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Posts posted by CrossroadsMk2

  1. Hi LHunt, I've always thought that men use abuse women physically, whereas with women it also has a physical element, but it'll be psychological and emotional as well.

    That's the angle I plan to take for Voluntary Enslavement. I've also decided to change things up at Croft Manor. When Lara gets back, she'll find her former staff gone. Winston has been given an all expenses paid around the world Holiday to ease him into retirement and the others have all been given jobs with companies Sarah owns, at far higher salary.

    One of the things narcissists do in codependent relationships is separate the other party from friends and family. I also think Lara's already experienced peak humiliation from them, so there's nothing more to add.

    I'm planning on an all female staff - either Asian or Africa - since it'll be humiliating for Lara to be ordered around by foreigners in her own home. They'll treat Lara terribly for a few weeks, at which point Sarah will offer her a way out of her maid, if she agrees to do some photo shoots with Sam for the website.

  2. Hi Donkingkong, definitely in the next couple of days. The story is going to be just under 35,000 words, spread over 3 chapters. The first 2 chapters are completely finished and proofread. I set aside today to finish the last chapter. As soon as it's done and proofread, I'll post the whole story.

  3. Hi GhostOfCovid, normally when I write, I get excited about what I'm writing, so if it starts to feel like a grind and I'm just going through the motions and forcing it, I know it's time for a break. I'm not a professional, so I have the luxury of not having to write something mediocre that I'm not happy with, just to meet a deadline.


    Plus, the new story has let me experiment writing some bondage and BDSM scenes, since I haven't used that much in my stories. Since that'll be a big part of the sex dungeon in Voluntary Enslavement, it's a good opportunity to get feedback about what worked well and what missed the mark. Moving forward, short 2 to 3 chapter stories will let me write some stories that don't fit well into my longer 10 chapter plus stories

  4. I've written BDSM Raider with a young Tomb Raider (19) starting out on her career. We often wonder how attractive and intelligent women wind up with and continually go back to douchebag ex's, but women love a bad boy. Lara falls hard for devilishly handsome sex club owner, Dante, who's confident, charismatic and much more experienced than her. No blackmail in this story. - Lara does it all to herself, as she finds herself so smitten and desperate to win Dante's affection that she behaves in ways that a well brought-up young Countess definitely shouldn't. She's about to discover that even strong and independent women can lose themselves in codependent relationships, as she is gradually seduced and finally corrupted - becoming Dante's pet and the club bicycle.

  5. Hi Donkingkong, going fine. Hope everything's good with you as well. It's a bit of a struggle at the moment to find time to write, but I'm almost finished a side project - 3 chapter short story that I'll try to post in it's entirety in the next week.

  6. Just now, CrossroadsMk2 said:

    Hi Extreme, the short story is BDSM Raider - I've decided to finish it. Regarding Voluntary Enslavement, I think it's just the daunting length - It's already sitting at 140,000, which is longer than Return of the King from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy - and I still have so many chapters left to go. I wanted to do something else to reboot my mind. Finish something short to get an accomplishment under my belt and then come back fresh for the second half of Voluntary Enslavement. I'm always worried about the chapters becoming boring and repetitive.


  7. Hi Extreme, I had to take a few weeks off writing, as the whole family's gotten COVID, then gastro and then the flu (just for something different).  Your idea won't really work because Lara won't be talking to any of the tribesmen, as she doesn't speak their language. As I said in our email, I'll look at doing a homeless gangbang in a later story.


    With regard to the next chapter of Voluntary Enslavement, I've decided to take a break. Writing was becoming a bit of a grind, so I'm finishing another short story at the moment, and then will come back to it later. I'll be posting all parts of the short story together when it's finished.



  8. Hi Extreme, glad you're enjoying the story so far. Part 2 will be Lara's biggest challenge yet - in order to prove her worthiness to remove the Idol, the High Priestess will set Lara an impossible task (John Wick style, since at this point Lara's body count is getting up there). Lara has from sunrise to sunset to satisfy all 270 adult males in the village.  With an average 13 hour day, that works out at about 22 an hour, so she'll need to get creative to stay on schedule.


    Or I might do from dusk till dawn and have the gangbang in the courtyard, illuminated by firelight - could also be hot. I just know I want her under time constraints, so she has to go above and beyond.

  9. Hi LHunt, the mental conditioning will be a big part of the second half of the story - feeding Lara's addiction for attention, validation and sexual gratification, while at the same time slowly shifting her window for what she perceives as acceptable behaviour. It'll be my attempt to show the path that a lot of Instagram models seem to follow, as the go down the rabbit hole. First it's just sexy workout pics, then some suggestive lingerie shots, then they start an Onlyfans and start showing partial nudes, then full nudes, then masturbating with toys - until eventually they're doing hardcore porn, and they're completely unrecognisable from the innocent girl they started out as.

  10. Hi LHunt, just the part 2 to go for Africa and then the rest of the story will be back at Croft/Green Manor. Lots of fun planned in the new sex dungeon with all of the charity members using Lara without her knowing (Lara will be wearing a sensory deprivation helmet to literally keep her in the dark), Lara will unknowingly get an Onlyfans managed by Sam (the public website Sarah alluded to), and the Charity Dinners will slowly get more and more embarrassing for Lara (as all the guests know her secret, although Lara is unaware), until eventually all is revealed but by then it's too late for Lara to turn back.

  11. Hi LHunt, I'm not sure what country you're in, but my first instinct would just be to research photographers for your city. A lot of them will use Facebook and Instagram to drum up business and display their work. Can't really give any specific recommendations though. The only photographer I've ever hired was our wedding photographer, and my wife chose that.

  12. Hi GhostOfCovid, not as much progress as I would have liked, because of family commitments, but I'm about half way done with the next chapter. I'll post in the forum when it's finished, so if you've turned on email notifications, it'll let you know.

  13. Hi Extreme, glad you enjoyed the chapter. Lara signing away her Title is just another mindfuck from Sarah to unbalance Lara. She'll rip it up to make Lara feel grateful, but at the same time casually mention that she won't tolerate any further bad behaviour and Lara could easily wind up back in Konstantin's care to correct her attitude. So on the one hand, Lara feels gratitude, but she's also fearful and forces herself to change her thinking and attitude.

    She forces herself to think of Sarah as "Lady sarah", as she can't afford any more slip ups, and her attitude becomes more accommodating and submissive. At the same time, she's more hesitant to complain about her treatment - like waking up with some brand new tattoos. As a condition of tearing up the paperwork abdicating her Title, Lara also agreed to do some PR photo shoots for the game, which get progressively more revealing (and Lara doesn't know that the PR website in question is actually Onlyfans). By the time Lara learns the truth, she'll be so hooked on the attention and validation she receives from her fans that she won't be able to stop.

    But again, this story will slowly be developed over the rest of the chapters. By the end of the story, not only will Lara unknowingly be Tomb raiding for Sarah, but Sarah's constant manipulation will have transformed Lara Croft from a snobby, high class aristocrat into a tattooed amateur pornstar on Onlyfans. And Lara will be grateful to her for it - the ultimate gaslighting.

  14. Hi LHunt, as to your first comment, yes all of the filming will be remote - Sam will be using hidden cameras and a few stealthy drones. Later, she'll edit together a highlight movie for the big reveal at a Charity dinner down the track, when Lara's dirty little secret is finally exposed. After the African chapter, it'll be back to the newly renovated Croft Manor (or perhaps we should start calling it Green Manor) for the final arc of the story.

  15. Hi LHunt, glad you liked it. I initially wasn't sure that quad anal but was able to find 2 really old videos of it online, so I thought surely an athlete like Lara could manage it.

    I've actually changed my mind about the next chapter, and will make it the African tribal gangbang. I've decided to make Sam a bigger part of the second half of the story, so I want to be able to cover her internal thoughts, emotions and motivation early on. And since she'll be secretly filming the gangbang, this is the perfect time.

    To further fuck with Lara's head, and to distinguish the next chapter from the prison gangbang scene, this will be a fun gangbang for Lara. In order to be given a fertility idol, she must prove that she is the avatar of their tribal goddess.  Lara will initially just be playing along, but is pretty soon having the time of her life with a couple of hundred well-hung, hard-bodied natives who think it is their religious duty to give Lara (who they believe is possessed by the spirit of their sacred goddess) neverending orgasms for an entire week - going down on her for hours each morning to get her juices going, followed by making her airtight for the rest of the day, and a huge bukkake as tribute to her every night. It's how Sam will get to see Lara's uninhibited inner slut.

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