DarkCabaret - Yeah, I thought it was a bunny! Wish we had a shot from the left angle as well
A sweet little girl with her bunny, indeed It would be pretty hard to beat this tat, honestly.
ladydeathfaerie - Oops, missed yours, sorry. This happened because we were posting at the same time, I think.
I agree on freehand thing. A good Tattoo artist should be able to Freehand as well as Trace. A big plus would be if s(he) is able to paint and draw, some art school wouldn't hurt either, although is not a requirement. I'll be looking untill absolutely sure that I can trust that person. There is no rush to have it done. Money is not an issue for getting just one small tat, I am not looking for a bargain here. I can pay by the hour and have the guy use a fine needle to get a better 3D effect. Getting a custom body suit done would be expensive, though! So, no body suits.
All pictures are welcome, even those tats on buttcheeks if you want to share Just take a dark marker and color around it, so all we can see is the tat itself.
the tat, not the butt
I totally agree on your position about your son. Looks like you are a responsible parent who is also reasonably lenient. To be honest, I don't believe that 18 is a true age of mature adulthood either. I wasn't mature at 18 at all.