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Posts posted by CrossroadsMk2

  1. I am able to log in but on my old password. I thought we needed to change those to keep the site secure.

    35 minutes ago, BronxWench said:

    I’m showing you as fully validated and with a working password. See if you can log in, please?


  2. Hello all. I despise Google Docs, so that definitely won't be happening. With regard to Hentai Foundry (I'm not familiar with AO3), I did consider it but their website layout is optimised for pictures and doesn't really work well for stories - especially long format ones.


    I'm not ready to give up on AFF, so please be patient. Besides, you haven't really missed out on much anyway - since the site's been down, I've only had time to finish 2 more chapters and started a third. 

  3. The site got hacked and they kept getting inundated with fishing emails, links to dodgy websites in the Forums, people posting scam business opportunities etc. So AFF didn't want to open the site up again until they fixed the vulnerabilities in their code.

  4. Hi everyone, hope you all had a good Christmas. Just a quick update: Chapter 11 (Part 1 of the Siberian prison) is finished and I'm about to start proofreading. After that, I'll start on Chapter 12. When the site is finally back up and running, I'll post all of the new chapters one week apart, like I did for the first 5 chapters.

  5. Hi SailorNemesis, not posting anywhere else at this stage. I'm just waiting for the site to come back online and writing in the background. If it drags on for months, I might have to reassess, but at the moment I'll just be patient and wait (and cross my fingers).

  6. Hi Donkingkong, I think I have an idea to make that work. I was wondering, rather than introduce another character to fight Lara, how would you feel if Konstantin did it? He's got the motive (Lara did stab him and his sister is dead), and he's a legit badass (he's a professional soldier who pushed his thumbs through a man's eyes for failure - and all of his men are afraid of him).  While he's not ridiculously massive, he's still a big guy who is much stronger than Lara and would easily outclass her physically, and he'd probably have superior unarmed combat skills as well. I can imagine a point towards the end of the first fight where he picks up Lara by the head and holds his thumbs against her eyes and threatens to blind her (which she's seen him do before) at which point Lara loses all composure and wets herself. Konstantin can force her to participate in rematches throughout the week, with Lara fighting more and more defensively, until eventually she's just trying to run/climb/crawl away from him, and has to be dragged back screaming/begging/crying.

  7. Hi Donkingkong, I sent you an email if you get a chance to read it (just some Ryona questions, since you're the expert 🙂). The Siberian arc is going to be 2 chapters worth and I'm about a quarter of the way through the first chapter.


    I'm also looking forward to more Fat Man Chronicles - it's the fan fic that got me into writing.

  8. Hi MorbidFantasy, yeah it's a bummer about the site still being down, but Admin are doing their best to fix it. Chapter 10 will post the moment I get notified by the AFF news board (or one of you guys) that it's up and running again. In the mean time, I'll keep grinding away at Chapters 11 and 12 (Siberian gulag) whenever real life allows me the time.

  9. Hi LHunt, everything will occur at the Manor (Charity Dinners, sex dungeon stuff, private parties), since this is a controlled environment where Sarah can ensure everything runs according to plan. Basically, it will slowly be revealed that Sarah is far more calculating and manipulative than Lara realises, and has several different agendas for wanting to control her.

  10. Hi Guest, nice try but the story is way too long to fit (Chapter 10 is 12,500 words). Unfortunately, you'll just have to be patient. I'm writing Chapter 11 at the moment, so once the site is back up, you might get a couple of chapters posted within a week of each other, rather than the usual month long wait.

  11. Hi LHunt. I want to have Sarah advise against Lara fighting, but in her arrogance, Lara believes she can win. I could also have Konstantin go through the motions of shooting her friend, but the gun clicks on an empty chamber. Then Lara would have to look in the eye the friend that she was willing to sacrifice, so that she could keep her title. The Title thing is just a ruse. Lara will eventually sign it over permanently to escape the gulag, but Sarah will generously tear up the paperwork (manipulating Lara closer to her). Of course, in return Lara will have to do some promotional stuff for the new Tomb Raider game - namely getting the same tattoos as her character and doing some photo shoots for her fans.

  12. AFF Site Update:

    Hi everyone, I just heard back from AFF. The site is unfortunately still in Read Only mode, while they go through their source code to make sure they don't keep getting hacked. They'll post on the news board when everything is up and running again. They're as frustrated as we are and we just have to be patient. Personally, I'd rather they take longer and fix their vulnerabilities once and for all, rather than have this sort of thing happen every few months.


  13. Hi Donkingkong and GhostOfCovid, unfortunately I haven’t received any updates regarding AFF being in Read Only Mode.  I just tried posing chapter 10 again, but it’s still not working.  I’m starting the next chapter now.  The Siberian Gulag will either be 2 chapters or one longer one (depending on how the writing goes).


    Lara travels to a Siberian gulag to be handed over to Konstantin for a week, in return for Trinity allowing Sarah’s mining company to access nearby mineral deposits without interference.

    In this version, Konstantin survived Lara stabbing him in the chest (which he probably would have in real life, since he was wearing body armour) and Lara, being young and inexperienced, left without finishing him off.  Konstantin wants revenge on Lara, who he blames for the death of his sister.  In the gulag are different archaeologists, scientists and soldiers who are too valuable to kill, so Konstantin is keeping them prisoner until they break and agree to work for Trinity.  Lara will discover that he has captured a beloved ally of hers.  I’m thinking he either kidnapped Johah Maiava or Angus Grimaldi survived his fall in the ravine and has been held prisoner all these years.  Konstantin will hold a gun to her friend’s head and threaten to shoot him, unless Lara agrees to unarmed combat with one of his men.  The fight doesn’t end until one of them quits or is knocked unconscious.  He sweetens the deal by telling her that if she wins, she can leave immediately (he’ll still honour the deal with Sarah), and he’ll free everyone at the gulag.  If she loses, however, she has to remain there for an entire month and all of the other prisoners will be put on half rations.

    Overconfident, Lara agrees and has to fight a muscle-bound monster and it doesn’t go well.  Lara is completely outmatched (think about Ronda Rousey trying to fight Brock Lesner).  Her opponent slaps her around, lots of body shots to knock the wind out of her, but only slaps to the face, so that she won’t be knocked out – Konstantin wants to cause maximum psychological damage by making Lara quit on her friend.  It’ll be brutal and humiliating (ripping open clothing, dragging around by the hair, atomic wedgies, crotch shots, breast being painfully squeezed and pulled, slaps to the face and body etc.)  When Lara finally quits, Konstantin says he will shoot Lara’s friend, unless she signs a document permanently abandoning her Title to Sarah.  He tells her he doesn’t care about her Title of Countess, but he knows that she does, and he wants her to suffer.

    Lara can’t bring herself to sign, so Konstantin executes her friend, which makes her very unpopular with the other prisoners.  However, the gulag has an underground economy, where the prisoners bribe the guards for extra rations and privileges.  Konstantin throws Lara in with the other prisoners, who take out their frustrations on her and then start pimping her out to the guards, in return for enough food to survive.  I want to portray the whole experience as very dehumanising, so I’m going to make it that most of the prisoners and guards don’t speak English.  Lara will be reduced to walking up to a guard, pointing at a bowl of food and then flashing her breasts.  He’ll then wave her around the corner and make her do what he wants.  I plan to make most of the chapter be Lara pulling a train with the guards and prisoners, rather than a free-for-all gangbang, since I’m planning a massive gangbang for the African chapter after this, and I want to differentiate them.


    Anyway, that’s the plan.  Suggestions welcome as always.  If there’s any specific stuff you want to see in the beatdown (since I’m far from an expert on Ryona), let me know.


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