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Everything posted by Kanashii
Nah, I wouldn't dance with them Jaxx...Let them drift off. As to the lawyer, I was thinking years ago (back when the forums used to be on Yahoo, and they reformed and reformatted AFF, with that "electronic signature") that y'all had hired a lawyer who specialized in such forms and had worked with other adult sites who had drafted the main sign in page? No-yes? Either way, as I re-read the main page and disclaimers, it really looks like you have all your ducks in a row. Again, IF this person were to actually do something, all you would need to have the Techies do, is add another disclaimer (that pops up on each story, under the authors disclaimer) that says something to the effect of : AFF assumes no responsibilty for content and that these are works of creative fiction... Blah, blah, etc. Hang in there, I am kinda surprised that you have not recieved MORE wicked email... ("How DARE you have Harry Potter characters DOING IT... with their teachers! I'm telling JK ROwling!" or "How Dare you have Inushya doing it with a Transformer Robot! I'm complaining!" or..."How dare you have that crazy author Kanashii writing about the Mafia...I'm in the Mafia and we are whacking her damnit!") You and the others have been doing GREAT with this site, and it is my one refuge to come and enjoy things. Considering the sheer volume of hits, readers and people posting (AND the hard working Mods who take the time to sift through dead stories or spam links)...Whew! Take a deep breath and enjoy some tea or chocolate or whatever your favorite "poison" is. AFF with weather this "eloquent and powerful sounding troll" as well. Warmly, Kanashii B)
This is a really hard one to answer for the simple reason of this. Are we talking "Organized religion" or are we talking faith within a person, and that is a personal thing in itself? If we are talking organized religion, which one?: (Islam? Hinduism? Buddihsm? Christianity? Judiasm? Paganism? Wiccan, Satanism, Deist? etc) even within THAT context there are perhaps 5-20 subsets within each so called religion-belief. (IE: There is no "Christianity" as a whole. Which one? Catholicism? Lutheran? Reformist? Protestant? Huegonot? Latter Day Saints? Evangelism? etc, etc) Same with Islam, Hindi, Buddhism etc. There is no "one" there are 10 subsects of Hindi, there are 8 of Buddhism (I may be wrong on that one) 3 of Judiasm etc... If we are talking organized religion, than ever single one, has committed violence and crusades in the name of their own religion. (Yes, even those peaceful Buddhist monks). Heck, even the SAME religions cannot get along (Shiites vs Suni? Catholics vs Protestants? Orthodox Jews vs Non-Orthodox? Pagans vs Wiccans?) Now, if you are talking SELF spiritualization and awareness, that is a difference. Self awareness and spiritualization means that we believe that there is/are things more important and greater than us. That we (as a human being) must also care about our fellow human being. In other words, basically following the Golden rule... (Don't kill, don't rob, don't cheat your neighbor, yada, yada, yada). We don't NEED a cleric, preacher, dali-Llama to tell us these things, someone who is "Self spiritual and aware" knows this. What happens between you and your choice of belief or diety (or non-diety) is your belief. People can be in an organized religion and be VERY self UNAWARE. On the other hand, some who never go to an organized house of worship, or join a coven, or go to a mosque or temple can be VERY spiritually aware. Personally, (and please...This is my personal belief and I am not forcing anyone to believe or accept it), I believe that faith is like the FORCE (yeah, that "Force" from Star Wars). It is ALL around you, every cell and atom is literally alive with power, electrons, etc. There is a light side and a dark side. Life and death, summer and winter, pain and health. Both keep things in balance...(Yin-Yang). WE as souls learn from our mistakes and become more aware an intune with that "force" that is all around us. (the earth, nature, the animals, our fellow human beings)... We choose whether we want to smile at people that day and be someone who tries to respect others, give of ourselves, or we can choose to be axe-murderers. Everything balances out in the end. I believe more in a system of "Karma" than of "Heaven and Hell". But, in that token, I do not begrudge any religion. What may be someone elses spirituality may be someone elses "poison". I won't force my beliefs on anyone, at any time. However you asked, so I am simply sharing my opinion. I would not consider myself a Christian, nor a true wiccan. I fall more into a Zen-Taoist with Wiccan-like beliefs. However, the fascinating thing is that nearly every religion (Organized ...) does have the same basic code. (The Golden Rule, the 10 commandments, The Creed whatever you want to call them) and nearly all of them read the same... (Respect your elders, harm none, don't steal, blah, blah, and blah.) Within ANY religion you will find hypocracy, zealots and people who are in it just for politics or money. "Bad eggs" are not exclusive to any one organized religion. So, after this LONG ramble, (and I do apologize, be nice to me, I'm old ) What I am basically saying to Ag, is this. What you have to take into account when you speak of religion is that it can be very different than spiritualism. I have met some people who follow an organized religion that are not led "blindly" would never think of bothering anyone or converting anyone, etc. I have met some real jerks in organized religion who slaughter innocencts in the name of their religion, or commit truly heinous attrocities. (Genocide, etc). NO religion is better than another, but you need to seek wisdom within yourself. Do not worry and obsess what OTHERS do...If you are self aware, you only need to know to what is in your heart and what you wish to do with it. Warmly, Kanashii
Zan: I wanted to say that I have started reading "Innocence Broken" and I am truly enjoying it so far. I love the gritty, scary realism of fear mingled with something else, as well. I often write of kidnappings, innocent women ending up on the wrong side of some scary individuals and topics such as that. Even when writing in "fanfic" (Such as Soprano's or Harry Potter) my writing tends to be very dark, very gritty and very viceral. However, there is also backstory to bring the readers in. To me, I love a long tale that can drag a reader into a wonderous journey that makes you enjoy the tale, no matter how gritty or dark it can get. But then again, I am an older writer (over 40) so writing about youth-teen topics just is not something that appeals to me... But then again, even when I was a teen I was writing very adult themed gritty and dark stories that had nothing to do with teens or my youth. In another life I think I was a hitman. Warmly, Kanashii
Is there an point where story content is not accepteble?
Kanashii replied to a topic in Legal Questions/Debates
As one poster said, this will always be a hotly debatable subject. Personally, I am turned off by any sort of pedophile activity. However, it has been going on for thousands of years. What is classified as pedophile? What age? In the stone age, our species rarely lived past the age of 30, so people were mated and bearing children as soon as they hit their first menstrual cycle. During the times of the Greeks, Roman's, Babalonians, and the Ottomans, (even in Asia) a bride could be as young as 9 when given to her future husband. Slaves that were caught as part of war, during those times, where also commonly used as sexual companions. (Or either sex). What is the age of consent? 17? 18? 16? Even in the USA, , at the turn of the century and until the early 1040's it was very common practice for people to marry young (12, 13, 14) and begin bearing children. Is was something necessary in an agrarian-agricultural society. People themselves, begin to experience sexual feelings as young as 6 or 7. I can attest this for myself. I think we all know we have experimented with our own bodies as children, touching and exploring "what felt good". So are we saying that anyone under the age of 12 has no sexual feelings nor can experience orgasm or "pleasant feelings" by sexual stimulation? Again, I am not for this, just throwing out some history and joining the discussion... However, I am for "freedom of speech and FICTIONAL writing". We classify pedaphilia as a mental disorder. Does that mean if someone who is Bi Polar, PTSD, or Depressed, writes about drug use, or thoughts of suicide, cutting or self mutilation we call it criminal? What is that person is writing about someone who is aged 13, and is a fictional character? What if that person is writing about themselves? I think there is an "inherant nature" in today's society to feel bad and motherly/fatherly towards those who can't take care of themselves. (Children or animals) We are disgusted when we hear about animal abuse, but yet write fanfic about humans and cartoon animals (or real animals) having sexual relations. Yes, I am a mother, with a (now) adult son. I would be horrified if anyone hurt him, however, I will defend a right for people to write what FICTICIOUS stuff they want. I am not a murderer and would never harm someone, but yet all my stories are very violent and deal with graphic descriptions of violence. Does this make me mentally unstable, even if I am aroused by reading my own fictional characters engaging in violence and BDSM sex? We (as a society) run the risk of a very slippery slope and one we have to be careful of. No one is telling anyone "how they must feel, or what they must support". However, we must truly think through all the ramifications of "shock emotional reactions" and/or simply being led blindly by politicians and religious leaders. Yes, in real life, those who harm children and molest them, should be punished. What do we do though when a 16 or 13 year old actively seeks out on their own a sexual partner who is say...25 or 35? Is the older person a "molester"? Even if the 16 year old initiated it? What is legal age of consent? (it varies around the world). Granted, not everyones stories will appeal to every reader. (Nor should they). Some may find M/M slash material a complete turn off, or violence, or people doing it with (robots, cartoons, underage wizards at Hogwarts). But I will support to the end, people who wish to write, fictional portrayals of above. Also keep in mind, some people do write to either "shock" or even to get negative attention. Some people want attention so much, even negative attention/negative reviews is fine by them. While I might not agree with everyones position or posts, I DO defend and respect your opinion and right to post it. I guess, what my rambling post is saying is this. Stand by your opinions, morals and decisions, but be informed. Always research the history into something. The minute we, as a society stop being informed and thinking for ourselves, we lose that which is the creative spark within us. As always, the above is just my humble opinion. Warmly, Kanashii -
Jaxxy: First, I am sorry you got this kind of letter. I could see why it would rattle you. That being said, here is my humble opinion (as others have stated as well)... This whole censorship is a very slippery slope indeed. If, hypothetically we ban minor, FICTICIOUS stories, then would we also have to ban fanfic stories (Harry Potter, Anime, etc) because the characters are "minors"? Granted, the whole pedaphile thing is a major turn off for me, and I have no interest in reading or writing it. But, if we go down a slippery slope we begin to endanger ALL of what AFF has come to stand for. As an example, some people have written stories or journals detailing drug use, rape or extreme graphic violence. (I myself write many stories dealing with extremely graphical violence). So, does this mean that ANY "illegal activity" (rape, drugs, violence) that is strictly ficticious is now banned? Do we (as a society) begin to ban AUTHORS who write fictional stories with rape, murder, alcoholism or drug use? I agree with Joe, some people write this stuff (Pedaphile) because I think for the shock value, maybe to even see if they can GET "negative reviews". To some people even BAD attention is attention and they thrive on it. My only suggestion (in this law suit happy time we live in) is that you might check with the lawyer who used to help our AFF, and that anyone who wants to write a story with pedaphile activity in it post an additional disclaimer that the story is TOTAL fictional, and involves no real minors. (You know, how most fictional stories have that cute little disclaimer on the front that reads: "This story is a work of fiction and bears no resemblence to any persons living or dead", kind of thing. What else can you do, logically? (and that is doing a lot) I only suggest this, if indeed you truly feel that this person is someone who can do something, and/or can cause trouble. Perhaps when people post their story, one of the codes they must click is if there is any characters under 16, and then that disclaimer will automatically "pop up" on their story. Personally, I wouldn't not do anything to worry yourself. The main site already has a large "legalese" section that you musc "electronically sign" stating you (the reader) are 18, and that you are not offended by pornography, and understand you are reading stories on an "adult site". Believe me, honestly, there are really sites out there that push the borderline of child pornography, (IE: Adult picture sites that claim there models are "hot horny teens" or underage), and those are actual photographs, not fictional stories. There are many classic examples of literature where there is underage characters engaging in sex with adults or each other. Now, before people get too crazed, please realize that Jaxxy asked this, because here in the USA, it is a lawsuit crazy, media paranoid society. Sad, but true. In many countries and places in the world, people/the law/the media would not even waste time with a bunch of "amature authors writing fanfiction", however, there is always someone, who wants to "rock the boat". Personally, Jaxx, I don't think your letter writer has a leg to stand on. Honest. I would ignore it. I think they are just trying to draw you into something or rattle your chain. LAWFULLY, there is nothing the law can do to this site, or you personally, that has people portraying either fictional characters or, writing personal journals of their own lives. Sure, some conserative groups can boycott, or raise a stink, or what not. But legally, you are in the clear, as long as it is posted (somewhere on this site- and I know it is) that these stories/journals are not "endorsed" by any entity, and are pure fictional works, with no resemblances to any persons living or dead. (((Warm hugs))) and hang in there. Warmly, Kanashii
Moderators are you aware, of the evil infestation of
Kanashii replied to Calanthee's topic in Aimless Babble
I'm a Porno Potter'ite! I admit it! I admit it!!!!!!!!! (Starting to frantically type my Firenza the Centaur and Hagrid slash story now!) ROFL!!!!!! Maybe I'll write one where all the Gryffindors make U-know-Poo turn "Good" and pretty butterflies come visit along with prancing unicorns.. *snerk* um, and wait....Then there has to be "Snupin, Snarffy and Snarry" slash........ As well as Hermione takes a potion to change into Harry's mum, uses the time turner to go back into time, does Dumbly-dore and has Malfoy and the Slytherin girls fall madly for her... (and we'll stick Lupin in there somewhere...Don't want to leave out those Lupin fans!) And yes, I WRITE potter fanfic, I get the jocularity of these posts, I think this is freakin' hilarious! Go Calenthee go! If we can't have a little fun with ourselves over ANY genre we do, then we are truly lost, and not just wandering around. Warmly, Kanashii -
Moderators are you aware, of the evil infestation of
Kanashii replied to Calanthee's topic in Aimless Babble
HOW CAN YOUR FORGET PUPPET MOBSTERS?!?!? My Muppet Mafia is very offended that they were forgotten in the list of horny, heathens listed above... LOL! PS: Don't you know there is a "Secret Spell" decoder ring given at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft that makes all the students and teachers oversexed fiends? I guess Durmstrang doesn't give one out...They are ALL males there, tons of slash potential for those who enjoy that... Or for Yuri f/f fans, there is Beuxbotons (sp??) the all girsl magic school. What I am pondering is why isn't there any Hagrid/Madam Maxine stories (the two giants) or Dumbledore and Madam Maxine? (Hmmm kinky). Fiorenza the centaur and Prof Flitwick fanfic??? Ok, I need to stop, I am having way to much fun with this and my snickering and giggling is making my service dog look at me like I've lost my mind! Warmly, Kanashii -
Moderators are you aware, of the evil infestation of
Kanashii replied to Calanthee's topic in Aimless Babble
Ah Calanthee, You know you had me sitting here for 10 minutes laughing hysterically right? My 21 year old son thought I was having an attack because I was just gulping air, laughing maniacally and had tears streaming down my face... You do NOT know how much I needed that humorous post today, you are medicine for the soul! PLEASE never drop your wit and humor, I get it and I think it's great. Warmly, Kanashii -
Yeah Beth! ((((((Hugs and Congrats!))))))) As Green said, I know how hard a struggle it can be, and check you out....Hittin' the gym and everything! We'll be your cheering section! Or maybe I'll set a old PAF to stand guard at the house! LOL! (Or was that "bloatie" the world traveled PAM?) Warmly, Kanashii
I thought the purpose of AFF was to POST our stories ON here, yes? Here is an author who is simply posting links to something that one has to DOWNLOAD in your computer? Shouldn't this be TOS'd or deleted? Here is the Page info: > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094927 Here is the author info: > http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/author...p?no=1296798937 The name of the story is "Cash Connection" under "Original>erotica/sex. Author name "PinkyButt" Thanks for checking into this. Warmly, Kanashii
My work not connect with AFF at all. AFF I do for fun, or to share ideas, but I am also a writer/author in real life (as a profession) and my editors are pestering me about getting a mauscript up to par with them. I also have two technical articles I need to churn out for clients.
Care to come over and help me clean?!? I hate cleaning, but worse it is really hard for me to do physically because of my disabilities. Ah well, sometimes the dust bunnies reign at my house! Maybe I can round them up and use them as "Plot Bunnies" B) Warmly, Kanashii
Greenwizard is a cool person who writes some really good posts! Sending some good Vibes your way.
Help With An Original Character
Kanashii replied to shinigamiinochi's topic in Original Character Development
Hi Shini: I don't think (honestly) that anyone can tell you what YOUR character that you created is. You know? As to "does this follow the fandom", the fandom of what? It's an original story, so what world you write and create is your world, you know? Everyones characters will be different because they created them, if you are not sure what your character is, then perhaps as your write the story more, it will be revealed to you as an author. What I mean is, I have occasionally just had in my mind something along the lines of this dialog.. "OK, character A has this physical description or traits, this is his purpose in my story" but I may not have him fleshed out. As I write more of the story, more details or ideas may come to me... "Character A thinks this way because of what happened to him or her during their childhood, or who their parents are, or someone summoned them or whatever..." But I honestly don't think someone can tell you what your characters are because we did not create them. If a character is NOT working for you, driving you nuts and not going anywhere...Make some changes and see what happens. I and other authors have done this before as well... "Character A, just isn't fitting in here, lets change his/her physical appearence or try this.." Occasionally I've "axed" a character, done away with them completely and written a new one in, because the story is going nowhere. The nice thing about writing "Original stories" is you are God of your world and characters. You set the parameters, you can determine what they can or cannot do. Sometimes, they (the characters) don't NEED a specific background or explanation at all...I have read some stories where the protagonist or antagonist is a mystery completely, and that can work too, if not totally unplausable. Good luck! Warmly, Kanashii -
Hi, As Green said it sort of depends on the situation...I have had two stories where I had some very constructive and fun reviewers and they actually guided my story in a direction I wasn't thinking. It wasn't necesarily that I was trying to please them 100%, but that they got me (as an author) to think of a direction I hadn't seen before and I though, "Ah ha! That works just fine!" My other story where I did this was one I DID kind of challenge myself to write what the masses wanted. I was planning the story to go one way, but when several people began mentioning a certain character and they wanted him to do this or that, I privately thought to myself "This could be a challenge, let me try this and see what happens. If I don't like where it's going I can go with my original plan." When (or if!) you ever plan to write professionally, editors and publishers are going to be ruthless to you. They will tell you they hate A,B or C storyline or character, or want you to change this characters name, or add to this scene or completely delete 20 pages of story you had. If you want to sell your work, you have to work with them. (unless you are going to self publish or you are just doing this for fun). I did have one story where I had GREAT reviews, in fact with each chapter I put up I had like 6 reviews asking for the story to go this direction or that...But it got to be too much. Fan A wanted this, Fan B wanted something else, and Fan C wanted the story to go yet a 3rd direction, Fan D complained they didn't like where the story was going or it wasn't what they expected. I finally just threw a quick author note in there and told them to "calm down" the story was going to go the direction I had planned and that I appreciated their reviews but to be paitent and just READ the story and let them see where it took them. So, to make my long winded post finished, I guess the real answer is you need to decide if you feel or have plans for the story going in the direction your reviewers are asking. If the answer is "No" or you have a definate story arc you are on then just write it how you want. There is always going to be someone who is disappointed in what you write or not like it, but unless they are paying you a check for your work, they can just relax and read what you put out. Good luck! Warmly, Kanashii
There's nothing wrong with being in a good mood. Passion and joy at life is important. I wake up pretty much every day just happy I'm alive Seriously. Emotions are what make us human, sure there is occasional depression and sadness. However, if you can't appreciate just the smallest things then you are truly lost. To be honest though, I didn't get that "lesson" until I was diagnosis with Ovarian cancer at age 30 (and nearly did not make it)...When I was diagnosed 6 years later with an incurable autoimmune disease, this lesson sunk in even more. Sure I have days where I just feel the physical pain is more than I can handle...Sure I occasionally bemoan that I can no longer do the things I could do when I was younger (ride a motorcycle, horseback ride, and a host of other things) but overall, just watching the waves on a beach or enjoying the feel of sun on my face or watching a good thunderstorm is just as enjoyable as much of the "thrill seeking" I did when I was younger. So enjoy the day, and be happy. As long as you harm none, it's all good. Warmly, Kanashii
Well my gut reaction is this, Cu... 1) They are a younger author and/or immature and are writing more in a RPG or teen diary style 2) They are used to writing in "cyber speak" "cyber IM/RPG" style... This is why while all the (LOL, ROFL, AFK, BRB) and all the other text and computer slang is nice, it is still imperative if you ever want to be taken seriously you need to have a proper command of the language you are writing in... Comic style and Manga are fine if you are drawing Manga or comics, but still one needs to actually READ stories, both modern day and some of the classic (whichever classics you like) to pick up how words flow together to make a fluid story. People who write screenplays, scripts, journalism have a totally different way than how an author of a novel writes. If you go to your local bookstore and pick up a book from the literature section it won't have.... "And Ralf smiled at longingly at Susie (and don't we all like that girls?) then turned to her... *cough* "What do you mean you like John instead?" Just my humble opinion. Warmly, Kanashii
Welcome La Parka! Although when I read your profile I had to chuckle when you said you were and "older" writer... You will have to excuse me as there are several on here that were born in the '60's and '50's... So what does that make us? Ancient? ROFL!!!!!!!!!! I always smile when I hear someone who is under 30 say they are "old" (of course when I was that age, I felt that too) you always feel anyone younger than you is "wet behind the ears". I don't FEEL old yet...I'm 14 trapped in a 44 year old body. I am planning to write until I am 100, now when I am 100, I will feel old. Until then...Nah! I still have work I wrote back in 1976! So how old do you feel now? Warmly, Kanashii
Ahhhhhhhhh that was great! I loved the "meat men" one! I will never think of red wine and meat the same now! LOL! Warmly,
I started this thread over on "forum GAMES", with two stories one can pick (M/F or Yaoi) to fill the blanks in. Go check it out, we'll see if we can get some of us to make up some hilarious stuff! Warmly