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Posts posted by CrossroadsMk2

  1. Hi Farcry, I still prefer AFF and I'm not ready to jump ship yet. FYI, pretty much all of my stories would breach Literotica's submission guidelines anyway. They don't allow copyright material (so I'd need to remove any reference to Tomb Raider, Lara Croft etc) or bestiality (so those chapters would have to go) and a list of other stuff as well, so I'd need to extensively edit and censor most of my content.

  2. Hi everyone, just a quick update. Chapter 10 is finished but there's a problem with AFF and I can't post it (I go through the regular process, it says the new chapter has posted, but when I go back in to check it isn't there).  I've emailed tech support and hopefully they can fix whatever the problem is.

  3. Hi Donkingkong, the current chapter is about 80% finished, and I'm aiming to finish it this week. After that, I'll tell you guys my plans for the Siberian gulag and African village chapters and get some feedback, before starting them. These will be the final away chapters before the action returns to Croft Manor, and the newly renovated sex dungeon.

    Plans for the rest of the story:

    Most of the sex action at Croft Manor will now take place in the sex dungeon. Initially, it'll just be the staff, but soon she finds herself regularly servicing Charity members as well. Lara will know they're Charity members who've signed non-disclosure agreements, but she won't know who, as she'll be wearing opaque contact lenses for the encounters. This will make the later Charity dinners a lot more embarrassing for Lara, as she'll have no idea which members have had sex with her and how many know her secret.

    She'll also be lent out to private parties by Charity members. I've planned a all girls party, where Lara attends as a pet dog (full costume - ears tiara, butt plug tail, drawn on whiskers etc - on all fours and being led around on a leash). She'll be spanked any time she tries to speak, have to play fetch with a rubber dildo, relieve herself outside in front of the guests and later go down on all the guests and get fucked by them using strap-on horse dildos. I want to do a men's party as well, but haven't got any firm ideas yet. Maybe a bucks party where she's the stripper. For both, she'll be wearing opaque contact lenses, so she won't know exactly who's there.

    The Charity dinners are going to gradually get more sexualised. The next one will be a Halloween fancy dress party, with Lara attending as Lady Godiva (completely naked). After that, a BDSM themed costume party, with Lara attending as a gagged bondage waitress (since the Charity members have already seen her naked, it'll be difficult for Lara to argue her costume is too revealing). She'll also notice the guests touching one of her new tattoos, which I'll go into in more detail later, and much to Lara's embarassment, Sam will be invited as a guest of honour to show a private screening of her latest documentary video (starring Lara).

    In addition to Sam being a recurring character, I do want to introduce one or two more villains from Lara's social circle to torment her (use her in the sex dungeon, humiliate her at private parties). I was considering just recycling Mary and Sybil as childhood frenemies, but I've also had a suggestion from LHunt to use Atlas De Mornay - her uncle who tried to prevent her from claiming her inheritance when her father died. If I went down that road, I'd probably give Atlas a bratty daughter or gold-digging wife, so I can still keep the female domination angle.

    That's the plan, anyway. General feedback always welcome, and as usual I'll hit you guys up for your opinions on specific details as the come up.

  4. Hi LHunt, she'll be away the whole time, travelling straight from Japan to Switzerland to Siberia and finally to Africa, so that the renovations to Croft Manor can be finished.  Aside from the new sex dungeon, I want to add an artistic water fountain at the main entrance, featuring a naked Lara statue on her knees, receiving streams of water on her face bukkake-style from some muscular male statues.

    The sex documentary chapter is about 40% done. I experimented with a few different characters (including Dr Boaz and some OCs) but I ended up going with your suggestion of Dr Taft and her therapist that she saw for her survivor's guilt.

  5. Hi Donkingkong, next chapter will be the sex documentary, filmed in Switzerland with some old friends and enemies making an appearance. After that, it'll be off to Siberia, where Lara will find herself physically and psychologically broken, during a drawn-out and humiliating beatdown.

  6. Hi Extreme, I realised that about the Gameshow, which is why the chapter ran long, so that I could include some sex scenes at the end. On the bright side, you're going to have some very sex heavy chapters coming up to look forward to.

  7. I think Lara would probably prefer to keep her involvement on the down-low for reputational reasons, but I think I'll use your idea of her receiving an award to make Lara more jealous later on, when Sam is guest of honour at a Charity dinner, while Lara's just a lowly server.

  8. Hi LHunt, I was planning that the documentary will be released worldwide with blurred faces, but then later in the story, Sarah will invite Sam to a Charity dinner as a special guest (as happened with the artist) and have a special unredacted screening for the Charity members.

  9. Hi everyone, slight change of plans regarding the order of the next chapters. I think I'm going to do Sam as her own chapter first, with the sex documentary. Sarah won't tell Sam about the contract (and Lara won't want her friend learning her dirty secret), so Lara will be forced to think up an excuse for why she's volunteering for it, even with her face blurred.

    Then I'll do the Siberian gulag beat-down and prison sex chapters, where Lara's spirit will be broken. Agreeing to be tattooed is the price of her release. After that, the African village chapter, where she'll enthusiastically do anything she's told, just to avoid the possibility of being sent back to the Siberian gulag. I think it makes more sense to do it in this order. 

    I should have some free time to start writing the next chapter early next week.

  10. Hi LHunt, not every event will relate back to the Charity. Like I said earlier, I want to have several different sub-plots, all designed to elicit a different emotional response and behavioural change from Lara. However, like I've said elsewhere, I hate talking about chapters too far into the future because I find it distracts me from the stuff I'm writing at the time. That's why I drip-feed the requests for feedback and suggestions - I prefer to get them when I'm actually up to writing that part of the story.



  11. Hi GhostOfCovid and LHunt, 2 votes for option 1 so far. Not decided yet on GhostOfCovid's idea for Sam filming in secret and being discovered. If I do go that way, then I probably won't do the sex documentary with Sam as well (since I can't see Sam blackmailing Lara after being saved by her). I will just make the chapter a straight-up week-long tribal gangbang, before moving onto Siberia.

  12. He LHunt, glad you enjoyed the gameshow chapter. Regarding the next chapter, I already have a plot I want to follow. My question to you guys related more to how Lara will be viewed by and interact with the tribesmen.

    Option 1 - Punishment

    Lara is compensating the King and his tribe for stealing from them. Lara will be a reluctant participant and the tribesmen and women will respond to her with cruelty and hatred.

    Option 2 - Curse

    In the original Idol of Hathor story, the artefact was cursed and forced Lara to have enthusiastic sex with any man who was attracted to her. In this version, the artefact has no special powers and the King knows this, but he maintains his power over the tribe through superstition and religious custom.  Lara is forced to play along, pretending to be cursed and desperate for sex, until she's been sufficiently punished and the King (who's in on it) lifts the curse. Unlike option 1, the tribesmen will be more mocking than cruel, since the Gods are already punishing Lara for her theft.

    If I were to use an analogy, option 1 is Lara getting gangbanged my men who forced their way into her hotel room and option 2 is Lara pulling a train, going door to door to other people's rooms.

  13. Hi everyone, Chapter 9 is finished and has been posted.

    Question for you guys:

    I’ve been thinking about Donkingkong’s comment – what’s the point of tormenting Lara if she isn’t recognised?  I think it would probably be better to have it be Lara, just maybe with some face paint or a tribal mask to hide her appearance from Sam initially, prior to her being discovered.

    I’d just like your opinion on which of these scenarios you’d prefer to read.  In both scenarios, I’ll be using the original characters I invented for the Idol of Hathor in Supernatural Adventures (King Ajola and his sons etc.). In this version, the Idol that Lara stole wasn’t magical, and the village will be larger, rather than just the king, his sons and their wives.

    The two options:

    1)  Lara is publicly punished for her theft by becoming the village whore for several weeks.  She’ll be used by the royal family first, then the rest of the men in the village, then the village women and finally by the boys, so that they can gain their manhood.  In this version, Lara is not an enthusiastic participant.

    2)  In order the keep the village women in line, Lara has to pretend that she’s been cursed by the Idol of Hathor, and has returned to the village to lift the curse.  In this version, Lara has to pretend to be an enthusiastic participant, in order the maintain the superstitions of the tribesmen and women.  Only the King and his family are in on the deception.

    I will have Sam discover it’s Lara part way through.  In this version of the story, Sam and Lara had a falling out because Lara became a stuck-up bitch and was too busy with her own life to help Sam launch her documentary film making career.  Sam is also disgusted to learn that Lara has become a common thief, taking advantage of primitive African tribesmen and stealing their sacred relics.  In return for not publishing her video of Lara being gangbanged by the African tribe, Lara has to agree to participate in Sam’s ground breaking sex documentary, which shows internal views of a woman having sex, using cameras mounted inside transparent dildos.  Lara takes part anonymously, with her face blurred when the documentary is finally released.  Unknown to Sam, it is one of Sarah’s companies that it bankrolling her project and providing the specialised equipment and extremely well-hung porn actors.

    Please vote for which option you like best.  Thanks.

  14. So that's 3 votes for African tribesmen. I might even recycle my character of King Ajola from Idol of Hathor (Supernatural Adventures). It could be a fun way to Lara to attone for stealing their sacred Idol, although I'll stay away from the supernatural stuff - in this version, it'll just be an ordinary treasure that she stole.

  15. Hi Donkingkong, Sam won't know it's Lara and will think it's a non-English-speaking native, so she'll talk freely to her while they have sex.  She'll tell that native that she reminds her of Lara, and then let Lara know what she really thinks of her. It's more psychological torture for Lara - being used by a close friend, who she learns doesn't like her very much anymore, because of her bitchy personality, and the constant fear of discovery.  Lara meanwhile will be too embarrassed to let Sam know it's really her.


    I haven't decided whether to leave it at that, or to have a future schapter where Sarah shows Sam a video of Lara being "made up" to play the role of temple whore. That could lead to Sam feeling deceived by Lara, which would then be grounds for her to use Lara to film her sex documentary with internal views from Dildo cameras.

  16. The Siberian prison beatdown will happen after this (I haven't forgotten - the Siberian story will get 2 full chapters). I had to change the order because Lara will end up getting tattoos at the end of it - making her too recognisable for the public sex in the tribal chapter.

  17. Hello all, I'm about half way done writing the gameshow chapter, but I'll need to set-up the next chapter too, so I'm looking for opinions.


    Please vote below:

    I've decided that Lara will visit a primitive tribe and as part of a local religious custom, become the temple whore. Sam will be at the location filming a documentary, but won't recognise Lara because of her disguise. However, Sam will feel unconsciously drawn to the enigmatic new temple whore, following her around and filming her activities, before finally giving into temptation herself and relieving some subconscious sexual urges.


    Option 1: Paititi, South America

    Lara is given a full-body henna tattoo, covering every inch of skin, so that Sam would never in a million years guess that it's actually Lara under there.

    Option 2: Africa Tribal Village

    Lara will be given an advanced Henna-based fake tan that turns every inch of her skin completely black, and hair will be tied into long dreadlocks, so she looks like a fine-boned native.


    For either option, I'll add religiously appropriate body and face paint, along with golden hoops through her ears and septum to disguise her features even further. I'm just undecided on which location to use.


  18. Hi Donkingkong, life's fine - busy with work, but I'll have some free time in the next week, so I'll make an effort to finish the next chapter. My aim will be to post it in the next 2 weeks. Then I'll give an update regarding the next few chapters. Now that I've decided Lara will be getting her tattoos done in Siberia, there are some scenes, like her less than triumphant return to Paititi, that will have to happen before then, but I'll go into that more once this chapter is complete.

  19. Hi Donkingkong, I've just started Chapter 9 (the Japanese gameshow). I usually try to write little bits here and there, if I have a free hour in the evenings, but I probably won't have time to finish it for about 2 weeks or so.

  20. Hi LHunt, thanks for the ideas. I think I'll invent something. I'm going to lean heavily on symbology for the tattoos. For example, the Wildeer Lara has a garter belt tattoo - which was traditionally a symbol worn by European prostitutes to identify themselves. I plan to give all of Lara's tattoos a similar treatment, maybe with symbols from other cultures as well.

    The tattoos will look interesting and cool to normies, but to anyone in the know, Lara will basically be a walking billboard advertising that she's a whore. I want this revealed to Lara later on, either by attending an exhibition or lecture and seeing versions of her tattoos on display, with written explanations. However, I'll be concentrating on wrapping up the Tokyo gameshow chapter next, before I worry to much about that.

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