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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. What is with men and baby bumps? Magus obsessed with the great bulge
  2. pffft, he likes my tummy, he's always kissing it!
  3. not sure haven't got the email yet, I get the feeling I'm gonna get the edited for telivision version. They all still think I'm that fragile 22 yo, but living with Lizzie and Magus has helped me a lot. Not quite so mixed up anymore.
  4. i asked them not to do anything back then, I still thought it was my fault and yes I know how stupid that sounds but I was a kid. Now i'd dismember him with a spoon, the wizard gave me a spine so i suppose since they were going against my wishes, and I should have known they would, stupid kid remember. Anyway, they were probably careful not to leave any permanantr physical injuries. they don't like to upset me, very sweet and thoughtful girls actually
  5. thanks jaydee for clearing that up...i think I may have thrown up a little
  6. that's magus's mother...the horse I mean...we should probably delete this before he sees it...too late, here he comes
  7. how about templars, weren't any female templars
  8. Not sure, but they laughed when I asked, said they would write up what they remember, read what they're willing to tell me, and send me an email. Kinda scared to read it. These are some freaky girls
  9. One to come, and yep thats me just shy of five months. So inquirering minds want to know huh? Guess I'll have to make another phone call not sure myself what happened...had to be something special though, last time I saw him he crossed the street to avoid me, which was just fine by me
  10. I was actually gonna sort of end it there, leave Lucas's fate to your imagination...do you guys really want to know what they did to him? It's probably not as bad as what you come up with but I can write it if you really want me too.
  11. Are you gonna write something about balancing wine glasses?
  12. soooo, next chapters will be delayed, blame it on Chrissy. We've been working on the halloween Round Robin thingy
  13. I know, I'm disappointed with his effort here as well, He says he just couldn't get 13 to gel like he wanted. He finally gave up and sort of cruised over a few things that were giving him trouble, like the wedding. Good news though, now that the groups has split up, back to the action and intigue, well he says gratuitous sex and violence but I'm too shy to say that . I know the Oaks and Carla storyline is kinda just sort of there, but he promises it'll pick up and I still think the story could do without it but Magus is a stubborn old coot
  14. yeah, the pub got hacked, so it'll be down a while I guess its ok, other than Magus posting there we spend all our time here. Eric.s kinda grumpy.
  15. Breast Cancer took my mom, still hurts a decade later But she lived almost 6 years longer than her doctor gave her, Magus got her in a study. I think he pulled some serious favors in too cause he made sure she didn't get stuck in the placebo group, no idea how he pulled that off
  16. OCTOBER IS BREAST AWARENESS MONTH Breast Cancer Affects Everyone Hug A Survivor! There are millions of them... http://www.nationalb...awareness-month
  17. OCTOBER IS BREAST AWARENESS MONTH Breast Cancer Affects Everyone Hug A Survivor! There are millions of them... http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-cancer-awareness-month
  18. No one will steal your pens when they see where you keep them...then again, maybe they will ok read it again, that says pens not penis!
  19. Gave it a boys name, its a hisacaine
  20. could be a car accident where the mother dies and the daughter is in a coma, at that age she wouldn't have dental records or any records to ID her, probably wouldn't even have a SSN. so there's a mix up and she's sent to a different hospital then the mother's remains go and the staff has no idea who she is, the red tape that would cause would take months to cut through, government weenies don't exactly move fast and the uncle would probably not push it as he unconsciously wants to avoid seeing his neice's dead body
  21. Author: Dirty Angel Title: A Tricky Treat Summary: Carrie goes to her first Halloween party and once again, with the help of her two friends Libido and Alcohol, gets herself into a situation that she never saw coming. URL: TBA
  22. try the In The Grass series by Magusfang, starts with Boy in the Grass: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107108
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