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Everything posted by MorbidFantasy

  1. I'm a keyboard warrior, a writer with an imagination. I deal with hypothetical and theoretical situations. While I'm confident in my ability to come up with a fictional representation of myself that can woo and win Lara over, I don't pretend for a second that I'm that ideal representation in real life. Any man can say they "respect a woman's intellect" but that's all just talk. That is not saying that my ego doesn't make me believe I can totally be a chick magnet. It's just saying I might have unrealistically high expectations for the expectations of fictional females that I've idealized. Way ahead of you. Those scenarios have crossed my mind at some point, and might very well be how I send off some of the baddies. While we're on the subject, I'm actually a fan of the portrayal of Lara by fellow AFF writer justtheone. Especially the pieces "Lara Croft and the Bad Boy", "The Sacred Serpent Forest" and "Temple of the Hawk Women". Some of the ideas in those fics are very similar to what I have in mind. I wouldn't say there's a misunderstanding regarding Lara's being "broken" or not. It's like Samus is in HunterOpera's Bergman Affair fic. Yeah she might be physically overwhelmed at certain points, even to the point of being forced to take verbal commands psychically. But as soon as you let up the pressure, BAM, she's immediately back and with a vengeance. I don't pretend that there aren't numerous inconsistencies in FMC with how I've portrayed Lara over the years. That has to do with the fact that many chapters was written largely in a self contained manner and Lara's portrayal simply suited what I found the most erotic at that moment. What is consistent however is how I view Lara as a character. She's human, and subject to the vulnerabilities of emotions and physical stimuli. However she's exceptional in her ability to rebound from psychological trauma, and this perseverance is something that makes her a heroine in the end.
  2. Meh, at a certain point in time I had considered the "Lara starts playing along to get her blackmailers to lower their guard." To an extent, that is an inevitable plot progression, that hubris play a role in their downfall, but that has to be more of a backdrop rather than the sole plot device. Whether Lara plays along depends on what the scenes need of her as a character. Of course her victory won't just be a case of them fucking up. Lara's a strong character and having her passively live her way into revenge by playing along isn't her style. The true victory will be where she actively exploits their plans and turning the plans back on themselves. I want at least a few lines of the final dialogues to be something like this: Lara- "You know, that [thing] you did to mess with me? Yeah that was the entire reason you're in this position now. Had you not done that one [thing] I might still be your fuck puppet at this moment." Lara- "You know how you thought you broke me? Well for a moment there I thought you broke me too, but that moment passed, and now here we are, in this moment. How quaint." Man- "Please don't kill me?" Lara- "You're going to wish you were that lucky." (this one is kind of cliche) Also thought about ending things ala Max Payne's dialogue "They were all dead, the final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over." But depending on how good I am with writing verbal banter, Lara deserves to get the last word to most if not all of her tormentors as she exacts her vengeance. I owe her that much for putting her through this sick piece of fan fiction. It's fine, I understood what you were getting at. Everest wouldn't allow it. Every environment in which Lara is put in a compromising situation, even if it is in the service of another crime boss, will have been vetted and scoured by her handlers to make sure no more images were taken. I'll try to make that very clear in future chapters, but the assumption will and always will be that Everest and Gordo are the only ones holding any hard evidence. This might have plot implications but mostly it's just to keep things from really getting out of hand. I would still like Lara to have a clean win where her revenge isn't a pyrrhic victory where the entire world still gets to see her being shagged every which way. That is only remotely realistic if her blackmail material is contained.
  3. I guess I'll have to clarify it in future chapters on this detail. Only Everest and Gordo have any hard recordings. Strict measures have been taken such that even if Lara is being made to serve other men, no new evidence is accumulated against her. This would have to be a clear impulse for Everest, because no matter who he whores Lara out to, he must remain the one truly in charge. Dissemination of blackmail material into the hands of other bosses would strip Everest of his exclusive power over Lara. She is a pawn for whatever he hopes to accomplish, and a very potent one at that. There's no way he'd actually "share" her fully. Anything she does for anyone besides him is just him holding out small samples of "see what you can get if you cooperate with me?" Kinda like free food samples they give out at grocery stores (can't believe I'm making that analogy. I'm really sick aren't I.)
  4. There are a few ways I can interpret that. After all is said and done, I don't think Lara is just going to embrace the role of a sex craven slut. At least not willingly, if at all. I think her pride won't let her, and if it did, she wouldn't be the character that I found fun to torment in the first place. I don't know if this is misogynistic or reverse-misogynistic or what. I once mentioned that I'm not a fan of seeing my fav female characters in willing relationships with male characters because I'd get jealous of those men. Maybe I'd fantasize about myself being with those females, but then I have the inferiority complex of thinking I could never meet the requirements I imagine these females have. So the sick solution is I imagine them being taken unwillingly by sub-par mates. Maybe part of me is projecting myself onto characters like Gordo. Maybe that's what makes Non-Con popular with some people. Just a bit of psychoanalysis. The short answer is that even if Lara is changed by her experiences in FMC, I can't imagine her pride or mental strength ever fully breaking. That's not the kind of character development that I find fun to write about.
  5. The thought had occurred to me. I'm well aware of UK's proliferate surveillance systems. I assume Everest's computer department can erase or pause video surveillance, and/or pay off corrupt policemen/officials/monitors to turn a blind eye. My impression was that police foot patrolmen in London is pretty prevalent and the likelihood of Lara being driven naked into town without being spotted is pretty slim unless some seriously shady stuff is going on. The reason I didn't explicitly write that into the scene is because I have been toying with a different idea. That Lara's drive through London was actually all fake. The sounds of the city, the pulling into a back alley? All staged, since she's blindfolded and wouldn't know any better. The teens? Paid porn actors who think they're just filming a bdsm porn and don't know the "actress" they're fucking is actually Lara Croft. The entire ride couldn't have been more discrete, and did not have to be real to perfectly achieve the psychological effect of Lara fearing the public exposure. I might as well tack the later part of your post onto one of my chapters and slap on the label "spoiler alert". Great minds think alike it seems. Yes, Lara will have her vengeance, but it would be too optimistic to assume she will ever be the same person again. In response to your review's speculation that I hadn't planned out chapters 15+beyond when I started, you are correct sir. I had the blackmail idea in mind, and even McGee's appearance was only conceived right before I started that chapter. As for Everest, the prison, the underworld crime lords. All that was the result of me having taken the story in many different directions in my drafts, and those chapters happen to be the one that caught my fancy enough to be posted. The idea is that if it was just Gordo blackmailing Lara, the scheme is actually much simpler and easy to maintain. He can do nothing and as long as he has the pictures of Lara on his hand, she could do nothing. But now we have multiple parties in play. Multiple enemies of Lara that don't necessarily share the exact same playbook, and with a fragile alliance hinged on their being mutually vengeful against Lara. Basically in order for Lara to escape her predicament, it first has to escalate to a point where no one is truly in control. Not her, nor any single man. No one party can fully enslave Lara and claim her as their own, so no one is fully in control of her as a result. Hubris will be their undoing. That's about as spoilerific as I can get. I have fragments of the final chapters written, but those won't even be seeing the light of day for at least another ten chapters, of not more. The question now is if I have enough juice to fill in the gaps in the middle in a way that I'm satisfied with.
  6. I've asked myself this same question before The assumption is any man with sexual access to Lara is screened for that stuff and everyone is heavily sanitized or medicated. I do make a lot of assumptions in this fic because I'm either too lazy to actually write out the scene or just didn't find it appealing to clarify everything. The main objective is to set up provocative sex scenes, not adhere to absolute realism. In all honestly, the TR universe and the premise of my piece weren't exactly realistic to begin with, so I'm abusing my creative license to the extreme here.
  7. Believe it or not, I already know exactly how FMC is going to end, and yes it does end on Lara's terms. Without spoiling too much, I'll just say that the seven crime bosses Lara is now indentured to will sow the seeds to their own undoing. Perhaps had Everest not gone to such lengths to sell Lara's services to the others, it might have been much harder for her to ever escape her current predicament.
  8. Wasn't really trying to win any arguments here, just pointing out plausible causality. You asked some valid questions worth answering. Again, a lot of the premise to my fiction requires a pretty broad suspension of disbelief, so in no way am I implying something like this is still "realistic", only that it is "plausible". As to why Everest never made a move on Lara earlier...maybe he hadn't really thought about the whole blackmail scheme until after he found out Gordo was doing it, then was like "hell I can do that waaaay better". Or maybe he didn't even know it was Lara that had broken into his mansion until after McGee's death, in which case he would have a reason to want to subjugate her, since at that point Gordo had left his employment and Lara might very well make another stab at Everest's mansion. As for rape, the idea is that because Lara's sex scenes are so many and so varied, it won't be hard to portray her as a willing participant in bdsm role playing. If you think about it, in many of the sex scenes I've written, Lara doesn't seem to be coming off as purely a rape victim. And what kind of rape victim is allowed to go back home free, only to go back for seconds, thirds, and more? Clearly she likes it enough to keep going back. My assumption is that the archaeological world and the intellectual field and probably most of the world mainly consists of people that value things like common etiquette, public image, and at least a modicum of personal propriety. Other than that I'm sure seeing Lara shooting people in her escapades would kinda make her out to be the worst kind of archaeologists ever.
  9. Police investigation into what? A freak car accident? A random mixup of medication at the pharmacy? Tripping and falling down a flight of stairs in Lara's own mansion? And what happens if Lara accuses Everest, a well known and well respected public figure (enough to be acquainted with some powerful political entities), of running some underground sex trafficking Empire as well as assassination plot? In the best possible outcome, a selected and edited collection of sex tapes and whatever shady underground banking records will just implicate Lara herself as being part of this entire operation. Maybe she started out as a customer to private bdsm sex sessions and gradually started to help move human "product" when she traveled in those skip-the-security private planes. All they'd have to do is place a sex worker inside a copy of the pleasure-mobile, put it on a jet owned by Lara, then lead the police to the jet. The sex worker would then "rat" on Lara, saying she was somehow tricked or coerced by Lara into sexual servitude. You expect a coalition of underworld bosses to be so easily toppled simply by a police report? At this point, they have magnitudes more resources at their disposal than Lara, and even if she were to somehow implicate them as being the offending party, the best possible outcome is a Pyrrhic victory where her image still ends up destroyed forever, tarnishing her family's name. The entire world will have fapping material of Lara to enjoy, and the public humiliation would pretty much end Lara's career, and who knows, maybe rich people will even try to solicit her for "escort" services, a final insult to her continued existence. As always, I do appreciate your criticism, but one thing about writing and reading fiction is that if you can't bring yourself to imagine all scenarios in a given situation, expand your envelope of possible causality and aftermaths.
  10. People go missing all the time, especially if they consistently immerse themselves in dangerous situations like Lara regularly does. Even in Tomb Raider 2013 she gets captured, tied up, and may very well have never been seen again by the rest of the world. Political dissidents in the Middle East, South East Asia, Russia, as well as Central and South America regularly "disappear", either imprisoned or outright killed. Most of the time the rest of the world never know what happened to them. As for Lara's case, she could easily be kidnapped given the powers of her blackmailers, should push come to shove. All they would have to do is fake her death in some bogus plane crash, then they could make up whatever story they want about Lara's secret sex life and maybe conspiracy theorists will think she got killed participating in some high level prostitution ring. Regardless, the "culprits" will most likely never be found. The prison from the FMC arc obviously isn't one run by a responsible country. Don't get me started on how the prison systems of the world are notoriously corrupt and in some cases even run by prison gangs. Look up Tavon White in the news, a prison inmate in Baltimore who managed to get four of his female prison guards pregnant on top of pretty much running the entire prison from within his cell. In Lara's case, the prison she was in is run by the same underworld organization Everest and his powerful buddies have ties to, so it's entirely possible. It might be on a remote island in the middle of nowhere ala Resident Evil style. Who knows how powerful Everest's criminal organization is, if he owns his own private prison. Oh, also for the record, the private prisons in the States are pretty bad too, a particularly recent case involving a judge being bribed to deliberately give heavy sentences to minor offenders so they could bolster the prison's labor force. Suspension of disbelief notwithstanding, It's adorable that you're so confident in the real world's ability to always uncover the "truth". It's a very comfortable cocoon of self-reassurance that we as Americans (I'm assuming you're American) take for granted. The reality is that truth is a luxury in this world of liars and cheaters, and the public perception game is a free for all in which justice does not always prevail.
  11. Anon 2013-08-22 id # 3000048701 I have a small issue to point out. the whole premise is that a man video tapped himself raping a woman hadcuffed to a table at gunpoint... that is what she's afraid of getting out to the point shes willing to voluntarily go through any of it? how many rapists publicly flaunt the fact? How many courts make it public? I get it... fantasy. STILL all she has to do is kill fat fuck... even at this stage, then Everest will be the only one left holding her card... then - take his dick off if he doesn't free her - then kill him to. The end Report Review Anon 2013-08-23 id # 3000048702 i'm sorry the last guys right, the idea is preposterous . Welp, yeah, it's pretty preposterous. Not even going to deny that. However the premise of this fic is that Lara cares enough about her public image that she is willing to put up with the humiliation. Also she is being threatened with not just public exposure but also the physical injury of her friends ( I did mention Winston's "car accident") and in the latest chapter Everest threatened her with permanent imprisonment in the prion facilities where she will be raped non stop. Also the information Lara's being blackmailed with isn't just the sex video, but also the videos of her killing a lot of people in her adventures, which will paint her as a bloodthirsty crazy person, completely turning public opinion against her. Anyhoos, I write this fic because I have hot ideas for non-con sex scenes in my head, not because the plausibility of it happening is 100% surefire. Not to say that the plot isn't exaggerated, but then again so is the plot of a lot of anime and video games. Still, criticism is welcome, just so I don't get too bloated with ego. So thanks for commenting!
  12. Started playing with xnalara, finally. Made some images for rule 34 http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/user_id=137157/1 I might try making scenes from FMC to accompany each chapter in the future haha.
  13. Chapters 28 and 29 have been posted. The first part of 28 was included in the preview, but has now been renamed due to writing developments. As is usually the case, both chapters spent a lot less time in the vault than most of the chapters that I eventually scrap or recycle. I find that if I have to toil too long over a chapter to get it to fit into the story, it probably wasn't going to fit well no matter what I did with it. New OC: Dr. Evan Hanson. Another associate of Lara's late father, although in no way affiliated with Everest. Imagined character for Hanson is a jealous, much less fatherly and more pervy version of Conrad Roth from Tomb Raider 2013. Some inspiration came from this pic http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/1140639#search=Tomb_Raider_Reboot At this point I'm struggling with a dilemma. The Lara from Tomb raider Legends and Underworld is aged roughly around 35-40, If we were to go by the old time line birthdates. However, the sexy Lara I have in my mind is much closer to 27-30, old enough to have developed a taste for bloodshed but not old enough to be world weary. At the same time, I've become much more fond of the Lara Croft character model from the 2013 rebooted game, and right now all of my writing uses that imagined model, despite still technically using the storyline from Tomb Raider Underworld. So there you guys have it. I might make it official at some point, so Lara loses her parents before she finishes college (20-ish, like pre TR2013) but completes the events of TR:Legend and TR: Underworld by the time she's 26. This compresses the time line somewhat given Jacqueline Natla's lengthy chronology in the games, but leaves Lara as a much younger 27 year old when she's first captured by Gordo, and around 28-29 as of the current arc. The acknowledgement of the events of TR:U in the latest chapter (offhand observation by Hanson) means supernatural is officially being brought into FMC, which up until now had been grounded in real world, even if the science is far fetched and over the top. Bitamin717 once posted a story on AFF titled something like "Tomb Raider: Axe of Tantalus". Basically about a relic used to M/C Lara Croft. While I intend to do no such thing (I like my story victims kicking and resisting), I think bringing supernatural into the equation opens up a lot of possibilities. Like what happened to Mjonir and all of Lara's supernatural weapons after TR:U. I may have to rettcon some aspects of FMC or do some explaining, but right now I'm going with where my imagination is taking me. Supernatural being real in FMC also means I would love to hear your suggestions on how any of the relics from the previous TR games might be used in FMC, or even make up relics and special effects on your own and toss me a bone. Hope you enjoy the latest chapter. I'm already writing two follow up chapters on the Peru Arc with Dr. Evan Hanson, which will either become the main arc involving Xavier Salvatorelli or will lead up to Lara's service to Salvatorelli. Honestly that name is so long to type, part of why I decided to have Hanson chronically forget what it was. In media res writer's humor in action. Response to Anon: she can't climax - the device? don't forget consistency of narrative. or... remove it. Lara was medicated when she was at home to prevent her from climaxing. When Gordo and Kitty picked her up, this happened. "[kitty] pressed a hard object against her lower back. “A small present, for our first official meeting.” she whispered silkily, then Lara felt something within her burst, and nearly screamed out as she came so hard her knees buckled. " I didn't want to make it entirely obvious, since the point was that half the time Lara wasn't even sure what was being done to her. The hard object was some sort of needle that injected Lara with the counteracting agent to the orgasm-stopping drug, not the remote to the actual orgasm device implanted inside of her. The reason Lara didn't feel the prick was because the fast onset of the orgasm, the feeling of some bursting, masked the needle. I reread what I wrote however and realized that I hadn't made it clear enough for the audience, and ended up confusing not just Lara but also the readers. My bad. I'll try to rettcon or clarify what has been done to Lara's body in future chapters.
  14. Current preview https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sAdoCQsSLD2O6Of-Jr3R0YRjG2-SXrWN_IxEY3XiUaY/edit?usp=sharing Will always post links here, but will also send it out to those who give me their email so you guys won't have to check in to this page. Will publish this chapter when it's ready along with an accompanying chapter that I'm still taking suggestions for. Basically if anyone has a great idea for where to take things after this preview chapter feel free to hit me up and I'll try to work it into the paired chapter. Doesn't have to be plot related, can just be a particular scene you'd like to see or some thing Lara is made to do. Only requirement is it goes well with how the story has progressed so far. Edit: It's not that I haven't been writing for FMC. I actually have several nearly complete but completely non-plot related chapters written. 1. Lara's in a church, "confessing" to some clergymen 2. Lara's at a South American Carnival 3. Lara celebrating someone's birthday 4. Lara's on a boat (Que lonely island's "I'm on a boat") 5. Lara's in the jungle, being hunted. 6. Lara meets a foreign dignitary 7. Lara plays a game of "laser" tag 8. Lara dances in the shower Problem is all four chapters are self-contained and currently not tied to the plot of FMC other than Lara being the same FMC Lara. I'm considering creating a new AFF fic titled FMC: Side Stories and just posting the non-plot related chapters there, but I really want to eventually integrate them into FMC, and someone told me it was a bad idea to split things up, so I'm holding off on those plans.
  15. Have to say, the four new chapters were pretty tight. I almost think Samus got off easy towards the end. First MB and Madeleine deliberately shows up to distract Ridley, then Ridley deliberately handicaps himself to make him "killable", then sylux, then surprise rocket from Brannigan. Fascinating origin story for Sylux however. Is it an origin story? or is the canon Sylux still a different entity? I also really liked the detail about MB modifying her neural pathways to affect her memories, effectively removing the psychological trauma of being raped by Ridley. It would even be cooler if she used those same abilities to transfer all those memories into Samus instead, making Samus "remember" all of that overwhelming pleasure. Just an idea. And the obvious question: now what? I could imagine things going several ways. Either Ridley isn't phased by losing his Zebesian body, and simply enters a state of intermission, only to show up again in short order; or he is gone from the picture for a longer period of time allowing opposition to him to build up. And what of Samus? Is her ordeal done? Are you ending this story soon? Did her being saved have nothing to do with her own abilities but rather a series of occurrences largely out of her control or perhaps even unfathomable to her? A part of me thinks this would be somewhat of a Deus Ex Machima, similar to if I abruptly created a powerful third party in my Fat Man Chronicles fic that conveniently saved Lara, killed/subdued her tormenters, and erased all evidence of her being tormented. I don't actually have anything against resolving plot threads with actions outside of a protagonist's actions. Real life is often like that. On the other hand, I've really enjoyed seeing you torment Samus in this fic, and wouldn't mind a bit if you found a way to extend her captivity.
  16. Any chance of an update? I check AFF almost every day hoping you're back in action writing Samus out of this quandary she's in.
  17. Since I'm too lazy to start a new thread for all my other ideas, here are two fics I'm currently planning to write. 1. Return to Yamatai (Tomb Raider Reboot) Will exist completely separate of FMC, and as was the case with the new game, will be grittier and much more realistic. 2. Remake (yes I know) of The Fifth's Long Week (Naruto) by wierdmeijin, For years I waited for wierdmeijin to update this fic, but not only has he not done so, he actually deleted all of his work here on AFF. I seriously had a Anakin Skywalker Episode III moment (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) when I found out. Because this fic will pretty much be another blackmail fic, I will have to make it fit the Narutoverse and try not to ape too much of what I have going on with Tomb Raider. My opinion is that this won't be too hard, since the beginning plots will mainly be a retread of wierdmeijin's plot. I've also realized that there is an average lifespan for not only authors, but also readers, on AFF. To those of you who've stuck with FMC over the years (it's been quite a long time), I love you guys and thank you for your support and input, and will continue to write for as long as my mind can think up lecherous ideas. Also, if anyone wants to help me beta new chapters and/or see discarded chapters/ideas that might still be recycled, shoot me a pm, and I'll send you a share link for google docs.
  18. Updated with two new chapters, and two more in the works.
  19. I was sitting on this chapter waiting to comment after you've updated, but I guess there's no sense in waiting. Brannigan's sendoff was solidly spectacular. I'm sad to see him go but look forward to see what you think Ridley is going to do next. I'm not familiar enough with the Metroid universe to understand Ridley beyond his being a insanely destructive entity, so I won't be able to call you out or anything if the portrayal is not entirely in line with cannon. In any case, hope you update soon, and if you want to see what I've been working on with FMC shoot me a pm or something. I've honestly just started over again with the next chapter because the old one fell out of favor.
  20. Preferably Brannigan will survive Ridley, but I can see why he wouldn't. The problem with Ridley as Samus's abuser is that he is too powerful. Even without the kaayes and all of the planet's wildlife and fauna, Ridley can easily subdue Samus even in her prime, assuming she does not have her suit with her. The appeal of Brannigan dominating Samus is that if both were facing off on even footing with their gear, Samus would come out on top, every time. It's the tipping of the power scale between the two that makes Samus's subjugation all the more humiliating. It took days of invested wearing and tearing down Samus before Brannigan could control her to his whim. It would be a shame to see all that go to waste if Ridley immediately takes over and kicks an already weakened Samus around. It's taking candy from a baby, and altogether a lot less arousing. But you have the writing chops, and Ridley by himself is a solid character to base any story off of, so I defer to your choice of narration. I just hope Brannigan doesn't die too quickly. He was a lot of fun to read.
  21. Can't wait for the new updates. True story, I read "Sylux", started to write a review begging for more Brannigan/Samus scenes then refresh to find that you uploaded "Brannigan", so had to change my last comment midway through typing it. Here's some additional thoughts on "Brannigan". Introducing the commands (sit, stand, beg, down) in one chapter, letting it settle with the audience, before taking full advantage of it the next chapter. Very functional move. My interpretation of what you've written so far is that Samus is drifting in and out of brief moments of defiance and progressively longer moments of defeat/subservience. The description of what Samus is feeling is very useful, at least demonstrating that she still has the willpower to have thoughts. Depending on how Ridley is making his entrance I don't know how much more time Brannigan will have Samus to himself, but I'd love to see Samus forced to learn more commands. Alternatively, start having other people use the commands on Samus that Brannigan just taught her, to show that those commands are becoming more universal (like a trained dog) rather than just kowtowing to one person's will.
  22. Oh god, the new chapter in Bergman's affair. I feel really guilty for not remembering a lot of the details regarding the overarching plot. As was with the other chapters, the writing is solid and story is good, but my mind pretty much makes a beeline towards the super sexy scenes with Samus. And this was indeed a super sexy chapter. I love how "stand" means on all fours like a house pet. The sex scenes with Brannigan is fantastic, so here's to hoping you'll keep updating so my fantasies stay afloat. While the dirty part of me would like to see Ridley eventually get his hands on Lara, the story teller in me is saying that you should reserve your best ideas for Brannigan and Melissa, and keep any participation from Ridley condensed and sweet. I'm enjoying this fic so much that I have to consciously keep myself from borrowing too many ideas from it for FMC, as well as a new TR fic I'm working on using the 2013 reboot as canon.
  23. Lol no need to ask. Always a pleasure. I keep changing the plot and rewriting the current FMC arc because my fancies keep shifting so what seems ok today comes off as mundane the next. Thought I'd have updated by now but nope, back to the drawing board.
  24. Gearing up to update Fat Man Chronicles within the week, so thought I'd check in on whether you're still motivated about this piece. It's a great piece, and I'd love to see you continue to weave it to a climactic conclusion. Cheerios.
  25. still awaiting your update Hunter. Myself just got back from vacationing and am back into crunch mode with TR as well as my legit writing project. Cheers to you and the new year m8.
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