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Well I don't 'hate or dislike' anyone's accent. They have no choice of where they are born or how they speak. Overall there are some accents I find very pleasing and enjoyable to listen too... Italian is at the top of the list. Also European Spanish (those from Spain) it is spoken much differently than Latin American spanish. German is nice too, but then I grew up hearing that accent. Certain UK (especially Scottish or Irish) are great, but can sometimes be hard to understand especially if they have a deep region dialect or brogue. Asian languages always sound like your being shouted at. I think it's the nature of the language, it just sounds harsh to my 'westernized' ear. That's my humble opinion and I'm stickin' to it!
I do understand Fawnheart what you and some others are saying. I think the reason "minor/pedo" has such a bad rap to it (as in WRITING) is because so many people in Real life have experienced this first hand (or known someone who has) and have seen the reality of it. Not many people have first hand experience screwing robots, cartoon characters, or being kidnapped by the Mafia or running around with Elven Lords and Pirates...So these are things we can 'fantasize' about or at least keep our emotional distance. Even some of the more specialized "kink" like scat play or urine play is something most people have never seen or have experience with, so can be just shoved to the back of our mind. Now, don't get me wrong. I do NOT enjoy reading slash or minor/pedo in anyway. But I do fully stand up for an authors right to write about FICTIONAL characters and what they want to do with them. So that is where I am coming from... Now, do I think people who write pedo/minor give pedophiles ideas??? No... Not anymore than writing about someone being kidnapped and raped gives people ideas (or those reading it). I write some VERY, very dark stuff sometimes. Kidnapping, rape, slavery, the savagery of the Mafia. I doubt (and I can guarentee this) any of my readers are going to look for their nearest Mafia family to join and begin kidnapping, raping women and torturing enemies of the famiglia. The same with 'beastiality' (sex with animals) while it is something I would never write about, when you read some of these stories it is obvious the authors have no clue...no experience. (Not that they should!) But you can just TELL most of it is fantasy based. Rape too is a sensitive subject. Again, this is something that MANY people have real world experience with. But there are kinks out there, that in no way affect the people who write or read the stories. (Did you know....Most people who write male/male slash are actually FEMALES?) I am not connected with any Mob families, nor would I ever want to be raped, kidnapped and enslaved by any dark people...But it is a 'kink' I have. One of the reasons minor/pedo is such a 'hotbutton' is that it usually strikes a deep chord in our basic human instinct (protection of children, family, etc). Todays world is very ugly and dark indeed. Apathy reins everywhere, so even more people tend to WRITE ficticious things as a way to deal with it. Again, I am a mother. I have a son. Reading M/M or reading "minor/pedo" is not normally my cuppa tea. Not for ETHICAL reasons, but just that I don't find it sexually arousing to me. BDSM, D/s, violence, dark tales, kidnapping women for slaves...Yeah I find that arousing and intruiging. Many other people would not find what I listed above as arousing and they will choose not to read my works. I don't know if you remember, but it seems about every 10 years some Singer (Ozzy Osborne, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, etc) is accused of 'converting their listeners' to Satanism, or causing them to commit murder, suicide or other rubbish. If you are suicidal or a psychopath already, listening to a song is NOT going to cause you to do the deed. Writing is the same way. Stories about minors (and it is only RECENTLY that this hotbutton has popped up) in early Greek and Roman times, it was very common for young (7-10 year old) boys and girls to have already been used for sex. it has continued for literally millenia. There are even classic literature about it.. "lolita" comes to mind. Minor may not be your cup of tea, and that is fine. We respect you. Don't read it. But also remember that unless all of us are given our 'freedom of speech' and allowed to write what we want...Soon the Governments of our world will only have us authors writing about pretty butterflies in fields with dancing unicorns. You need to also remember that either WRITING or READING about something is not going to give either the author or the reader "ideas" to try. If someone is already predispositioned to BE something...(Rapist, serial killer, pedophile, etc) then they will not need a 'story' to give them ideas. And for the sake of arguement (Devils Advocate here...) Let's say that there IS a pedophilia who is aroused by reading minor, yaoi, etc. Wouldn't it be better for him/her to be wanking in front of a computer screen to the ficticious words of a story than actually molesting a real life child? As an author, I always try and make sure I have ALL the codes covered in my story and again on the first page, so that anyone who reads my stories won't say..."Oh my GAWD!!! Why didn't you tell me this was about Lord Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy torturing some poor girl?!?!?!? Ack! I'm scarred for life now!" As a READER, if you find something an author has NOT coded, then you can politely leave a review and mention..."Hey, I stumbled on this by accident because I thought it was a story about XYZ, and had no idea it contained ABC...Could you re-code it please to avoid others accidently reading this who may not want to?" To fellow Authors...CODE your stories properly (Yaoi, M/M, BDSM, anal, slavery/rape, etc, etc, etc...) I have gotten more readers who will read my stuff when I code it with all the codes it contains because some people DO use the SEARCH function (I know I do!) so I will often find new stories by typing in BDSM or D/s or M/F, etc, etc... Just a suggestion to bring in the readers you DO want reading your story. JMHO as always
Ok, being I live in America...Many of my friends and I find that people with foreign accents (especially European) tend to be very attractive and sexy (Spanish, Italian, British, etc). So in a way I am kind of curious (especially for our friends living in Europe, Netherlands, Asia, Russia, etc) what kind of 'accent' do you find pleasing to the ear or even sexually attractive? For those of us here in the US do you have a favorite foreign accent?
Zyx: I justed wanted to second, that your written English is great for a 'non-native' speaker. I have actually found that some non-native speakers WRITE it better than they pronounce or speak it. Personally, I say go ahead and write it in English! If you are using a programme like MS Word.doc (English version) it WILL catch alot of blatent misspellings and a good beta can clean up anything else Best of luck to you!
Hello Kokiden! Hey we are almost Birthday twins! (Mine is Feb 3rd, but I was born at 11:50 pm, so I was ALMOST a feb 4th!) Happy UPCOMING Birthday and I wish you the very best wishes and happiness!
I am so happy to see more of you coming out and saying "Hi ya!". Ok here is a fun thing...Let's start a "Stuff we remember" and show some of the youngsters what "dinosaurs' we are! Feel free to add your own rememberances! 1) Watching the first moonwalk LIVE on TV! 2) Watching about Vietnam on the news, nightly. 3) Reel to reel tapes, then 8 tracks and then cassettes (thinking they were REALLY cool and small!) 4) Cola wars! (Pepsi or Coke!) 5) when TV was more PROGRAM than commercials 6) Schoolhouse rocks! (for those of us in the US) 7) Apple computers, atari, commodore 64's (now THOSE were high tech!) 8) Beta vs. VHS 9) The launch of Cable TV, and MTV when all they played was MUSIC videos and nothing else (Video killed the radio star!) 10) AM radio and transistor radios everywhere. 11) the first WALKMAN's. 12) the first 'car phones'/portable phones (big BRICK looking things that took up half your car!) 13) the Energy Crisis of '75 and long lines. 14) When gasoline was around 50 cents a gallon, when you got free gifts when the attendants filled your car (and checked the air and oil for free!) What else can you all remember or add from your memories?
Keith WINS the challenge! Good job man! I didn't know if you could pull off a ah, "smurf shrink" story. Here is your Klondike bar and your official "Bow down to Keith"
Hello: I am looking for a beta for my Original work titled "Tender is the Night". Description of story: " "Don Victor Jerome has been labeled by the FBI the most powerful Crime Boss on the East Coast. Midwesterner Sarah Duncan is newly engaged and working to make ends meet when she is suddenly captured into the cruel underworld of 'White Slavery'. Two very different people who would never ordinarily meet become intricately entangled in each other's lives and fates. What at first seems like a chance occurrence turns out to be pivotal in both of their lives. Don Victor Jerome has been the strength behind the Jerome Family for nearly 25 years, ever since his rival Tito D’Salvatore Family had dealt a devastating bloody massacre to his family back in 1957. Now his biggest problems are ending the continuing war with his hated enemies the D’Salvatores, the ever increasing government crackdowns on Organized Crime and the strange enigmatic Sarah whom he has rescued from a fate worse than death..." warnings/content: Contains some graphic violence and adult themes (mafia, etc.) consentual sex, but the story is more plot and true novel than just plain erotica. Genre: Thriller/Adventure I am looking for a beta who would be willing to help me on my grammar and sentence structure especially. Catch any plot mix ups and willing to help advise. I would prefer you are are really comfortable with grammar and even a bit 'anal retentive' in catching grammatical errors or technical errors. This story is already up and posted under my author name (under Originals) see link below. This it is a huge novel/story around 500 pages and 43 chapters. PM me if you are interested. I am very easy to work with, there is no 'hurry' for this and I am very open to constructive criticism.
I got the same bug. Wouldn't let me play any of the slots.
It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established Sillybuggers are wrong. Voltaire
Talk softly and carry a big Sillybugger!
Also, to the original Poll maker. Smoking it is not the only way. It can be made into butter which can be cooked with (brownies, etc) and actually has a much better and more consistant delivery within the body for pain relief and duration. I don't smoke, but smoking is not the only way to ingest marijuana. Google some recipies out there (Type: Marijuana recipies) Back when I was a teenager "smoking it" never did anything for me anyway. But if I ingested it by eating it through brownies or something else it had a much different affect.
I will not say whether I use it. But I will say I support legalizing it 110%! I have an incurable autoimmune disease and each day can be tormenting pain that even morphine cannot touch. While they DO make a pill called "Marinol" (here in the US) it is only really prescribed for Hospice paitents or those who are in end stage Cancer. (Mainly for people who cannot eat). I can EAT just fine, it is the unrelenting pain I have problems with. So yes...I support legalizing it completely. In fact you have some "herbal substances" out there that are not regulated at all, that can cause alot more problems than marijuana. (Valerian, St. John's Wort and especially Echinachea!) in fact for someone like me, taking Echinacea (found in many herbal cold remedies or immune system strengthening) would put me in the hospital with a major flare. As someone else mentioned, by legalizing it it could be taxed and the consumer would know they were getting a 'clean' product and what the content was. (how much standardized THC, etc). JMHO
Why Don't Women Seem To Realize...
Kanashii replied to DarkInuLord's topic in Personal Rants & Journals
Now you get some "big sister" advice. Only because you are about as young as my son. This girlfriend (and no disrespect intended for your GF) is not the average "Jane" so to speak. Sounds like she is VERY young, and very immature and maybe doesn't even realize what SHE wants (let alone you). I've been married for nearly 24 years. (Got married at 19) and I would never snap at my partner if he said something, nor would I ever go inside someone house and ah..."disrobe" unless it was a doctor. Ya know? (and then not in their house!) You need to really think where you want this relationship with her to go, ya know? Just talking may not be enough. Maybe SHE isn't ready for a 'steady committment' and maybe you aren't either. Maybe you both need to step back from the relationship(??) and I think you need to honestly...Stop walking on eggshells and treating her like a princess! Good God man! She's a woman, not a princess. If she can't be your BEST FRIEND first above anything else...than it will never work. My husband and I are VERY opposite in personalities and likes and what not. But we are above all BEST FRIENDS, best mates...We can TALK about anything. Sports, shite, you know. I also give him the same RESPECT I would want afforded to me. Sounds like she (your GF) isn't doing this. Now believe me, I'm not trying to say "Do this" or "Do that"...Hell, I was 16, 17, 19 once...Before I met my husband I was ah...(putting this politely) very ACTIVE and enjoyed a wonderful sex life with many partners. I had actually had two other men propose marriage to me and I politely declined them because I knew in my heart they were not someone I could grow OLD with...Ya know??? Sounds romantic, sounds corney...but ask yourself. Wouldn't you want someone who will respect your feelings, be a best friend and be there for you when your say 89 as well. Someone you can TRUST in mind, and heart? If you can't TRUST someone now, marriage is never going to change that. I have seen sooooooo many of my friend end up in divorce simply because they thought "marriage" or a "family" (children) would change the other person. It won't. You sound like a very, very polite, romantic and heartfelt young man. I hope you truly find someone out there who is worth that. (And there is!) there are women out there that are the complete opposite of your GF, who will love you, respect you, make you laugh, never DREAM of hurting you and would love even a moment of your time. Stuff to consider. Whatever your decisions, you need to have a serious talk with Girlfriend and explain a few things and above all BOTH of you need to be brutally honest with what you want in this relationship. If it can't be met, move on. Best of luck in whatever you do. -
First, I wanted to THANK heartily DemonGoddess and all the other admins/Techs who helped revamp these new boards! I know it was NOT an easy undertaking and I applaud you for your hard work. I hope AFF has a great 2008 and I am looking forward to seeing new members, new stories and all the wonderful surprises in store. Thanks again!
Yeah, that's me...Funny like a clown, funny.* heh, heh! *A little Goodfellows humor in there.
Thanks Keith! I've already begun reading the first chapter! Looking forward to whatever your fiendish mind creativly conjures!
Right now I am enjoying 1) The Nomads of Trilos> http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093776 2) The Princess and the Slave> http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093776 I remember The Rousing Misadventures of Pandora Sparkle too... It was good read But M/F BDSM, Maledom are pretty much my weakness
Ok, now you gotta do the experiment, Araneola! The Mythbusters are great, love 'em! So keep up updated on the Plastic bag/ Doritos saga! (and it is only Doritos? What about pringles? Fritos or Cheetoes?) Heh, heh!
Hey, we got 26 crates of 'em ready to go. They even have some grenades the size of dimes Ya never know when a family war is in the air, or some poor slob broke omerta, that much vaunted vow of Smurfdom silence. Ever seen a Lupara the size of a pencil? A garrote that is only 4 inches in length? Wicked man, simply wicked! Greedy Smurf now sleeps with da fishes! He was skimmin' off da top from Papa Smurf and his skip Grumpy Smurf.
I've been playing more and more on here today and really love the changes. It's like finding little hidden surprises of what you can do. Great job Mods and Techs! I know it wasn't easy!
Have You Ever Written A Walkthrough / Guide?
Kanashii replied to a topic in Walkthroughs, Hints and Spoilers
Ah man...I remember the older Microprose games! I had done a walkthrough eons ago for Masters of Magic and also attempted one for the old computer game Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy (but ended up getting stumped myself!) also.. (and my mind is blanking on the name here...) There was a game where it was nothing but text such as (Go to the mailbox, get the letter from the mailbox, etc). I think it was Quark? something with a "Q" in it. Recently I have written a few "guides" for Diablo 2, for the Amazon and Barbarian. But yes, some of the walkthrough guides are a godsend, and I appreciate those folks who take the time to do it. I would have never figured out the "Godfather" game without a detailed walkthrough... (Crappy game none the less, but the authors walkthrough was brilliantly well done). -
Thanks Knorg and Demon. All is well now (Man, I am way to easy to please...This is good, no?) :::snerk!:::::