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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Now that writer has issues...
  2. Challenger_Avenger seems to be whining about someone on Myspace. Not even with enough detail to make it fun... http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/author...p?no=1296822837
  3. IIRC, Piers Anthony wrote an alternate-universe story where all the cattle, goats and other domesticated animals died off. People replaced them with humans. They were altered at birth to be pretty stupid, not able to walk erect, unable to oppose their thumbs. And they were breeding them pretty huge. I think i had a dream in the distant future of that planet. I was a rodeo clown. The beasts that bucked the guys off their backs were women. If they'd stood, i think they'd have been about 20 feet tall. After they got the guy down off of them, clowns would taunt or tease them and eventually lead them out back for the giant jacuzzi. When it was my turn, my schtick was centered on a large bra stretched between poles. After getting the women-critters to chase me through the goal posts, they ended up restrained by the lingerie. Then i had a couple of different acts. I'd do their hair, or do makeup, manicure, or pretend to be a dentist or something. Play it up to the people in the stands. Get roars of laughter. There was some sort of sedative smeared across the inside of the cups that really chilled them out so they'd play along and smile at the audience. It wore off by the time they were back in the slots and they were violent again. I woke up wondering how they went about the hog-tying competition...
  4. Why? No matter where you stand, there's going to be something that's still 'across the line.' People that read and write celebrity slash fisting AIDS positive public-sex porn stories still get upset that there's Bible fanfiction around, or that NAMBLA has a smut newsletter.
  5. Third, how would you tag the evidence? Eh, it's a military standard, never reinforce defeat. If a few attempts to get your side of the story don't work, cut your losses and run. Consider that the villagers have burned the bridge behind you. You're probably better off out of such a place, where the 1st amendment seems to read 'Maximum freedom for anyone that agrees with me, minimum for everyone else.'
  6. Oh, i wrote that one. http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093423 Noah's reaction reminds me a lot of sailors when you suggest that since one man in 10 is gay, some homosexual has probably seen them in the shower, naked. They go right off their nut. Noah cursed, not himself or grapes or wine, or even Ham, but Ham's fourth son. It's that sort of bugknuckle insane reaction that makes me think Noah thought Ham was gay. And if he had four sons, while Noah only had three, that made him appear to be more manly than Noah.
  7. A conversation on another forum lead to speculation on maybe discussing "sexual projections in Biblical myths" on the board. I do feel that there are a lot of repeating ideas in the Bible, stuff that appeals to us across the centuries for the common basis in the human psyche that we all share at least a part of (except for certain among you, and you know who you are. You'd better know, the restraining orders were clearly posted). But doubt the thread would be terribly successful on that board. Many would dismiss any claims that there were sexual projections IN the stories, saying it said more about the biases and philias of the person claiming it was a sexual story. Even the one about the woman with lovers hung like donkeys.... Although, i suggested that such a thread might become a wonderful source document for bible slash fanfic. Maybe one could change 'tare up' from the slaughter of 42 kids to a less offensive zoophilic pedophile orgy: 1 prophet, 2 bears, two score and two children.... "Go up, thou bald head," changing from a taunt to a cheer. "Look! His bald head is going up!" And suddenly the day had purpose...
  8. Why shouldn't they be? It seems to me that the test you quoted was written in reaction to MSLT's, exactly because they felt that MSLT's suck the major ass. I don't see why that's a problem.The whole idea of a litmus test is that various data points lead one towards or away from a conclusion, rather than offer up a silver-bullet answer. the goal is to fix a character's position on a number line, close to or far from the measured state. It's not saying that any single character that has superpowers is a Mary Sue. If she does, and you have a logical argument for it, and the rest of the test doesn't really apply, then you've got nothing to worry about. If someone gives their character a phobia, especially such an illogical one as a major clown phobia, then no matter how many coincidental matches there are on the test, they've still made a choice about the character that moves her significantly away from the classic Mary Sue. Mary Sue never even has a bad hair day, muchless pee her panties at the sight of a man in particolored clothes with facepaint. Well, test construction is a difficult process. If you're really weighting tests for a defensible result, you need to take them and retake them, adjust the weights, get other people to take them, discuss the question content, the question order, references, word choices... You know, work. Most Litmus Tests are just opinion essays framed as a point-assaying test. Even if this one is perfectly sincere, i doubt they use the proper exam creation reference material and frameworks of the industry.
  9. Um...i think this test was satire. From the last line of your post, i'm not entirely sure if you did or didn't realize that....
  10. I dislike putting author notes in a chapter, unless it's the very last chapter. it seems to me to break the flow of the story. I mean, even more than posting individual pages in the board format....[/cent][/cent] I post reviews of my own. Even if the reader never returns and sees if i answered a question, someone else may have the same question. And since i allow anonymous reviews, i don't always have a contact point.
  11. I've just finished the 20th chapter, or episode, of an imagined sequel to the Irwin Allen 60s series, Land of the Giants. I've tried to preserve the justified paranoia of the original, but not the complete ignoring of characters or character development. It's been more work than i've ever put into a story that had no sex scenes, and feels very rewarding. Title:Escape from Land of the Giants Author: Keith Inc. Rating: Adult (some violence, a little objectifying, but still a TV show. No sex) Summary: Earth has discovered the Giant planet. The governments don't trust each other, but manage to make a deal, captured humans for Earth technology. An SID agent who is something of a political misfit and a human partner work on the Exchange in Coastal City. A garrison of Marines and a giant Secretary flesh out the regulars. Feedback: Oh, i am a review WHORE! Good, bad, your mother wears army boots, i love every sort of feedback. And she's a size 7, thanks. Fandom: Land of the Giants. URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093848 Thanx for reading my little boast, here. Hope you read, really hope you enjoy the story. Keith Inc.
  12. Well, yeah, unless there's a problem with the names that impacts enjoying the story.A family tale of long-lived characters that all had names within a few consonants of each other was a fucking mess to read. I don't remember the actual names but it was like four-syllable versions of: "Bob turned to Rob who was holding Hobb in a headlock. They all turned as Boe and Roe entered, each turning to Bob for an explanation. Tob came in and shot them all with a weapon clipped to his watch fob." I swear, you needed to read the story with graph paper. I'm sure that a family with such traditions in legal names would just use nicknames around the dining table. But you're right, there's no value added in a critique of made-up names for the sake of their being made up.
  13. I don't think i'm jealous of Mary or Marty Sue. I mean, i have my own fantasies. And in a daydream, I do become the rescuer, the shoulder that's cried on, the know it all, and the commanding officer. I am everything Mary Sue has ever wanted to be, except for certain But i don't write them down. With or without sex, the Mary Sue story seems, to me, to be masturbation. I'm not envious of anyone's ability to bring themselves off. Nor particularly judgmental about how someone crafts and staffs their fantasies. I just don't particularly want to watch. When i write, either i am trying to create a story, balanced characters, something that appeals to a reader; or- I'm writing for a fetish fandom, as a direct tool for masturbation. So the Marty Sue-ity of my protagonist isn't a concern. Except for how much of my internal landscape i'm willing to shine a public light on. Even then, actually, i'm shaping the scene, away from what just makes me hot to something that might have wider appeal.
  14. Oh, well that changes everything.
  15. yeah, that's healthy.
  16. I started out writing in fetish fiction. The most positive feedback you get there is for something that goes directly to the scenes they come to HighHeelScrotumTapDanceing dot net for. And, frankly, writing with grammar, spellchecking, accurate use of verb tense, makes you look like a god among men in most fetish fandoms. So PWP is really easy to write and really, really popular. But i've come to enjoy trying to get characterization, development, something that a fan referred to as 'pathos' in my stories. What the second Musketeer has to do with TV Fanfic, i'm not sure... So, i've got....quite a few stories. Everything from PWP to Porn in every chapter, to whole stories without smex. If i was going to pitch anything for sex-free character development story it'd be: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093848
  17. that's what i said. But it's starting to grow on me. At least the author can rest assured, sitting in a position of moral superiority, that they have taken every step in making the attempt to illuminate their goals and motives in making the effort.
  18. Yeah, it's not going to be possible to make it a hard and fast rule with clear outlines.This would be something that might be expected, as i understand the discussion, encouraged or suggested, but not demanded. You mention BDSM. that reminds me of a book i picked up in Waldens a few years back. I've read a few stories where the characters indulge in some sort of fantasy play, including master/slave and other dominance games. Usually the author either just goes ahead with the scene or has a paragraph about how it's all harmless play as long as everyone is a consenting adult. At most a couple more paragraphs about how the submissive partner is actually in charge, they're the ones with the power to end the fantasy. This book, the author was black. The characters were black. They mutually agreed to enjoy some master and slave loveplay. the author spent, IIRC, a page and a half making sure that everyone understood that the love play was just a game, not to be taken as any sort of validation of the industry of slave taking/owning/trading or the institution of slavery, AND that it was all just fun and games between consenting adults, AND that it didn't mean that they'd take any crap from an abusive redneck... I wish i could remember what book that was in because it would make an excellent CONTRO chapter. I would guess that the warning would be entirely on the shoulders of the author. If they get a lot of grief over a scene, or expect a lot of grief over a topic, element, lubricant, then they should add an explanation. What i want to do here is explore what might be good or bad ways to go about it, and maybe good reasons for it.
  19. I am strangely fascinated by the idea of a controversy chapter as discussed at the end of the thread here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...?showtopic=6629 There are certain guidelines for story disclaimers. There are standards for the lists of warnings. I would suggest that anyone writing a CONTRO introductory chapter should meet some guidelines as well. [cent][cent] This is an attempt to start graphing them out. What topics deserve such exposition, what to put in the warning chapter. I've written one CONTRO chapter so far. It's an introduction to some slash fiction involving biblical characters. I expect to write one for chapters involving vore and other lethal sexual interests. Perhaps one for the xenophilia stories. And the Jack Chick slash, of course. As for the tone of the warning/explanation: First and foremost, the very fact of writing a CONTRO chapter indicates your awareness that there is or will be controversy about some part of the story. You're acknowledging that people will take opposing positions to your writing the story. I think we should respect that. I don't necessarily say we should respect a critic, but we should respect their right to express an opinion, even if it's one that involves a lobotomy and a case of cheap liquor. You don't want to indicate that a critic has no right to voice their opinion. But by the same token, the same freedoms they enjoy in criticizing your story apply to writing it. You don't have a right to threaten them for their reaction, but they cannot threaten you. We do support all laws about slander, libel, overt threats and sedition, if only to keep the site out of entrenched legal complications. But the key point in writing fiction is that it is a fictional account. Words on paper or letters on the screen. No real people are hurt. My personal feeling is that even writing fiction about celebrities is not hurting anyone. A court has upheld that obvious fiction does not do any measurable damage to one's reputation. They may be offended, but I don't know of any legal basis for the idea that they have a right to not be offended. How the hell would that work, anyway? [/cent][/cent] So. What do you think are the sorts of stories or conditions that would warrant a CONTRO warning/chapter?
  20. I never erase reviews. I'm the prototypical review whore. The more the merriest. But then, i've been called the absolute worst things i can imagine, in real life, face to face, for the least reasons. People that i've had the opportunity to visit my revenge upon. Namecalling from the safety of netspace is just amusing. For some, it's a matter of correcting them. Someone claiming intellectual superiority really should spellcheck their claim that i have misspelled something. And calling me a dyke would be more hurtful if i were a lesbian. Or even a woman. I think the ultimate flame review of a story of mine was being GAFFed. And it's hilarious. Oneof the Gawd Awful Fan Fiction reviewer's problems was that one of my characters is named 'Ham,' which makes him laugh (or...something. I got the GAFF second-hand). Now, that's part of the story. Noah's son was named Ham and i didn't change it. The GAFFer's problems with the canon are not my problems. I wish i could add the GAFF list as part of the reviews of my story but i can't seem to get access to that board. Another person has reviewed the same story and told me that there's a board that finds it so hilariously bad that they love it. Well, more power to them. I guess i would advise any author to review all reviews for the spirit they were intended in. A constructive criticism should be evaluated for useful content. A childish pratt lobbing spitwads at the chalkboard should be pitied, not cause worry or self-doubt. I mean, if the guy making the comment is still looking up dirty words in the dictionary or giggling anytime he hears a word for a female body part, he's not the acme of literary criticism. Thank him for his contribution, say you remember your first beer, and go on with your life.
  21. Well, no, i'd fully support anyone's right to express themselves, even complain about the fact that there is sex or squicky sex on the internet. Soapbox yourself silly.Making threats, though, that might deserve some punitive countermeasures.
  22. Thanx. Nothin' wrong with that....
  23. Thanx. Well, i didn't want to respond like so many of the ones on the Petition, with 'hey, tough nuts, they're my photons, i'll arrange them however i want!'or 'get off y' high horse and nae be s' full o' y'self!'
  24. Palin reminds me of Geraldine Ferraro. She started off as a nobody. As people investigated her background, there started to be rumors of ties to organized crime through her husband. Her running mate, Mondale, was a cardboard cutout. i really do think that the Democrats knew they had no chance pushing Reagan out of office and used the election to find out how many people would vote for a woman exactly and only because she was a woman. She didn't bring any skill set, contacts or many district votes to the platform, so they got tax dollars to run a national poll on who votes purely democrat ticket or who votes a purely woman ticket. I'm not sure if the GOP have given up, and are running their own poll, or if they're desperately trying to corner a specific market. Hope to learn more as the election runs on.
  25. I tend to agree with Agaib. If we have sections based on fandoms and warnings based on content, that works for me. A section based on content would make it harder for specific fans to find the charactters and 'ships they're interested in, while making an apparent 'big deal' about that specific content. Now. I really do think that a CONTRO warning is pandering to the Offended, who haven't a leg to stand on, but i've also found myself fascinated with the idea of a CONTROVERSY chapter in a story. What do y'all think of this one: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093423 ?
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