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Status Replies posted by Deadman

  1. well my laptop sucks atm. i visit certain sites and the internet goes in and out. cant do much! no one else has this issue with the internet but me!  i dont want to factory reset it cuz then i lose the story that took me a while to create! ugh! suggestions? 

    1. Deadman


      What is the type?

      I have one that’s been having similar problems. What I’ve had to do is get a USB Wifi upgrade. It’s basically a USB that you plug in and it gives you better access… usually.

      Also, on Microsoft machines, they allow you to do a reset without deleting any files. However it’s still a good idea to back it up just in case.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  2. people think i am crazy for paying $43 for 4 bottles of Mountain Dew. I might be but i got my hands on that Canadian only Mountain dew! its pretty good!

    1. Deadman


      Well it’s not just one soft drink supposedly. It’s 4 of them. But even still, that’s a lot. Personally, I can get more for 5 dollars.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. people think i am crazy for paying $43 for 4 bottles of Mountain Dew. I might be but i got my hands on that Canadian only Mountain dew! its pretty good!

    1. Deadman


      Where are people buying that for this amount? Burning Man or something?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Yep, here’s a status update @Deadman, works in Firefox v115.0.2.

    1. Deadman


      Good to know. Apparently you have to restart your browser after installing it. So I will have to wait to do it until later.

  5. Welp. I just got hit with an idea for a story in the Big bang theory world. Writing the ideas down for this as i type! hopefully i get this one off the ground!

    1. Deadman


      Glad I could help. Like I said, I don’t watch the show myself, but I did sorta recently write something which involved a character getting work at a gentleman’s club. Works fairly well as a plot device.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Welp. I just got hit with an idea for a story in the Big bang theory world. Writing the ideas down for this as i type! hopefully i get this one off the ground!

  7. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price Yes, that’s essentially what I was suggesting. It gives you the option to put individual things out for free. So each piece of fanfiction will be free and available to anyone without paying. But there is a patreon type option for people. You can put everything out for free but if people want to pay you, can do so.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price@BronxWench I totally get the legal concerns around it. But I think it’s not that legally problematic based on what the platform is doing. It’s sorta like a better version of Wattpad actually. Which has a fair amount of fanfic but also original content.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  9. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @BronxWench No, although technically you can for legal reasons it’s not a good idea. Basically, the new platform gives you the option to put content behind a paywall or have things available for free. It’s usually for journalism or non-fiction but they have some fiction authors too.

      But I directly asked the CEO via social media about their opinion of fanfiction on their platform and their response was “We love it.”

      So I think what is probably going to happen is that I will put fanfiction up there for free but with the option to pay a monthly fee. The monthly fee will also give you access to original content. Or that’s where my head is at with it.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price I suppose that is true. Though I have found that on this new platform, they allow for erotica. I probably won’t post my stuff from here on it but some of my longer form content, I probably will.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price Yeah, not necessarily looking for help. Just kinda pointing out why I’m not on the platform. While I’m sad for the writers who can’t post their content and make some fans, I can’t see myself ever joining or posting my content. I've recently come across a newer platform. I got a chance to ask the CEO about their view of fanfic and they said they are okay with it. The place also has the option for people to pay writers.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  12. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price Yes, I suppose that could be the case. But for instance, I have a particular interest in femmeslash content and I would exclude slash content from AO3 based on the filter. But then when I did a search, they included slash content in the results. I have also had a particular pairing that I say needs to be included. Then I look at the tags for the top stories, and none of the stories had tags featuring that pairing. This is part of what I mean by my issues searching.

      I generally don’t have interest in offering people visuals like that in my stories. I have occasionally done that on Wattpad but it’s few and far between.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  13. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price Well I haven’t done a big deep dive into the platform personally mainly because I was put off by the attempt to read anything. For instance, I attempted to read a story from Buffy on AO3 and I got pretty much nothing but crossover stories with various other fandoms. I had to exclude a large amount of things in order to try and get exclusively Buffy content and even then it was difficult. Then I wanted a specific pairing and I got a bunch of stories that don’t have anything to do with that pairing. I don’t have this problem on AFF. The same thing with FFnet too. It’s much easier to navigate.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  14. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Deadman


      That’s too bad for them. I have a lot of issues with AO3. Namely the fact that they aren’t as easy to use as this site.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  15. It has been a LONG while since I’ve been active here! And I don’t know how many this will reach but here goes. About ten years ago, someone reached out and I’m guessing gave me a link to one of their stories, possibly for the purpose of me trying to be a beta? I’m not sure: I really suck at being a beta. As shown because I finally went through my files and found it. I’ve already asked my closest friends but it’s a no from them. IF ANY OF YOU HAS EVER SHARED A STORY WITH ME, PLEASE LET ME KNOW: this story is good and I would like to tell the author and apologize. 

  16. Finally can got to a point where I can think of my book again.

    I decided to pause in the rewrite and start the 2nd one. Since by being further down the road I know what happens and can foreshadow things in book 1 better. We’ll see if I went supercrazybonkers or that it works.

    1. Deadman


      Are you sure that supercrazybonkers and something working are mutually exclusive? Maybe you need to be supercrazybonkers to make it work?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Got about five months to work on a Halloween story.

  18. Have you ever been hit with “chapter mitosis?”  Well, I’ve been hit with it again.  Chapter 36 is ‘skinny’ again, but should be fattened up enough to post before the end of the week.  Chapter 37 is bigger, but has a ways to go before it’s ready.  Oh, well…  Just another ‘first world problem.’

    1. Deadman


      Yes, I’ve had this experience quite a bit. Though more for my series of one shots. I was just going through the upcoming chapters of Scooby Gang Time and one chapter has 16 pages, whereas another one has 28 pages. Many times it goes back and forth like that between chapters.

      I keep feeling like I should add more to the shorter chapters.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. Using AI to edit your smut can be so wild. ProWritingAid decided that this sentence…


    Kai’e’ie is insatiable—ravenous, breath-stealing, and covetous—and its expression is primal and passionate fucking.

    …needs this correction: 


    Kai’e’ie is insatiable—ravenous, breath-stealing, and covetous—and its expression is primal and passionate about fucking.

    I mean, sure, I’m as passionate about fucking as anyone, but that isn’t quite what I was going for there. I can only assume the algorithm assumed Kai’e’ie is a name rather than an emotion and that I was trying to make small talk instead of comparing two different emotional states—Kai’e’ie versus mi’lee’veez—related to intimacy. (Kai’e’ie’: combined from syllables from words meaning love, say, life, and bond; combined, the meaning is, literally love said, life-bound, or figuratively, without you, I die. The fictional people who created this word are apparently as dramatic as I can write them. Mi’lee’veez: the root words in their entirety and proper order mean my dream heart. Sappity-sap-sop, someone get a mop.)


    This is what I get for creating a fictional language for my novel. 🙄 J.R.R., you’re a horrible influence.

    1. Deadman


      I’m enjoying AI art personally at this point. It’s far from perfect but it’s solid.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. I got plot bunnied. :help:

    Had one vague plot bouncing around Posted it just to help clear the brain now I got like three more.

    This isn’t how math is supposed to work.:alien::shark:

    1. Deadman


      I hate when that happens. I have been playing with a few different plot bunnies because I’ve been dealing with repairs. So instead of actually writing, I end up with little bits and pieces of stories I haven’t written yet.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Story manager unlocked for posting new stories and chapters. (this is a test run so make sure you have backups of what you post.)

    1. Deadman


      Awesome. I always have back ups of everything. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t have back ups of their stories.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Profiles unlocked (Adding, editing, and recommendation / reading lists.)

    Reviewing for logged in members should also be unlocked now.

    1. Deadman


      Congrats on all your hard work. I look forward to starting to post things again soon.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. I am seriously thinking quitting Walmart and going to amazon before Christmas hits! my team leads and coaches keep pulling BS on me. ugh! i was promised different hours and now the bs is that oh we have to go change the hours by hand because you are still under core scheduling (1-10). My Team lead hasn’t done it yet and i was supposed to start my new hours (12-9) December 1st! ugh! 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius Price Oh I didn’t think it was an endorsement and figured it was sarcasm. I was just saying that some people (namely me) don’t have a job at all. I can appreciate that Walmart probably sucks as a work place, and that Amazon is also a terrible place to work. But for someone without a job, working at a terrible work place is a better option. Walmart might suck but it’s better than having no job.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  24. I am seriously thinking quitting Walmart and going to amazon before Christmas hits! my team leads and coaches keep pulling BS on me. ugh! i was promised different hours and now the bs is that oh we have to go change the hours by hand because you are still under core scheduling (1-10). My Team lead hasn’t done it yet and i was supposed to start my new hours (12-9) December 1st! ugh! 

    1. Deadman


      @Desiderius PriceFor sure, but if the new job doesn’t work out, that’s going to leave them in the same situation. As other people have pointed out, Amazon is known to be a pretty terrible place to work. Even if it’s not Amazon, they could end up in a bad situation.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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