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Posts posted by CrossroadsMk2

  1. Hi GhostOfCovid, I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

    Hi Extreme, yes the drug will become addictive, which will be shown in the next chapter, although the homeless gangbang won't happen until the second half of the story, which hasn't been written yet.

  2. Hi LHunt, glad you like it so far. Jonathan Reiss was a fun villain to write and a really great suggestion - intelligent, charismatic and even principled in his own way. The kind of character who you know is evil, but you can't help secretly liking.

  3. Hi everyone. My goal of finishing the story this week turned out to be overly optimistic - I vastly overestimated the time I'd have free to write. So, rather than keep you guys waiting, I've posted the first chapter of the new story. I'll post the second chapter in the next few days, as soon as I finish proofreading. The second half of the story will get done when I find the time to finish it. Thanks for being patient.

  4. Developing well, I think. There's four major scenes and I'm halfway through the second (obviously with other stuff happening in-between). I've got some time off next week, where I'm going to try and make some time to write more (I haven't had any time the last 2 weeks). 20 pages in so far (about 12,000 words), so I think it'll be a 3 chapter story.

  5. Hi Donkingkong, sorry - no plans to release anything early. I'm 10,000 words in and writing whenever I can find the time between other things. It'll probably be 3 chapters long when it's done. So probably nothing until October/November - just judging by how much free time I have at the moment.

  6. Hi Extreme, I'll make sure I emphasise how dirty/smelly/ugly the homeless men are for you. That scene is planned for around the middle of the story, but there'll also be a gangbang by criminals towards the end (leaning towards Mexican or South American drug cartels at this stage), so lots more opportunity for ugliness and depravity there as well.

  7. Hi Extreme, yes to lots of filthy sex with hobos but no to craving it once the drug wears off - it won't fit into the story.

    The way I've written Reiss, he's doing his illegal biological weapons research and getting protection and resources from corrupt politicians, government officials and criminal bosses by being their problem solver. Resorting to extreme measures like kidnapping and murder can bring a lot of unwanted attention. Reiss offers them a discrete alternative - inject the the target with the drug, photograph them in compromising positions and then blackmail. Male politicians, judges and others are not immune, because they have wives and daughters that can be targeted for blackmail.

    The result: an investigative journalist stops reporting about scandals involving a certain politician; a prosecutor or police chief closes an investigation into a powerful criminal; a politician drops their proposed legislation that would financially harm certain wealthy individuals etc.

    The logistics of keeping so many people around the world supplied with the drug seemed unrealistic. Plus, it would almost guarantee public exposure if the women were taking the drug in an uncontrolled environment. For example, having a powerful prosecutor randomly masturbating in public after taking Bliss would just get her removed from office and replaced with a new person, making the prior blackmail mute. It doesn't really make sense.

  8. Hi Donkingkong, I've written about 10 pages so far and the story is coming together nicely. I've decided to go with the shame/aphrodisiac drug (so Extreme is going to be happy), but with a blackmail angle rather than addiction being the driving force. I went with the drug being administered by injection, and it didn't seem feasible that Reiss would be supplying dozens of women with the drug every couple of days. It made more sense that the target is injected once, filmed in compromising situations and then blackmailed - although in Lara's case, her defiance will see her get injected on multiple occasions as punishment.

  9. Hi Extreme, that particular scene will be in South America and towards the end of the story anyway - there's going to be some jetting around the place, with only about half of the story taking place in England. As a side note, I did consider Meghan Markle, but I can't stand her so decided to go in a different direction.

  10. Hi Extreme and LHunt, I'll keep it a surprise then. I'm going to go with the addictive aphrodisiac drug, rather than Devil's Breath. The story's planned out. As a first, I'm going to include a real world celebrity for the other woman in the ass-to-ass double ended dildo scene, to demonstrate that Lara isn't the only famous celebrity that's been addicted to the drug. I'm thinking Taylor Swift at this stage. She won't play any other role in the story. It's more to demonstrate Reiss's power and control to Lara, to make her situation feel hopeless.

  11. Hi Extreme, Boxes it is. I'll have time to start writing in about a week. It'll be the same deal as BDSM Raider - probably 3 chapters and about 30,000 to 35,000 words.  It'll probably take 2 months to finish, given the way my work and family commitments are at the moment.

  12. Hi Extreme, thanks for the videos - they came up right away in Google. I think I'll have Lara gingerly crawl from tent to tent (or cardboard box to cardboard box) at first, having sex with homeless men, before word spreads and it turns into a full blown gangbang.

  13. Hi all, since Donkingkong started this whole thing off, I'm inclined to go with his suggestion of 1 and 4. It'll also work well with LHunt's suggested villain, since Jonathan Reiss, since he's in the business of making biological weapons, so a designer drug would be right up his alley.

    The homeless scene will probably happen early on, to teach Lara a lesson in the consequences of defiance. I also want to have a scene like this later on, when Reiss is demonstrating his drug's effects for perspective buyers:


    I have no idea what movie this is from, but Jennifer Connelly is hot as fuck.

  14. Hi ABigFan, I don't think the craving filth thing would work with it being an aphrodisiac drug. If I was going to do that, I'd go with a different sort of drug.

    There's a part of the brain called the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex that is responsible for us feeling shame and embarassment. It triggers the fight or flight response and releases epinephrine and dopamine, which speeds the heart rate, makes us feel anxious and is generally unpleasant. But what if instead the brain is slowly rewired so that in response to feeling shame or embarassment, the brain releases dopamine and endorphins, making it feel really good. That would explain Lara eventually seeking out more and more shameful activities (and thereby craving dirty smelly homeless men etc).

    it's another idea, but I'll leave it up to the forum members to vote on which idea they like best - Aphrodisiac drug or Shameful pleasure drug.

  15. 3 votes for Number 4. I'll wait a few more days to give anyone else who want to a chance to give their opinion, then I'll begin (I'm still not in the right frame of mind to tackle the second half on Voluntary Enslavement yet, so another short story will be a nice distraction).


    What you guys think about a combination of 1 and 4? Lara is kidnapped and addicted to a drug that acts like an aphrodisiac. She hates what the drug makes her do, but she's addicted and when she starts suffering withdrawal, she has to crawl back to her enemy for another hit. In this version, I wouldn't need blackmail. I figure her enemy would use the drug itself to make Lara do stuff. Example - Lara goes to her enemy desperate for more of the drug. Enemy makes her dress in her fanciest designer shoes, gown and jewellery. He/she drives Lara to a homeless camp, gives her the aphrodisiac drug and then kicks her out of the car. Beautiful and horny woman surrounded by dirty horny homeless men - nature takes its course.  Maybe her enemy hangs around to film it or pays someone else to do it. It'll depend who I use as her enemy.

    I can also use ABigFan's idea of the drug heightening Lara's sense of smell. So, for the example above, she's hyper aware of the stench of the homeless men, which eclipses the delicate scent of her expensive perfume. She's disgusted by it, but so aroused by the drug that she's powerless to do anything about it. When the arousal effects of the drug wears of, the hyperactive sense of smell persists, leaving Lara feeling self loathing, as her nostrils are filled with the stench of her own body, stinking of dirt, sweat and cum from what she's done.

    Just spitballing ideas. Let me know what you guys think.

  16. Hi Donkingkong, glad you enjoyed the story.

    The drug idea sounds interesting. I think if the drug is an aphrodisiac that makes Lara I credibly horny, it'll make her want to have sex all the time, so blackmailing her for sex is a bit redundant. Here are some alternatives I've thought of:

    1) Lara's enemy infects her with a genetically engineered virus that makes her sex drive go into overdrive (same effects you described for the aphrodisiac). The twist is that the drug is the antidote, but the effects are only temporary, and then she has to crawl back to her enemy and beg for another dose.

    2) Reverse it. Lara is infected with a virus that will kill her (very slowly and painfully), unless she receives regular doses of the antidote, which temporarily counteracts the virus. The side effect of the antidote is that it acts like an aphrodisiac.

    3) Lara is drugged with the aphrodisiac and then filmed while doing unspeakable acts under it's influence (sex with dogs or something like that). She is later blackmailed into taking more of the drug and submitting to the sexual demands of her enemy.

    4) Lose the aphrodisiac angle, since it'll be very similar to the Idol of Hathor storyline, and the blackmail would be more humiliating for Lara if she doesn't want to do those things, but then has to force a smile and do them anyway. Lara's enemy kidnaps her and gets her addicted to a new designer drug. After being released, she goes through withdrawal and is willing to do anything to get another hit. A Countess to crack-whore story.

    5) Something a bit left field - maybe the drug gives Lara a supernatural ability, like it lets her know the history of an artifact just by touching it. The druggies just think they're hallucinations, but Lara knows the truth and she needs more of the drug to make more discoveries. Or maybe (Retcon version) Lara isn't really intelligent at all, and the drug is like the one from the movie Limitless, which increases her intelligence and deductive skills. One of Lara's enemies finds out and cuts off her supply, and then blackmails her into doing things if she wants more.

    I guess it depends whether you want Lara reluctantly blackmailed into acting like a whore, or whether you want the drug to make her act like a whore.

  17. Hi Extreme, regarding part 2, the plan is that the tribe will use her in order of social status - King and Royal Family again, then veteran warriors, then young unproven warriors, then the outcasts and beggars. Lara only has from dawn til dusk to sleep with every man in the village - I figure around 240 for the stated village size of 700 to 800 inhabitants, with the rest being women and children. I also plan on Lara requesting to put on a lesbian show with a young priestess (usually forbidden but Lara is the chosen one) just prior to to dawn to get the men in the mood, since Lara wants the men filled with lust, so they finish as quickly as possible.


    Hi GhostOfCovid, I'm going a different direction with the new staff, to make Lara feel humiliated all over again. Sarah will tell Lara that they're regular staff that she uses in her other homes, so they won't be involved in any sexual stuff. They also won't know that Green Manor was Lara's former home. They'll just be told that Lara is the daughter of a friend of Sarah's that she's given a job to as a favour. Only the head housekeeper will know the truth.

    Lara's maid dress will be even shorter, but Lara is ordered to tell the new housekeeper that she thinks the regular maid outfits are boring and she prefers this one. Lara does as she's told, out of fear of being sent back to Konstantin for punishment.

    Lara's butt plug will be swapped out for a vibrating egg in her pussy that will keep her constantly on edge, but won't provide enough stimulation to cum. The butt plug won't be needed anymore, as with constant sex in the new dungeon, her main issue will be keeping her ass shut. I also want the staff to see her constantly flashing her thong. Lara is given all the shitty jobs she hates, like cleaning bathrooms and toilets.

    Zip has rigged the manor with cameras prior to departing to work at one of Sarah's companies for 10x what Lara was paying him. Every time Lara sneaks away to get some relief from the vibrating egg, the housekeeper will direct a staff member into that room so that Lara gets caught masturbating.

    Lara will have to endure the humiliation the staff complaining about her to the housekeeper, calling her a lazy slut who plays with herself instead of working. And the housekeeper telling her that she's a disgrace and doesn't deserve the kindness of a great lady like Countess Green. All of this drives Lara into the arms of Sam to do photoshoots for the website to escape the drudgery and humiliation of being a maid. Sarah tells Lara that her time is more valuable promoting the Tomb Raider brand, and if she follows all of Sam's instructions and uploads daily content, she only has to perform server duties at Charity dinners, but will be relieved of her other duties.

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