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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. done. last link is a very different problem, and will be resolved too
  2. deleting 37131 from Het>Buffy/Spike(William) is in the sort sheets, not the master sheet, so delete from sorted not yet updated. deleting 544196906 from Het>Buffy/Spike(William) is in the sort sheets, not the master sheet, so delete from sorted not yet updated.
  3. thanks for letting me know, was planning on starting with the double/triple posts already found. But, gotta sleep first.
  4. Gotta tell ya, when I went over the list I generated yesterday of improperly disclaimed stories, I was very happy to see that enough of you took what I said seriously, and fixed 'em. So, thanks to all of you who've taken the time to correct the disclaimers
  5. What the hell. May as well add my thoughts to this. First of all, while there is much that has been added to the archive that I personally would never read, for my to demand it's removal would be childish at best, and certainly not in agreement with what I clicked to agree to when I signed up in the fiction portal. If I don't like a subject matter, I don't read it. It really IS that simple for me. Secondly, you've put me in a position of authority where in the process of cleaning up the archive, I do indeed have the ability to remove stuff at will. I've not done that, nor will I, regardless of whether or not I like the subject matter. If I were exercising what my opinions dictate to me, on the basis of QC ALONE there is much I would've deleted by now. That's not even getting into likes/dislikes of subject matter and deleting for that reason. I agree with everyone else. Don't bow down to the attempt at intimidation.
  6. All of her content has been removed. After I get a bit of sleep, and then hopefully after I get home from work tomorrow, I can get on the other part I have planned. If not, it'll be on my next off day. In the meantime, the important part is done, in that the plagiarist and all her content have been removed.
  7. It's a great idea. Would certainly be helpful in my current project as well. I'll be sure to have this added to our 'todo' list for the new software.
  8. don't care so much about the reviews. it's the fact that they consistently IGNORE what was set up here months ago. It's in the damn TOS even.
  9. jeeeez. doesn't anyone bother to read an admin post??? np, they'll be nuked after I do my forum stuff
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. p 13 544208028 stretched p 2 544202908 squished p 1-42 544201718 A/N, p 4, 7 544185721 squished p 1-22 544172326 look at p 1-8 to be sure html upload is not corrupted
  12. Here's the thing, if you paid attention, the reviews were MERGED from the duplicates, as well as the hits and ratings. The only place I don't do that, is if it's cross posted across subdomains.
  13. merge data from 1 chappie into 5 chappie, delete 1 chappie 1 chapter version 5 chapter version
  14. 26 chapter 27 chapter merge shorter into longer
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  16. you're quite welcome! Well, I have something in mind for the persistent buggers. The Hall of Shame isn't just for plagiarists.......after several mails (when the change was first made) and countless deletions from the same few....there's going to be a few who end up there as spammers
  17. Actually, since this has to do with your writing, you'd put it elsewhere (it'll be moved to there). THESE forums are for reporting instances of whatever is listed as the title of the forum. If you read the forum titles, it'll help you place your posts in the areas where they belong
  18. IF, we can make the new version mobile friendly we will. However, that's not a priority at the moment. So, we'll add this to the list of seeing if it'll work that way. For the forum, on your mobile, I believe you need to use the LoFi version.
  19. more like a slip of the fingers....I'll get it taken care of.
  20. I've gotta say, in the process of cleaning UP the archive, I've noticed a very odd (to me) review trend. Fiction I'd never give a second glance to, that most would consider CRAP gets loads of reviews. Then, you have good fiction, has a good hit count, but very little in reviews. So, I've decided when I go to look for stuff to read when I have some time free to do that again, that's going to be one of the things I'll be looking at before even clicking the story link. Because, chances are, I'll find something I like to read that way.
  21. in TV belongs in Non English>Russian
  22. The problem is you or I can SAY she's underage, but we have to PROVE it to do something.
  23. In all actuality, techinically yes, flaming a plagiarist make the user a flamer, but not a troll. Still, it's better to not do that in the first place.
  24. Nope, no risk to your profile at ALL. The forum IS for discussion isn't it? We're discussing where to find good stories with a plot, and how much we'd rather see that. I have a few that I read, when I have the time, which I currently do NOT (*sniffles*), and will reread their stuff because they're damn good writers. Don't care what fandom they write in, or whatever. I'll read (or try to) anything they put up. One posts in LotR, the other in many of the Anime subcategories.
  25. No, writing quality is certainly not the best indicator of a person's age. I wish it was. It can point to the possibility of it with some, and the PROBABILITY with others, but only gives a start point as far as wanting to look closer at a given user, say. I've seen some fiction written by some young people (not here) that was very well done. Quality is quality. One either has a talent for it, or they don't.
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