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Everything posted by Kanashii

  1. Yeah, but it will cost ya 1000 vig points. Otherwise, da bird gets it! Capisce?
  2. With all due respect...My points and bank account did NOT transfer over at all! In fact I lost everything.
  3. Ok, forgive me if I didn't understand all this...But what happened to all my Naughty points?!?!?!? I had like 9,000 on hand and like 60,000 in the bank (With a credit card)!!!!! Now their all gone! (When I go to inventory NOTHING shows up!) When I go to BANK, there is no account! Nooooooooo, did the new boards take away everyones Naughty Points???
  4. Knorg, I think I lurve you! <evil grin> Now I'm gonna be thinking of Smurf Mob stories to write... Muhahahha! The Smurfather Whack a Smurf! Baseball bat beatings to the shins, by smurf enforcers! Smurfette as the Smurfathers comare (Moll, mistress) Omerta! the Blue code! Famiglia: Turf wars...Smurfs vs the My Little Pony crew. Aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahahahahhhahaha!!!! I'm dying of laughter over here!
  5. It's definately 'different'! Will take me awhile to get used to everything and how it works.
  6. I also wanted to add something here, from an older persons perspective.... You have to remember we are on a Media OVERLOAD age. YouTube, Ipods, IPhones, easy programs on your computers to make your own song fic videos, and the power of the internet. TV news and shows that span the globe on over 200 channels. There is so much media overload it's nearly impossible to get away from it! So yes; now a days, anyone, anywhere can post up a story on Myspace, AFF, LJ or wherever and everyone sees it. Growing up in the late 60's and early 70's certain shows/books or Sci-Fi/Horror/Fantasy often had FAN CLUBS, all done via regular postal mail. People would write fanfic back then too, and have to ponderously type it out on a typewriter, get it bound up and then sell it at conventions or to their friends. And even then, there was something for everyone (Just using Star Trek the original series and Lord of the Rings as an example) there was Slash, there was Mary Sues, there were BDSM stories. But none of this "instant post". The only way to find these glorious nuggets was to attend conventions in person OR join the fan club (cost money) and then BUY the printed stories. I still have lots of them in a box somewhere. Because there was not this "instant gratification and media overload" you treasured these things more. (and money spoke, if no one bought your fan fic story at a con, well... You know.) So we (as a generation) were a generation of READERS of material you had to HOLD in your hands. (TV stations actually shut DOWN at midnight until like 6 am...Imagine that!) We read classics, we read stories of every variety from Melville to Doyle, Shakespear to Milton, Homer to Heinlen and everything in between. Our imaginations were on overload! Also correct writing techniques were stressed more in school, and you didn't have internet shorthand. So usually what was written out was done with good grammar and usually excellent punctuation. (That's what your friends and fellow fans were for! To help beta your fanfic before you got that baby printed up!) It was a much more "face to face" in person time. So, part of "why" you may think there is material that is just "thrown up on the internet" with no regard to plot, characters, canon, etc, is...Because there is! Anyone with a computer and who can type can post anything. Media overload. The "nuggests and gems" are still there out there. (Well written fanfics and original stories) but one of two things happen... 1) The author gets so little FEEDBACK and hits that there story is buried by other stories that other 16-18 year old "Squeeeing" fangirls/Fanboys want to read. 2) The author's story is so well written they sell it and publish it. Some of us just go underground and give our stuff to the same circle of true Fans we grew up with in the 60's and 70's who remember what it was like to actually have to HOLD a written fan fic in your hand... Who had to type it out over weeks sometimes months. When you had to pay for it. Media overload isn't going to go away, but we as readers can be more savy in using the SEARCH features to look for exactly what we want. And/or...WRITE the kind of story you want. (Don't see a fan fic you like? Write it) Talk with authors who's work you DO like and ask if they know any other authors who write of similar topics or styles... It's a world of INSTANT communication and gratification, but yet many of us forget the true power of just one on one talking (even if it is IM or in an email). Ya never know, you just might meet a really true friend in your fandom or one who enjoys the same things as you (insofar as original writing and such). Ok, so the old person has rambled on now...But I am giving an honest answer (I hope) what a few of you have been truly asking.
  7. I also wanted to add, I was born in February of 1964. But I usually consider anyone within a 8-10 year span of that either +/- way as still in an age group where we group up with similar experiences to draw on (World events, music, TV shows, etc, etc.) I still remember reel to reel tapes, 8 tracks, AM only in the car, no AC in the car, Party lines on telephones, that kind of stuff. I remember seeing stuff in Star Trek the Original series and thinking it was "high tech" and way cool! Now they have stuff that blows that away! (McCoy's hypospray, already existed since the early 80's, you have computer "disks" and jump drives now that is light years ahead of the computer stuff they had on ST) Same with the automatic 'ship doors' that made that 'swooshing' noise. Those didn't come around until maybe 1969 I believe. (That's when I first remember seeing them at grocery stores and hospital emergency rooms.) Ok, enough of us old timers commisserating <sp??>
  8. Wow, great to see some other older writers here. (Again no disrespect to any younger writers born in 1980 or before- I've read some GREAT stuff from some of you) but sometimes I can just tell when I am reading a work from someone who is 16, 17 or 20. Around mid 30's people begin to really have some true experience under their belt and it comes out in the descriptions of their writing and such. (And hey, I was the same way when I was 15, 16, 20, 22). In fact I look over stuff I wrote at age 16 or 20 or even 25 and sometimes laugh my ass off and think...(And I thought this was good??? Bwahahahaha!) Well it wasn't horrible, but I could tell it lacked style, finess, the use of more descriptive words, a believable plot and all those other annoying things. Now if only I can learn to do grammar and sentence structure well. I still can not figure out all my proper grammer. Plot, characteraztions, that I got down pat.
  9. whats even SADDER, is I was sober and not tired! LOL! (Maybe I need glasses) ^The same things happens every time I see the Mystery Forum... It NORMALLY said "Mystery Forum and then Protected Forum, and the name of the last poster. The way it always flashes across my brain is Protected FROM (and then the last person's name) like what, slam down the Mystery forum from whomever it has a grudge with that day... No posting for YOU in the mystery forum....Sillybugger thing!
  10. Whomever clicked the 60-70 is my hero! Seriously! I hope and pray to the fates that I can continue to write wonderful thought provolking stories until the day I go skidding into my grave sideways, with a smile on my face and saying "Damn! That was good!"
  11. LOL! I knew you would find something out there dear Knorg! Anyway, I'm still waiting with crossed fingers to see if Keith feels up to the challenge. Normally "Shrink" isn't my fetish, but I dunno, I've been feeling 'mean' lately. So the thought of Gargamel doing the nasty with Smurfette (Gargamel being regular human sized wizard) and other dominating things to her, just seemed... I dunno. A voyeuristic obsession as of late. Yeah I could write my own, but I tend to lean towards hard core BDSM, Ponyplay and Mafia themes for my kinks.
  12. Well that sucks now! Can't see the *naughty bit* pictures! When I try to join it says "I'm banned" even though I have never been to the site! Weird eh? Bummer
  13. Actually either did I I just remembered the cartoon show from the 80's when XYZ mentioned Smurfs and blue condoms and we were joking about what Gargamel wanted them for... So it got my sick mind thinking in a devious way. I figured if anyone could whip up a story on that them, you could.
  14. You know you are too: (Pick your choice): Old, Drunk, High, Stressed, over caffinated WHEN... You begin to read the posts wrong! I came on here and looked down where it says "Guests, Members, Etc" and THOUGHT it said... Logged in are: 2 Members and 1 Annoying Guest! (instead of anonymous) I like Annoying Guest better though... Maybe we can have the techies fix it so the forums show... Members# Annoying Guests# Trolls# Lost Folks#
  15. Well Hell's Bells! I'm gonna jump the pond and visit all the cool folks in Germany, Italy, the UK and the Netherlands! So what are we all doing? What fun/hot spots/party spots are in your neck of the woods? An folks from Oz here? (AU) It's neat to see a large and varied group of folks on AFF.
  16. We knew what you meant Rosemarius, Go to Milano, Napoli where there are more progressive or darker thinking folks (More touristy?) My brother who is gay had a lover from Milano, and he visited there and said there were some pretty *interesting* and open places (welcoming to alternate lifestyles). I knew a friend from Napoli who said they are just wilder, crazier and meaner there. Not so religious crazy.
  17. Ok, that was just way to funny Araneola!!!! All my little unicorn friends got lassoed and bridled and tamed ages ago...
  18. Mio Amico! You enthusiastic?? No... (that was some just friendly banter amico mio!) Glad to see you still posting. Saluti
  19. 43 over here Beth, we must have ESP I was thinking of doing the same poll, but ya beat me to it!
  20. Hey Keith! There ya are :::Waving::: ...Check the mystery forum, I left a writing challenge for you that is right up your 'shrink' alley (Or PM me if your interested)
  21. Hmmm, that sounds up Keith's alley (or is it Knorg's?) Someone on here has a shrink fetish, I think it is Mr. Keith... Ok, Keith, there is a suggestion for ya...(A Shrink story involving Gargamel and a female Smurf) well I guess the smurf is already shrunk...Hee, hee! no "vore" though (No Gargamel eating the smurfette) LOL! anything else he wants to do to her is up to you...Are you game?
  22. Well as Ginevra has said, first of all a writer is going to match up with an agent or publishing house who has similar tastes. If you are writing BDSM erotica you are not going to submit your work to say a publisher that mostly publishes childrens work. Since I have had a few stories published, you do always do a dance with your editor and publisher. They want some changes made, you change a few things or give and take here and there. Rarely will an agent or publisher just TAKE a manuscript sight unseen and publish it as is. There is always alot of editing, or minor changes. Sometimes you even have to make big changes...(Nothing so drastic as the JK Rowling example you gave) but I have had an editor who wanted to drop a major character because they didn't feel it felt the flow of the story or what not... Like any other JOB, it's a dance you do. If you cannot handle changing anything and you do not trust your agent/editor/publisher than it is best to stick to writing strictly for fun and not profit.
  23. Just curious to see how many of us were born BEFORE 1965? Anyone? Buehler? It just seems that there seems to be alot of younger writers (and I have a feeling alot of them under 18 despite the legal warnings). I have met maybe two other authors who were born in the 60's or before, but I think there are a very slight few of us. So anyway, if you were born in 1965 or before, give a "Hello" and let me have hope that there are still some of us around. My apologies if I sound "snappy" it has been a rough couple of days. I also mean no disrespect to any younger writers as there are alot of talented younger ones out there. But sometimes I wonder if any of my own "crowd-age group" even write for the adult forums even more.
  24. Well, let me ask you this. What would be something that would catch your boat to read? I saw in your profile you like dark, demented stuff. I write alot of it, some of it too dark for the average reader and alot of mob/Mafia stuff. I have also some Soprano's and Harry Potter fanfic and it's pretty dark, and violent (My deatheaters do some really vile things, stuff JK Rowling could never write about)... So I ask you, as an author...What do YOU find arousing? What kind of story do YOU want to read (fan fic OR original)? If you got the time for a LONG novel I invite you to check out "Tender is the Night" it's not the usual porn fest found on here. I also write (like Keith) alot of kink stories in the BDSM realm (ponyplay, kidnapping, bondage, torture). What are YOU looking for? Have you typed in the AFF search engine under summary to see if you can find what you might fancy? Have you looked? I found some great authors both in original and fanfic by typing in words and phrases under the search engine. Again, if you don't find anything YOU like, why not write it yourself? That's how I started as an author. I began writing stories with elements *I* enjoyed and craved.
  25. Sure why not??? I've went with women to see male strippers? (No offense but I can tell there are alot of under 30 folks here, and even alot of under 25). He's been to many of them with his work buddies. It doesn't bother me, he's only LOOKING not touching. It's not like he gets jealous because I write about tall evil hitmen or have a thing for Federico Castelluccio. I've went with him before as well to strip clubs and I assure you, most of the men just get drunk and laugh and end up talking business...BORING! The women who watch male strippers get much more involved and rambunctious! Hee, hee! He comes home to me, not them and he has no interest in cheating with them. So what he chooses to view or watch is his business. I trust him, (and no I am not naiive, but HIM I trust. After nearly 25 years of marriage I better trust him, eh?) I would never BE with a man I didn't trust. (Or a partner, boyfriend or girlfriend). He trust me the same way. Trust is two way street. That's just my humble opinion.
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