels for YOU to come <if you are clitorial stimulated!> the throbbing, the waves of pleasure, if you can get your partner to suck your clitoris that will give you a really good basis to go from there.
  21. Ok...You gotta one realize I am an older gal. (Over 43) I have also been on AFF since around 2005...And I NEVER knew what "Self Insertion was"...I always had thought when I saw that code (SI-Self Insertion) it meant code for characters masterbating and inserting non-sexual objects into them..(Cucumbers, bananas, etc, etc, etc.) It wasn't until a year later when a good friend told me what SI stood for and I want... "Oh". Personally I kinda liked my version of "SI" codes...(Light bulbs? Gerbils? ah, um...Never mind!) I see they changed the code now.. But honestly, as a question, for an author (especially of ORIGINAL work)...Doesn't EVERY character have a wee bit of you as an author in it? Sure it does. You experiences, your emotions (good or bad). I've gotten to talk to published authors like Steven King and Dean Koontz and even THEY say that every character may have one tiny piece of what is THEM. Yes, yes...I know about the Mary Sue litmus test, and I am not talking Mary Sue here. But I gotta be honest...Nearly all the original stuff I have read here has SOMETHING of the original writer/creator in it. Maybe a habit the character has, or the way he/she quirks an eyebrow, or what not. So the "Self Insertion" (as pertaining to Mary Sue) is a very slippery slope indeed. I would not consider Laurence Martel, Victor Jerome, nor some of my other characters from my stories "MS's" but yet each one MAY have an experienced or characteristic that I have or have done or have known about. Does that make it MS/SI? Waaaaaay to many people are way to quick to jump on the MS bandwagon I think. JMHO
  22. I love your sense of humor Knorg But yes... Y/N/P Heck we can't even get 'em to click the rate, you think their gonna do the Y/N/P? Remember the old (was it Penthouse or Oui?) that had a rating system with little pictures of dicks...(fully erect for a 4, nearly erect for a 3, tumescent for 2 and flaccid for a 1 or something like that). 'snerk'
  23. I definately can understand someone maybe not reviewing, but gosh, there is the RATE button, I mean it doesn't get any more easier than clicking the RATE button if you really don't have any review to write. At least the author can get an idea of how you 'rate' their story that way. Even I have had days I cannot leave a personal LONG review in an authors review section, but I at least click the rate and give them their 5 stars... I mean c'mon, it takes what... less than one 30th of a second to click that rate button?
  24. Why ITALY of course! (preferably southern Italy...Naples, Campania, Sicily, etc) But any place in Italy would be great, perferably off the beaten path (IE: not the touristy spots but mixing with the natives and locals!) (If you ever read any of my stories, you'd understand my allure to Italy and the Italian culture). in fact we are HOPING, (the husband and I) to spend our 23rd wedding anniversary there this year near Venice, as well as visiting Florence where I have a dear friend who will host us for a few days. It would truly be a dream come true and I hope we can pull it off.
  25. Hey there! My name is Kanashii-Taka and while I am NOT new to AFF (been here since 2005 as an author) I am new to the forums. I mainly write Original stories and have a particular love of mafia and mobster stories. I also write alot of dark erotica (BDSM, D/s, Maledom, etc) in the fandoms I have a few Soprano's stories and also a few Harry Potter stories. I have a few stories published for real, and also write several technical journals and articles as well. (Obviously NOT under 'Kanashii') I live in the Midwest and am older than 39 but younger than 50 married for nearly 24 years to an Air Force man (I am retired military as well). I tend to write alot of LONG fics and ones that are very rich and detailed, as well as introspective pieces on certain characters...(and yeah, a bit of kinky naughty stuff in there. Some of it very naughty). I consider myself an ardent observer of humanity. It is a pleasure to meet so many wonderful and talented fellow authors on here and see all the various directions and and subjects you all write about. Keep on writing!
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