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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. they're gone
  2. I can actually move everything over from the older ID to the new one, if you like. I very likely won't get to it though, until my next off day cycle.
  3. in books With the Music Belongs in original sub domain in anime Results of Boredom Belongs in hp Wedding of the Century Belongs in hp
  4. in anime Out of Babylon belongs in original Contractual Employment belongs in Yu-Gi-Oh!>yaoi Heero's Dream belongs in anime2>Gundam Wing A/C>Yaoi The Monkey's Tail belongs in cartoon>Kim Possible
  5. Thankee Melrick! Actually, there is software being written. Manta2g is doing that, and has been for the last year. However, understand that it takes time to write a solid framework so that the software will work in the first place, bearing in mind that what we are both doing, is geared towards not only making the coding work and work in the current language versions; but WITHOUT data loss. That's an important factor, right there. As far as the time this is taking, kindly remember that at any given time, I may have 3 people AT MOST helping me with it. Provided they are not having computer problems, or commitments in real life make it impossible for the assistance to be given. Now, we could maybe increase my 40 hour days....so I can be a zombie....or something...
  6. That is in large part what the whole clean up project is FOR you know. To find things like that and correct it.
  7. lol it's no problem.... when I split topics like I did, it's not a surprise when something like this happens. no biggie.
  8. Already done... This topic has the details
  9. What you need to do is delete it from where it is (most likely anime) and then re-add to the naruto subdomain. That's why it shows up in the misplaced story stuff. To ensure you are adding to the correct subdomain, you use the jump menu in your user panel, select the subdomain you want to add to, then click go. Otherwise, the default is for everything to go to anime.
  10. Which subdomain you'd choose would have to do with which story arc you follow. For example, if you're writing something based on the manga, it would more properly belong in manga. Whereas if you write something based on anime arc, it would go into anime. There tends to be a fair bit of divergence between the two.
  11. yep yep, go into the topic options, and unsubscribe to it. That's what happened, you subscribed to the topic
  12. Since we now have a manga subdomain as well, where would you like this? Anime or manga? Or do you have stories for both?
  13. So you all know, the hosting company is having some technical problems at the moment. They are working on them, and normal service should be restored shortly. In the meantime, you may experience slow loading, or non loading pages. If so, click refresh until the page loads up.
  14. in buffy- Giving in to Temptation move to AU>Het>Buffy/Spike Third Time's the Charm move to AU>Het>Buffy/Spike in original- Die belongs in Naruto>Slash>Naruto/Sasuke Intoxicated Passion Belongs in celeb subdomain>het in tv- A Laughing Matter Belongs in xmen>slash in anime- Renji Montage Belongs in bleach The Grim Reaper Belongs in naruto>yaoi>naruto/sasuke Maybe...this isn't for me Belongs in FF8>Het>Squall/Rinoa A Certain First Encounter Belongs in Original>Fantasy CDB: The Other ZADR Belongs in Cartoon>InvaderZIM>Crossovers
  15. I hear ya, I'm a third shifter as well. Due to time constrictions for me though, while I USED to beta, I no longer have the time However, if you want to chat and such anyway, I'm online all night when not working..
  16. Okay, will get to all this tomorrow. Had an unexpected schedule change at work, where I'm working tonight instead of being off as I expected. ugh
  17. Return of the King for me. It was beautifully done. (Even if they skipped bunches from the books)
  18. Here's the funny thing. When it's hidden, you should be able to add to it, edit it, delete it, whatever. It just won't DISPLAY.
  19. Actually yes there is. If, for example, the database server is overloaded, it'll default to the daily downtime page. I'll have to look in to the error logs and see why exactly you couldn't log in, as I do know that people I know WERE able to at the times you mentioned.
  20. in books- Fighter for hire Belongs in originals-misc-het
  21. Okay, checked the story.. Thanks for the correction. It's unhidden. Now, lets see if we can't figure out why you can't add TO it.
  22. First of all, if you got a warning, it would've been hidden, not deleted. If you can still access the story from your user panel, and made the edit, then if it's correct, it'll be unhidden. Secondly, I'll recheck our working spreadsheet and see what I find as to the story status. Third, if you're not able to upload a file, it's likely that it's in the wrong file type format. The archive only accepts html and text file uploads.
  23. thanks, removed the dupe
  24. There's no way to insert in between chapters. What you have to do then, is delete whatever you have up that's after the insert point, then re-add your data in the correct sequence
  25. We've got a couple of them
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