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Posts posted by CrossroadsMk2

  1. Hi LHunt, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I decided to give Lara the Yuri Bezmenov treatment (Ex- KGB defector who gave some interesting interviews on Soviet psychological warfare tactics) to make her transformation as realistic as possible. First was demoralization (shitty maid duties, bullying by other maids etc), then subversion (sex dungeon and sex addiction) and the final stage will be normalisation (gaslighting Lara into accepting her new reality and believing it's normal).


    The next Charity fancy dress party will be the start of the normalisation phase. The plan a long time ago was to have the Charity members laugh at and belittle Lara, but instead, they're going to start giving her positive reinforcement for her bad behaviour. I've noticed women are great at sabotaging each other by giving bad advice, so I'm going to take that route.


    The Charity members will all be laughing at Lara behind her back - they think it's hilarious that Sarah wants to transform Lara into a pornstar and the Charity slut, and are eager to help. But to her face, Lara will be praised for her sexy her photoshoots and livestreams (attention and validation). The women will tell her how they caught their husbands jacking off to her, how jealous they are of her (women love to make other women jealous) and how she made their husbands so horny that afterwards they had the best sex of their lives, and now they watch her livestreams together and can't have sex without them (more validation). Lara's ego will get another boost when some of the men admit to her that while having sex with their wives, they're fantasizing about her. Lots of alcohol involved to sell it.


    Meanwhile, all the women will be posing for photos with the very naked Lara. She thinks it's because she's so popular, but it's a competition amongst the women to get a picture with her, while pointing towards their initials, tattooed on Lara's ribcage (the photos of which will then be posted to social media.


    So, lots of plans. Also, if anyone can think of any other animal dildos they think might make good additions to the sex dungeon, let me know. I want to keep the tentacles as something just between Sarah and Lara, so looking for something else that's a little unique.

  2. Hi LaraCunt, sorry it's been a few days since I checked the forum and I don't seem to get notifications when people post anymore. Your artwork looks amazing - definitely inspires me to write some more 😁. I'll send you an email and would love to see your other stuff.

  3. Hi LHunt, yeah I think the hair thing is a good idea. It'll have to wait a few chapters, until Lara is further along her sex addiction. How do you think she should react to it? Angry, annoyed, turned-on by the humiliation? 

  4. Hi ABigFan, glad you're enjoying the story and pacing. Bringing out Lara's inner whore is the direction I'm going in. At first, I was going the route of having Lara tricked into doing stuff - for example, the black tape modelling was going to feature a deliberate wardrobe malfunction. But I think it's hotter if Lara decides to do stuff - albeit it being manipulated into doing it.


    The nude modelling in the next chapter, for example. Lara will hold out for 2 weeks, during which time she experiences the hell of being an actual maid. Then Sam says she's convinced Sarah to give her not only the day of the shoot off, but the day after she gets a full pedicure, manicure, massage and hairwash/style - basically hours of pampering. She wants it so badly, and her fans keep begging her for more, and Sam promised the photos would be very tasteful and artistic... And so she talks herself into it. And there is our slippery slope.

  5. Hi Indubitably, sorry I missed your post somehow. In terms of happy ending for Lara, I hope none of the ends are too despairing for her. I would argue the ending to Professor Croft was a "good ending". I suppose I haven't given it much thought because endings where Lara wins out against her enemies is basically the plot to every mainstream story, so I feel like it wouldn't be adding much. That said, I'd be open to it in the future. After Voluntary Enslavement is finished, I'm going to focus on Short Stories like BDSM Raider and Bliss (still have to finish that one as well).

  6. Hi LHunt, as always, thanks for reading and glad you liked it. I think next chapter will be some nude modelling and then the next Charity event - a fancy dress party with Lara appearing as Lady Godiva. I was going to use the black tape modelling as a way to trick Lara into public nudity, but I've decided to go in a different direction. I want the nudity to be Lara's decision.


    Again, Lara's instinct will be to refuse Sam's idea to do a tasteful nude shoot, but after a couple of weeks of maid work and bullying from the other maids (and Sam refusing to let her see fan comments until she agreed - so no attention or validation either), she'll agree. Then she'll do more nude shoots. When Sarah tells her about the fancy dress party and her idea for Lara's costume, Sarah can counter Lara's resistance by saying she's already done naked photo shoots, so what's the big deal? But what gets her over the line is that if she agrees to go a Lady Godiva, she can attend as a guest instead of a servant.

  7. Hi everyone, Chapter 16 has posted. It ended up being a rather long chapter, but there was a lot I wanted to cover. I needed to show what Lara's typical days at Green Manor (formerly Croft Manor) are like, to establish the baseline before I move on to special events. Hope you enjoy it, and the direction that I'm taking Lara and Sam.

  8. Hello everyone. The next chapter is finished and I'm partway through proofreading. It should be posted in the next few days. I ran out of room for any special events, like the black tape modelling runway show, so that'll have to wait until next chapter.

    This chapter shows a typical day for Lara at Green Manor (formerly Croft Manor), and expands upon Lara's sexual conditioning, Sarah's psychological manipulation and Lara's relationship with Sam.

  9. Hi ABigFan, regarding Takedown 2, the artist had some personal stuff going on and is taking a break, so no idea when the next instalment will be out.

  10. Hi LHunt, Sam will be doing a lot of provocative things with Lara's photo shoots, some stuff Lara will be aware of and other stuff (hidden cameras streaming her daily workouts in her increasing skimpy workout gear) she won't. Lara is resistant to the the more extreme stuff - I'm writing an implied nudity shoot at the moment (where she's naked but the private parts are covered by her pose or props) and Lara held out for a week before agreeing. The stick is being bullied by the other maids, and the boring and backbreaking cleaning duties; the carrot is that after every shoot, same shows Lara a carefully curated collection of comments from Lara's fans (of course omitting that those fans are subscribed to her on Onlyfans). The comments are all extremely positive, complimenting Lara on how sexy and beautiful she looks and begging her for more (lots of simp stuff). With Lara's virtual media blackout for the last 6 months, coupled with the fact that all the male staff are gone, Lara is desperate for attention and validation.

  11. Thanks LHunt. Next chapter will ramp up the pressure. The other maids will make Lara's working life unbearable, pushing her towards doing photo shoots with Sam as an escape. It'll also introduce other Charity members to the playroom, under Sam's supervision. The next charity event (the Lady Godiva thing will come later) will be a publicity event to donate the Idol of Hathor to a museum, followed by Lara appearing as a runway model in a black tape fashion show.

  12. Hi everyone, sorry for not responding. I didn't know anything new had been posted - I think there's an issue with my notifications, as I normally get an email when there's a new post, but this time nothing. The latest chapter is finished and just needs proofreading, so it'll hopefully be up later this week. I was down with pneumonia for about a week, but am almost totally recovered. I hope everyone else is doing well.

  13. Merry Christmas everyone. ABigFan, you'll be pleased to know that I plan to focus a lot on Lara's internal monologue - to show the gradual changes to her thoughts and personality that Sarah's psychological manipulation causes over time. I've never been a fan of stories where on minute the protagonist is a prude and then suddenly turns into a whore. It always feels fake and forced - there needs to be a plausible journey to get there.

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