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Everything posted by MorbidFantasy

  1. Oh I see. Apparently I didn't get the memo. Must've been during one of my dry spells away from this site. It was weird because if I use the new interface to navigate then I see the new profile, but the address to my old profile still shows up in google searches and certain who-knows-how situation. Ok new profile is up. Please do delete the old one, thanks for your time!
  2. Hey something's been bugging me for a while. I can't actually update my aff member's profile. Here's my current profile http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296792926 People navigating there can see my old profile which includes an old email, but no matter how I try to navigate in the member's tool section, I can't seem to find where the text from the old profile is, and thus can't change my profile to reflect a new email. I figured I should bring this up because I just checked my old email, and once again, some unfortunate soul had the misfortune of reading the old profile and then contacting me, only to have him/herself ignored for a good month and a half because I only check the old email twice a year specifically due to the old email still being shown on the website (old email: morbidfantasy07@yahoo.com, new email: morbidfantasy12@gmail.com) Any thoughts on why that might be? this issue only cropped up about a year or two ago with one of the website re-formats (or was it hosting changes?)
  3. Ya got me there. I've been retconning Laras behavior over the recent updates. Maybe she enjoyed killing the men because they were bad people,lol? It's part of a larger overhaul including explaining why she was in the mansion in the first place, to steal the stone from Everest.
  4. Yes, of course I've played RotTR. How could I not have? The philosopher stone and the people pursuing it were formed in my drafts as early as 2012, around the time I posted the prison arc. At that point I had no idea about the plot of the new TR game. The stone's powers are vastly different from the "Divine Source". It borrows heavily from the concept of the blue eitr seen in Tomb Raider Legend/Underworld. In future chapters I'll elaborate on those powers and how they're different from the "Divine Source" I wanted to fit Lara's rebooted adventures on Yamatai into this fic, and implicitly, it still is, even if I haven't mentioned anything to the effect. However, Rise of the Tomb Raider's plot wasn't anticipated by me at all, nor did I plan on having Trinity in FMC. I guess I'm being picky and choosey here, but the bottom line is the organization Everest is part of and the Stone have nothing to do with the new game's plot devices, at least currently.
  5. New fic posted, titled "Lara Croft and the Philosopher's Stone". Not to be confused with the Harry Potter fandom, of course. The new fic is a reorganization of chapters formerly belonging to "Contractually Indentured", a piece I had mentioned in this forum but never made it work well enough to post on AFF. The first chapter starts in media res, without immediately explaining or even introducing the Philosopher's Stone properly. The second chapter will be a little more on the nose about it. I wrote the first chapter in a bit of a hurry, Frankensteining parts from an older draft where Lara was in a church being fucked by a bunch of Satanic priests, whereas in the revised and published version, the priests are a sect of Catholics tracing their heritage to other religious nuts who see the powers of the Stone as being indications of God, and seek to gather and hoard that power. I mean no insult to Joan D'Arc by the writing her into this fic. She was one of my first admirations in terms of a heroic female character, and I've even thought of writing an original fic starring her prior to this. Choosing her as a peripheral character just became convenient and obvious as I started filling in the motives for a bunch of priests to assault a single girl in a church. Obviously I threw Henry Beaufort, Cardinal of Winchester, under the bus here by portraying him as a rapist, but hey, no one likes that fuck... right? Oh, right, and I mean no disrespect to the actual Catholic faith. The priests in this fic are not true Christians. They're power hungry cultists following a misguided notion that a supernatural source of power is their path to God, or some form of it. I also hesitate to call them Satanists for the same reason, since they do believe they're worshiping God's power.
  6. Just wanted to add that I think it hurts Lara more to leave Mark alive in the interim, not just so he could think the worst of her but also for the uncontrollable element. Now Lara has to live in constant fear that Mark may very well lose his cool and end up blabbing back in London. Villains inc might even make her regret her decision by insinuating that there are indeed rumors spreading about Lara back home (there probably wont be, but she doesn't have to know that, lol) It's all about the mind fucks.
  7. I actually wrote two alternate versions of the ending scene that played out virtually verbatem to your suggestion. The reason I didn't was this: They want to get Lara used to capitulating to demands that are unreasonable. Having her admitting to the falsehoods to Mark is the first step. If they kill him in front of her after all of this, what reason would she have to keep trusting them? In a weird way, Villain Inc's benefits more from getting Lara to trust them. In the future, they could slowly escalate their unreasonable demands as long as they tack on "rewards" such as letting Mark live, even if those rewards aren't actually rewards. They can keep their word regarding the small stuff while lying through their faces about anything they haven't explicitly promised Lara. Edit: Just saying that's why they gave her a choice. Psychologically it will condition her to only think "within the box". It wasn't very obvious the way I wrote it, but the three choices they gave Lara somewhat parallels the demands she made to Xavier when she beat him up in the bath. It takes away Lara's initiative to negotiate, by giving her the terms right before she has to make that decision. She basically went right to dinner as soon as Kitty explained her options to her, with no time to think or maneuver. From Lara's point of view, this also forces her to become more cautious in what she reveals about herself as well as any future negotiations. Both sides will try to create and exploit loopholes in conversations, but this dynamic can only be relevant if both sides keep their promises. Otherwise, there'd be no point to dialogue, or incentive for Lara to act out any fake roles given to her. In reply to anon who was annoyed I haven't killed anyone of importance in a while, the way things are going, I think you'll get some satisfaction within the next five or six chapters. Whether Mark dies or doesn't die by the end of this fic is currently inconsequential, but I plan to give him another appearance before things are over.
  8. Niiiice. I noticed a few months back that one of my darker fics in the Naruto section saw a voting spree that saw the average star count seesaw like crazy, obviously because of repeated voting from a few individuals with diverging views on my writing. Hopefully this addresses that.
  9. Hey is it just me or is the voting option currently disabled/invisible? I can't seem to find the button to rate/star a fic.
  10. Chapter 41 up! Okay okay okay, I swear Lara leaves Peru in chapter 42. Not sure if I placed the part about Kitty's showing Lara the footage of Mark's "interrogation" at the end was the best idea. I hope it didn't confuse anyone as to why Lara was so submissive during dinner. Maybe she (or I) did too good a job covering up her outrage and misery at the situation? Comments on this are appreciated. I tried not to make her choice too "heroic" but fundamentally, the Lara Croft in this story is a good person, something I've been trying to bring out starting with the whole "Importance of Memory" chapter. She only kills when she has to, and does not enjoy or look forward to it as the best option. Between chapters 42 which will include the departure from Peru and chapter 43 which is when Lara meets her next "boss" and starts her mission there, I'm going to slot in a "Importance of Memory Pt 2" which will put into the story some of the Philosopher Stone's traits that I've covered in this forum but haven't detailed in the story. As to 43, I have parts written for a Tokyo arrival as well as a Siberian arrival. Siberia's theme will be "cold survival" while Tokyo's theme will be "antiquities auction". I'm very much open to opinions on which one I should proceed with. This is significant because the one not picked will actually be reworked and pushed back, rather than just position swapped with the one immediately after Peru. Oh, and the location after Tokyo/Siberia will be somewhere in the United States for sure, where Boss #3 awaits.
  11. I actually really liked the bit of action you had near the end of the wolf's snare. Having Lara gain a sort of command over canine wildlife would be pretty cool here. You could even include dynamics like power struggles, alpha/beta relationships. Or you could give individual dogs/wolves distinct preferences. One might really like lara's taste while another likes to dominate her even outside of sex (nipping or herding her around) things like that in the wolf's snare were the highlights for me.
  12. Chapter 40 is up I'm glad it isn't dead as well.I thought i had some free time back in January, but it was an illusion, so only got one chapter up then. Chapter 40 started out being an issue with finding the right place to begin/end out of a large run-on chapter. I ended up cutting some sex positions but still ran overboard. In case it isn't apparent, anytime the color blue is mentioned there's a little bit of mind control at work. It usually won't be at the levels of Hanson's Dig brainwashing, but it's enough for me to use to manipulate the mood. I'm 99% happy with the chapter, but would like to know from you guys, for future reference, if you found the portrayal of Mark in the chapter to be something you'd like to see more of in other characters. By that I mean more emotionally charged (not always anger or lust), as well as Mark being the first male character since McGee (jesus that was a long time ago) to not be fully in the loop regarding Lara. Everest and Gordo were a little too all knowing as male antagonists which makes their characters flat (or fat) and boring, I feel this was part of the reason people started hating Gordo in any scene I put him in. To the critics of the aforementioned boring characters, I'm always open to ideas of unique male character traits that might prevent a retread of old ground.
  13. As long as we are fixing counts, ill just say that 10000 is Still way too lowThe piece had at least 105k hits on it. I'd know since my main piece fmc is also in the same category so I visit regularly.
  14. Whoa. First it was the hit counter freezing, now this.... I swear the last I checked the hits on your piece was that plus an extra zero at the end, probably approaching 110K.
  15. Lol silly me. I just made a new thread reporting the hit counter freezes before seeing this here thread. Well as long as the database is still functioning I'm sure things will work out.
  16. Was updating my fic, doing some editing and reading some others. Noticed that the hit counter seems to have frozen. Not sure if it's a site-wide issue or only partial to small sections. Does this have something to do with the new chapter-selection format?
  17. Hanson's Dig Part 3 Finale is up. Read that first before reading my comments below: I really do have to apologize for this lateness. The chapter itself has been fully formed in my mind for a few months but I just couldn't or didn't bring myself to buckle down and type it out. As for chapter 40, here are the mostly spoiler free ideas, all of which I have written text for. Mark of course will have his go at Lara, who, depending on whether I gag her or not, will try, unsuccessfully, to convince him that she didn't wish for him to be harmed. Chapter 39 really amps up the influence of the Philosopher's Stone, and truthfully before I had written 39, I had already written parts for 40, 41 and 42 without very much of the stone's power in play, so now I'm debating working more of the supernatural aspects into those chapters. At this point, I think it's starting to become very clear how Lara may end up publicly unscathed at the end. Not a whole lot of mystery there anymore, but I hope you guys will enjoy the long journey there, hehe. In case the long delays have made anyone forget the time, it is currently circa February, which means cold in Northern hemisphere. Lara's either headed to Tokyo next or to Russia next (I'm leaning towards Russia right now). There is of course a shard of the stone awaiting absorption there, but I'm still working on the sort of sexual scenarios she's going to encounter. We'll see what happens. Cheers
  18. Email me a character bio and ill see what happens. Irl got in the way again but now I'm back due to time freeing up. Hopefully will do another writing spree lol. Ended up scrapping the original updates as is my modus operandis. Also going to update fmc concurrently since ideas are coming in. Cheers.
  19. A big problem with bringing other females into this story continues to be the fact that I'm trying to fit this entire story in between the timeskip. In Naruko's case, that means Naruto's off on that training trip with Jiraiya and not even present in the village. The grudge against the clans will of course be covered at some point. Of course, given the fact that the baddies have two sharingan users I plan on including genjutsu chapters where Tsunade is forced into nightmarish scenarios, in which anything can happen, so who knows, Naruko may yet be possible.
  20. Lelz the story is finished you silly. Now's the time to beg JustS to start writing a sequel neh? Write us a sequel, JustS.
  21. Chapter 7 is up, here were my thoughts during writing: Up until the very end, I was going to have Tsunade walk home in the dark butt nekkid and stuff, too tired to realize she didn't even make it to Kunio's office, which would result in some punishment. Then it became more logical that Tanaka and his gang wouldn't just let this fuck toy off after one day, so I wrote in the ending with her being immediately recaptured by Shit-for-brains and the underlings under the auspices that only Tanaka promised her her freedom, but gave his men have free reign right then. The word I'd use to sum up this entire chapter is "Unfairness" Same goes for the whole price-gouging scene. Internally, the math was just taking 14hoursX6peopleX12500ryo/hour to get the first number, then work down from there. Brothel versus street side hooking prices in Vegas were used. Tsunade makes 12.5million ryo a year, which is just over 34,000 ryo/day, so once I arrived at 100,000 ryo I decided to further slash it down under that number for the sake of humiliation. The biggest problem with having written chapters 5-10 in rapid succession is that I probably changed my mind on at least two or three plot details in each chapter, which ended up messing up certain continuities. This chapter was especially so, as I kept getting the names of individual men mixed up for no good reason. Here are the spoilers for Chapter 8, which will go up as soon as I find the time to give it a final once over:
  22. That's a very good point, and a very fascinating perspective offered by someone with actual experience as an orphan. Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts on the matter. When I started writing this fic, I wasn't 100% sure Tsunade was an orphan or not. So much of Narutoverse simply remains unfilled in or ambiguous. However, upon googling naruto.wikia, it appears that the clan name Senju has fallen into disuse and is only recognized in the history books. There's a huge narrative discord in this, because the way kishi had portrayed it, the Uchiha and Senju were the very first 2 clans to join Konoha, and it looked like both were quite numerous. It took years of deliberate segregation culminating in a massacre for the Uchiha to become extinct. Meanwhile, the Senju were revered and looked up to as the clan to lead the village. Given that, it seems absurd from a narrative perspective that the Senju have become extinct. My personal explanation for this is that the Senju haven't become extinct. Rather, in the vein of Hashirama's goal of absolute equality and unity, the Senju chose not to have its own clan-building and center (like the Hyuuga or Uchiha did), and rather just assimilated into the rest of Konoha. Thus, it may be that the last name Senju has simply become so ordinary that not many people know of its significance anymore in the modern age. This assimilation would also explain why Kunio and his sister got left by the wayside, as without a clan center and a place for the clan to congregate it's essentially every Senju for him/herself. I really do like your idea of Kunio finding out that Tsunade did search for her own clansmen, but I think he's already done the research, and seen that the Senju simply didn't band together and prioritize taking care of their own. Rather, it is only Tsunade's unique position as the Shodaime's progeny that made her at all special, which legitimizes Kunio's fury. In fact, I'm counting on Kunio to have done some thorough research into his claims, and, like what typically happens when someone very fanatically angry about his life is, has ignored any facts that doesn't support his viewpoint or twisted the interpretation of those facts to suit his preferred narrative. In light of your review I ended up making several modifications to the upcoming chapters: details that would lead into future plot lines. Cheers.
  23. I remember that episode, although I'm discounting it as non-canon due to its anime-only status. I'm a pretty stalwart proponent of manga-only canon, unless an anime episode actually does work to portray legitimate history, aka Shisui Uchiha's character arc.[/size] That being said, Chapter 1 of this fic was entirely informed by Tsunade's propensity as a debt dodger, which was why she was coerced into signing that chakra contract. IRL stuff is almost always the culprit these days. If I had it my way, my days would be 20% videogames and youtube, 20% perving out to the works of other artists, and 50% writing (smut or otherwise). The last 10% is time spent drinking caffeine.[/size] B-mod, especially in this story, has great utility in accomplishing short term goals. Since Tsunade can heal from any superficial damage anyways, it also negates the problems with long term effects on B-mod, so she could very well have massive hoops through her nips in one chapter, then not have piercings in the next. The humiliation potential for B-mod when coupled with exhibition is also a consideration. So in short, yes, B-mod is 95% going to happen, but it won't be gratuitous, since everything Kunio does has a motive.[/size]
  24. Lol just as I suspected, you use <spoiler>, then at the end add spoiler/ to end it
  25. what what what?!?! Do I use <spoiler> or something?
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