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Everything posted by MorbidFantasy

  1. the tetris sex FF had me laughing like a maniac
  2. gotta have a good premise. finish your build up and story structure leaving only the sex scenes unwritten if that's the only thing you need.
  3. I never delete my reviews on principle, even if they are flames. It is not up to me to judge which reviews are worthy of keeping. They are all representative of the reaction you are invoking in your readership, however good or bad.
  4. even better. If you manage to get someone who likes your work enough to beta/proofread your work, you could save yourself alot of time.
  5. I don't co-write or ghost write on principal. A while back I had promised someone if they'd set up a scene with Beauty and the Beast I'd plug in the sex scenes; then I realized that the only writing style I'm comfortable writing in is my own. every writer has his own style, and I find it hard to get into the writing mood for continuing or adding to a piece unless everything else was set up by me. It doesn't mean my writing is better than everyone elses, it just means I do things my own way. if you used magic/potions for Hermione, then you could switch gears and do physical with Ginny. Maybe she becomes turned on by forced rough sex. Or Hermione's part could see a further expansion where Lucius confunds/imperious Hermione, then have her draw Ginny out into the open. This also opens up the way for a threesome if you so choose. If you prefer getting advice over email I could do that too. Just PM me.
  6. It's easy to get anyone to do something you asked of them. You gotta give the villain a trump card. I used blackmail for two of my pieces. The one with Lara Croft turned out nicely. For you, think of something magical that Lucius could do besides the unforgivables. Try the confundus charm. Make Ginny unwittingly drink pumpkin juice laced with love potion and/or whatever other potion Lucius chooses.
  7. FF= fanfiction.net, which has a larger reader base because it has a broader scope that doesn't just include all the sexual and/or mature stuff found here. Given the same fic (assuming it is qualified to be posted on both websites) FF will invariably get more views/reviews. Believe me, you should be happy just to be getting any reviews at all. I was a reader of AFF since 2003 or earlier and didn't even consider posting a review until 2005/2006. It doesn't mean everything I've read up until that point was crap. Most were done very well. It just means that it never crossed my mind that authors enjoyed input from their readers. I only realized that fact until I became an author myself, shortly thereafter beganning to crave reviews like nobody's business. It took me a while to get any reviews at all, so don't be too put off. You've only been here since late 2007 (when your first story went up) and I'd say judging by the hit count and the fact that you have 3-4 reviews for each piece is a very admirable trait. I'm not generally into HP fanfiction, but if you need critical feedback, I'd be happy to give it.
  8. unless you're adding details about the sex that are just absurd and extraneous (a.g "as they made love she noted the beautiful 32-candle chandelier dangling upong a silver chain of seven feet in length hanging from a domed ceiling that was abour thirty feet high, give or take two or three feet. Or maybe it was the lighting. Perhaps the Chandelier was really lower than she surmised Then there was the GORGEOUS tables, etc etc etc.") that sort of detail would fall into the category of "automatic limp-dick buzzkill". A sex scene could be long because it lasted a long time in terms of the story, or it could have intricate details of the sex itself that lets the reader better visualize the scene. a short quicky can be good, and a long one can be just as good if done right.
  9. You made for a convincing argument until you labeled my POV as BS, after which I dismissed you as an ass. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but a little mutual respect makes for stronger presentation. overwhelming majority? let's get th is straight. The majority of adults do not read fanfiction AT ALL. Fanfiction itself is already a niche corner, and you'd be deluding yourself to think otherwise. How old are you? I seem to recall that to be on AFF you have to be at least 18 (or lied about your age). This also calls into question the average age of readership for both FF.net and AFF.net, which I'm pretty sure you have no way of knowing. AFF is a indeed a niche corner for us perverts, and I don't need to justify my motives for being here, but saying in one fell swoop that EVERYTHING here is smut/darkfic is an insult to all the authors who's creativity and spent time have produced some very admirable pieces. Example: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.ph...1&chapter=1 this is a story with 35000+ views that as of status quo does not have a single sex scene in there. It could just as well be on FF.net. I've come across many beautifully written fanfics on AFF that have almost no sex in them, but have enough mature themes that they rightfully belong on AFF. Don't get me wrong about the Junior-PC comment on FF.net. I have nothing against FF.net, I was commenting on the review staff as being more stringent on what they allow on the site. Everyone has his/her own reason for going to FF or AFF, some of which is inevitably sexual motives. AFF is the logical choice for posting smut/darkfic (hence the ADULT). It's an extension of FF to encompass everything that FF staff would've thrown out PLUS anything FF allows.
  10. speaking of the game, how exactly does one level up in it? I joined a while back but just started posting recently
  11. lol, my sex life steers very clear of the rectum...
  12. Not entirely sure this is legal, but Imma go ahead and do it. This story is technically a remake, but grew in scope into a fully fledged work of its own. I'm not sure on whether it qualifies as a work of 2008 because I started writing it in 2007 and have been updating it frequently ever since. In any case, it's shameless self promotion really Story Name: Fat Man Remake Author Name: MorbidFantasy General Description: Lara Croft of Tomb Raider fame is captured by a fat and disgusting man and coerced into sex with him before setting her free, but he filmed the entire incident. He later blackmails her into more sexual favors. What you thought made it great: Creative sex scenes, original plot and decent portrayals of character individuality. The story has an advantage in its premise allowing it to grow far beyond a simple oneshot and lets me add as much to it as I wish. Has 17000+ hits so far, 40 reviews and 99 votes of confidence to its credentials. Typical blackmail plot has some nuances and twists to it which I think were pretty original. Story Link: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081072
  13. Yeah, I've actually been a reader on AFF since 2003, AFF largely supplanting FF after I realized that what I was really looking for in a fiction was good old wank worthy smut and non-con, which is a rarity on FF. I only started writing my own stuff because I got tired of waiting for my favorite authors to update, when some of them have apparently dropped off the map or moved on with their lives and left AFF behind. In any case, writing for AFF is a big outlet for my erotic urges sans real world sex life, second only to my love for doujin mangas and hot celebs. I hope the day never comes that I'll stop posting on AFF. It's probably inevitable, but as of now the end is far, far away
  14. Shrimping- Same thing as Felching except using a straw.
  15. you don't say XD I think there is no word that can be counted on to be a automative turn-off. More often than not bad writing is the culprit. It's the sum of the parts that gets my attention. If the premise is good, the sex scene makes sense and I'm pitching a tent in my pants, then the Author probably did something right. Them critics have got NOTHING on Larry Flint
  16. IMO any author who puts a story up on AFF has a little voice in his head telling him that what he has written is worth the time of others to read and enjoy (I'm ignoring trolls and spammers here). Obviously as soon as you hit that post button you open yourself to critical judgement, both good and bad. If you're really that good an author than it will show in the number of hits your piece is getting, as well as the reviews for the pieces. The very fact that we make our work public gives us the opportunity, whether we like it or not, to recieve feedback from the AFF community. Negative and critical comments obviously are incentives for us to correct flaws and improve out skills, just as positive feedback makes us want to post more and more. Whether you're doing it for the hits, the ratings, the reviews or just to improve your own writing technique, there is always a motive. My very first review on AFF was less than stellar, criticizing my descriptive language in the sex scenes and the like. Two years and later, I'm looking back and rereading my old works and thinking "damn my writing was n00bish and sucked ass". Which is a good indicator that I've grown and improved since my initial inception into AFF. This is all due to practice and the constructive feedback that my readers have given me over the years. OP's link was quite an eye opener for me. 50+ chapters and 140+ reviews is no slouch. From my own experience, I can honestly say that the stats don't lie about the quality of a work. One of my first fics, spanning 11 chapters and published in 06, has to date grossed nearly 4400 hits. Comparatively, my newer work, a WIP of similar chapter count, got 17000+, which is pretty definitive proof that the newer work was in some way an improvement over the old one. The best way to improve yourself is probably to shamelessly ask for reviews. I keep telling my readers that I'm a whore for constructive reviews and suggestions, and they've been very helpful and positive. While at the beginning I asked for reviews mainly just to feel good about myself, now I'm looking for reviews because they are indicators of what I'm doing right or wrong.
  17. Fandom: Tomb Raider Name of character: Gordo Race of character: White Age of character: 30s-40s Height of character:6ft Weight of character: 350lbs Brief background of character: Worked in the mansion of a underworld billionaire Character's position or job: Worked in the security room monitoring the cameras in the mansion/complex Strengths/Skills: Video Editing, has access to GPS tracking gear. Has considerable physical strength Are these skills typical of the fandom? If not, why?: Weaknesses/Bad habits: amoral, craves sex, braggart, dishonest and can't be relied upon to keep a promise. Distinctive features, if any: Bald, seedy looking, facial features reminicent of a rat. Obese and greasy Are these features unique in the fandom? If so, why?: The Tomb Raider series generally doesn't have many obese ingame models. The enemies are generally rather generic. The main villains are usually physically fit. Connections to canon characters (if any): Lara is captured by this character when raiding the mansion of the billionaire. he coerces her into having sex with him in return for letting her go, but secretly videotapes her, planting a GPS device on her that allows him to find out where she lives and who she was. He uses this information to blackmail her into supporting him with money as well as giving him regular sexual favors. How does your character get on with those around him/her?: selfish, doesn't like to share and only allows others as much freedom as it takes to get what he wants What does the other characters think of your character when they met her/him?: they find him distasteful. I don't actually have anything against fat people. Since I was technically doing a remake of an existing fiction I used the characters from that as guidelines. The goal was to create a a completely immoral character that came off as disgusting and depraved in description, and had enough skills and ambition to make life hell for the main heroine. I've gotten some positive feedback from my readers but I think I may be running the risk of taking the character to all the extremes of description (obese, uncouth, horny sexual deviant, destructive, amoral, liar, braggart) with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Is this being one-dimensional? or is it okay?
  18. Title: Fat Man Remake Author: Morbidfantasy Rating: Adult++ Summary: the original story (Titled "Baby Adventure's" and written by Destiney) had Lara being captured and forced to have sex with a fat disgusting man. I rewrote that encounter and turned it into a much longer work (11 chapters and ongoing) where the fat man blackmails Lara into more of his sexual depravities. Feedback: reviews, suggestions, corrections and flames are all welcome, just so that I know people are paying attention. Story has gotten 38 reviews, 99 votes and 17000+ hits thus far. Fandom: Tomb Raider Series. The Lara Croft in my story I envisioned to be the Lara Croft of TR: Legend and TR: Underworld. URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081072 Warning: story is primarily non-con and contains some BDSM, but I think for those of you who dig that stuff, you'll definitely like it. Please read the story and don't forget to review, because I love reviews. And also read my other fics if you haven't already. I think they're rather popular themselves.
  19. Unless it is an obvious copy/paste job with minute edits, I think it's okay. A good idea is best shared and improved upon. I borrow aspects of other authors work and make them work for my own stories. It's not plagarism. Otherwise we'd all be guilty of abusing the single most used idea (fictional) in the AFF world: inaccurate sex. Seriously. Multiple Orgasms for men, quick successive orgasms for women. Come on... When I do Copy&Paste tho I make sure it is for a good reason, like if I'm basing an entire story on a scene of a book/movie I include a note at the beginning or the end of the story giving credit to the original author of the C&P job.
  20. exactly. I read that list and vocab turn-offs and frankly I could care less. I use words from that list all the time in my fics and so far haven't gotten a single complaint.
  21. there's only so many synonyms for the human sex organs... it's all about the context
  22. my entire fiction archive is just me spewing boatloads of hallucinatory crap that never happened or is probably batshit inaccurate to the best of my sober knowledge. And as far as the reviews are indicating, people are eating it up. Even the self admitted girls have given approval, despite the fact that they know better than me now much of my writing is horseshit Examples: Multiple orgasms for men - good for sex scene, bad for realism Hymen - half the authors on AFF probably don't even know where the hymen is located or what it looks like. I for one was clueless about its location and physical attributes until I actually did a little wikipedia read through Physical Durability - For BDSM, in real life the stuff my characters go through would almost certainly be fatal. In fiction...less of an issue. Female Orgasm - I'm a guy, so fuck me if I know the first thing about how a female orgasm feels like. I know how mine feels like, and extrapolates it to assume that girls feel something similar. Sex in genera l- I read somewhere that on average it only takes 3 minutes or less of sex to get a guy to climax, while a girl could take as long as 20 minutes. Well, that makes for a boring read...so fuck it. Girls reaction to rape - more erotic if they end up being forced to orgasm, although that shit isn't really what real life is like.
  23. Some possible morning after quotes: "Ah...shit..." "...FYI, this never happened" "You tell anyone about this, and I swear..." "Fucking...how much did I drink?" "..." *insert murder scene* "Wow, that was bad..." "This is all your fault..." "...should've used protection" Or they could just part wordlessly. It's a completely viable option
  24. Yeah. When I first started writing I took negative reviews too seriously because my Ego kept telling me that if I was proud enough of a piece to post it on AFF then logically it must be perfect. 100+ reviews later I realize that the more I write and take into account the constructive criticism, the more I grow. I think I have a lovely relationship with my reviewers where I ask questions in snippets in some of my updates and they can respond in their review if they so choose to. I'm not that big a delusionist to deny that I still crave stats. If I'm not geting five star ratings in my works I assume by default that I didn't do a godo job on them. I also assume that if no one is reviewing my stories then they obviously weren't worth reviewing. I know that these views are skewed and not representative of the absolute truth, but at least for me, they are indicators (along with reviews) of what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. Shameless Self ad plug : READ MY FICS, THEY'RE WELL RECIEVED. (especially Tomb Raider non-con)
  25. FF.net is like the Junior/Kiddy/Underage/Politically Correct little sister of AFF. I started out reading stuff on FF, before realizing that what I was looking for (BDSM, non-con) can't really be found there, which eventually led me to finding AFF. I suppose it's all part of growing up. I think people are more likely to report you for supposed "violations" on FF because they're a whole lot more softcore than AFF (hence the ADULT fanfiction). People who come here are usually prepared to read whatever steamy sick shit we shurn out, but on FF there are actually young kiddies that could be scarred by some of the stuff we think up here XD
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