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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. Lizzie says I can't post hers, she's wearing less than I am
  2. hi I'm DirtyAngel, or DA, or Angel, or sometimes I'm just dirty So for those of you that don't know, I'm with Magus, there's a third to our little love nest, Lizzie, so Magus and I tend to write moresomes (Listen to me LOL, I've written a grand total of 4 chapters ) So I'm the friendly one here, some say too friendly, and I like flirting; boy, girl, rock, stick...doesn't matter to me It's all in good fun because I already have what I want and no matter how hard you try, flirting is as far as I go So y'all come on down and visit us in The Procrastination Station I'll be the cute one
  3. that one wasn't us. this one is framed a large one with me and lizzie kissing an a solo of lizzie
  4. I'm moving to the LAKE! :D

    1. kagome26isawsome


      what lake?! o.0 if its lake Michigan! welcome! lol

    2. JayDee


      Might be dryer to move no further than the shore.

  5. i like sexy looking angels, thats it
  6. i think my user name describes me. I'm a nice girl who likes to do bad things...well at least naughty things
  7. awwwww thanks suge, that's sweet in a twisted homicidal way actually the number of people who've offered to hunt him down and dismember him with a butter knife has been touching, thank you all, really.But i would feel terrible if someone got in trouble over this, its ancient history and after talking to the twins i think he's better left the way he is now...chapter 5 is all my girls , this i had to share...
  8. So i just type the next number huh? ok, seems kinda boring though. 32912
  9. I'll try and give him some peace...not a lot but enough to write the next chapter
  10. he would kill him and i couldn't live with that...and i do feel guilty that others may have suffered because of me being weak, but i just couldn't risk my friends and family. if it would have been just me, then maybe. but, as it turns out, i don't need to feel too guilty because he sent the twins after them, and after talking to them earlier today, I doubt he ever hurt anyone ever again...at least he never raped anyone
  11. I think its self explanatory, I'm always dodging horny little devils, well at least one
  12. I told him he can't, I don't want that on me. I know the man probably deserves it but I don't want the guilt, bad karma, whatever you call it. Thanks though Rescue
  13. Yay, chapter 4 of choices is done and posted
  14. Yay, chapter 4 of choices is done and posted
  15. Ok, chapter three is posted, this one makes me a bit nervous so...
  16. Ok, chapter three is posted, this one makes me a bit nervous so...
  17. more review responses for Choices first thanks for all the positive feedback. Tahn: It gets sadder Sniper: yeah, Sam is based on someone very close to me, as for naming characters, they are take offs of the people we know, the names sound less fake that way, Magus does the same thing. As for if she tells Sam, well you'll just have to wait Rescue: Thanks
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