I am glad everyone's having so much fun with the photo of me in the Caption thread.
I am considering just how old that pic is. 1984, in fact.
I am simply refusing to do the math.
^ should realize all babys get spoiled. That's why they're babies.
<has three ingrate children getting weaned on teh spoiling
V wants to come spoil my house apes.
I am able to list all the helping verbs.
Am is are was were be being been has have had do does did shall will should would may might must can could.
I am not able to recall the combination to the vault at work.
I am unable to forget the little Helping Verb dance that was taught to me in 1974.
Oh, i never look for the answers. I just know too many psyche majors to think it doesn't mean SOMETHING.
Do psyche majors every really think a horse is just a horse?