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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. You misunderstood. The page refreshed itself. I simply had to wait a few seconds, and I was logged in. Now that I know you're using FF, have you cleared all active logins, restarted the machine, and tried to login? FF now makes you clear active logins as well as cache and cookies.
  2. If any of you are still seeing the GoDaddy parked domain page, that's a DNS propagation issue. All you can do is wait, and try again in an hour or two. How long it will take for that to clear depends on how often the DNS recaches itself for the domain. That's not something we or our hosting company have any access to (being able to trigger a recache, that is). Experienced users can try flushing their local DNS cache. But, if you're unsure of how to do it, or uncomfortable at all with it, I wouldn't.
  3. and go directly to this page and try too please http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/ use the boxes in the upper left corner. I noticed earlier that it showed blank, but I waited, and then it refreshed and I was logged in. That may very well have to do with the DNS propagation.
  4. ty Neko, I rarely have the opportunity to use a Mac, so I'm not familiar with errors they may kick
  5. When you logged in, did you login using the boxes located at the upper right corner and not the center login boxes?
  6. The links should all be working correctly. If not, I'm sure people will say something.
  7. If it had taken a week, I woulda been bald.... Seriously though, even had the domain not been renewed, I wouldn't have allowed longer than a couple days of down time. Anything more is unacceptable to me.
  8. This is fixed
  9. @TransientTemptation This is what I'm showing for your last login 2012-09-15 17:18:51
  10. With Firefox, you need to clear cache, cookies, and active logins. Then you need to restart your machine for the changes to take effect.
  11. ty! I appreciate it
  12. There is more than one file involved apparently. I have to track down which it is, so I can make the appropriate changes.
  13. Fixing it now. Found the culprit file
  14. We are back and everything is working! It's been a looooooong couple of days
  15. She's got 234 stories here
  16. I sincerely hope this is the last of the arguments I get regarding this user. She was underage when she created her account. She was underage when she posted all but three of her stories. She had a total of SIX underage accounts deleted. That is far more than what I normally allow before putting a continually repeating minor on a lifetime ban. Which has not happened to her, I might add.
  17. It doesn't matter. Without permissions from the original author to continue/modify/adopt, any user posting that story to this archive will be deleted for plagiarism. Because they are plagiarising.
  18. IF they're using elements of this story, it still would be. You cannot make challenges here based on wanting to continue another author's unfinished work without that author's permission.
  19. not a problem!
  20. Logout, then back in, using the login boxes located at the upper right corner of your browser window. There is a known issue with the center login boxes for accessing the story functions.
  21. Because if you're writing the story to where the content is predominantly content of the book being 'read', as opposed to just snippets which can be cited; you're infringing someone's copyright.
  22. Authors delete their freely available work on sites like this for many reasons, every day.
  23. If you gals are having a discussion about the story, I'll need attackegg to create a topic for it in the appropriate place so I can split off these posts and then merge them in to that topic. Thanks.
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