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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Wordord before after This particular issue also affects where a user has code within the data insert. It causes things such as what you see in the above example for the rte, where the code is visible.
  2. same user, looks like the user lost access at some point to the older profile
  3. Prompt: Totter Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  4. There sometimes will come a time where an author goes through old work, and opts to rewrite a story. This is one of the few times, we actually will allow story duplication. We DO understand, that sometimes, this is the only copy a user may have. In this for instance, here is what needs to be done: CLEARLY indicate this story is a rewrite for you email technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with links to the new and old versions of the story. What will then happen is you will be asked how long you need to leave the old story up, before the story is merged. The reason for merging the story, is so that the user does NOT lose the reviews from the original, or the hits and rates. The first chapter will be backdated to the original pub date, as will the story start date. Once you've notified us that you are done with the original copy, is when the data will be merged, and the original story deleted.
  5. This is part of the upcoming search engine upgrade, which has not yet been written for the site.
  6. haha I always spelt it 'n00b'
  7. You have to host the image somewhere, such as photobucket, and then link to the image's url. You can't link to your local computer, as it won't see that.
  8. The only story titled Perfection in the books subdomain is this one. I'm not finding an author by this name. Is it possible the author changed pen names?
  9. Don't know if you've found these links yet. laws and regulations Law in respect of marriage legal competence - based on age This one may be helpful, as well as this one
  10. Even though I don't write, I HATE seeing reviews like that. As you stated, and as MOST of us are aware, you do have a life outside of writing. For free, I might add. Not only that, I'd rather read something with some kind of plot and plot development. This is when I think "sorry kiddo, but the writer does have to GET you there first" and that's one of the NICER things that goes through my head when seeing that. As to your job situation, that's just awful. I've been in jobs where I hated my job, hated going to work, and in fact, got so stressed from it, my ulcer acted up in a big way. It was lovely getting sick on the train every morning before work. As to the lack of children, I've observed over time that people can be insensitive about it. Many suffer from "open mouth insert foot" syndrome regarding this as well. As you've said, there are medical reasons for this having happened for you. The point is, whether or not a person knows why you don't have any children, doesn't mean that a person should badger you about HAVING children. Gal I've been friends with since I was 10, has never had any. She's never had a desire to be a mother. She got a load of crap from many people over the years about it, but it works for her. Thing to remember here is that it's no one else's business, and they keep sticking noses and comments in where not wanted, you're well within your rights to tell 'em to shut the fuck up and leave it alone. As to your cousin? He needs some serious help.
  11. I emailed you with what you need.
  12. I reported too. I'm not holding my breath though, with these people
  13. what in hell is that supposed to be???
  14. oh dear.......honest, I don't bite...MUCH. LOL. Thanks for fixing it!
  15. Checked, and yes, it's fixed and unhidden
  16. Goldhorse, I found the mail sent to you originally, and forwarded it to you.
  17. *bash bash bash* really hates fixing partial rte conversions from word

  18. hahaha, thought so! I read it way back when
  19. Didn't you have this posted up some years ago? (I thought I remembered reading a looooong time ago). Now I'm going to have to read it!
  20. DemonGoddess


    Hi there, I edited out where you asked for copies. We don't allow that. If the author downed the fiction, there is a reason behind it. Other users may, however, LINK you to where the stories you asked about may still be posted.
  21. ...or....recaptcha caught wordord! yeah, that's it! that's the ticket!
  22. I expect she kept the meat of it for publication.
  23. Rosemary, we do not encourage passing around copies of any author's work. As she pulled the story for publication, that would be how you'd get a copy.
  24. I make liberal use of my refresh button, on any site.
  25. Regarding chapter data repair: I thought I'd give an example of each for instance. This is with the addition of the rich text editor, and how it showed code (often), screwed up spacing (100% of the time), changed fonts throughout, (often) and other such things. This particular story that I just fixed is 29 chapters long. BEFORE stripping out all the garbage from the word exported html, The collective size of the thing was 8MB. Once I was done fixing it, it shrank to 1.5MB. This is before I fixed things this is after another example of the rte stuff to fix- As you can see, there is quite a difference. These are the steps I have to take to fix these particular stories: Check the text encoding. If it's not universal, convert it. REMOVE all the extra html that makes illegal function calls, is just sort of ...there... and what not. (This is done line by line by line by line...) convert the php line break to a space, as for these records, that's what the line break inserted actually is, not a paragraph end or line break. Double check each record, make sure I missed nothing Mind you, it doesn't SOUND like a lot, but consider that a simple paragraph open container, which is NORMALLY 3 characters (<p>), can often be upwards of 50 characters. Not only that, there are EXTRA paragraphs added, that the nonexistent .css file actually references for formatting. I run across this with each html element in the document. This is why this particular story shrunk so drastically. The sheer file size because of the extra, useless html embedded within each record. What causes the appearance of normally "invisible" coding elements, or the oddball spacing, and what not; is that the rich text editor attempts to strip all this garbage out. It can only do a partial of this, until a user actually opens the chapter and clicks "edit chapter" to resave it. It then finishes stripping out most of it. The only thing I've seen it have difficulty with removing are the extra paragraphs Word likes to insert in the converted document. So, what would take a user maybe a minute or two a chapter (unless they want to make additional changes) by simply resaving it, takes ME roughly two to four hours per chapter, depending upon just how much garbage was inserted in to the record. The more crap code, the longer it takes to fix it. Which is why I am grateful to the users who've taken the time and not waited for me, and gone ahead and FIXED their stories where it was a word file exported to html. Seriously. Those of you who've already done this have saved me untold hours of work.
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