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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. I was promised goblins! :stamps foot and glares:
  2. depends, there's a certain little redhead who is soon clingy
  3. in december, but should have the last chapter of choices up soon
  4. oh, and as one who is expanding daily, where does the baby go as it grows? Bladder in the front, colon in the back...anyone know how long someone can go without peeing or pooping before they explode? Oh and if you have a vagina, why do you need a anal cervix, other than its tricked hilarious of course...
  5. I think going Gangman style was what didn't....quite a courageous maneuver though, kudos
  6. And to CL-Mustafic, it gives me the great honor to present the Typed My Fingers To The Bone Award for being the first to finish NaNoMo. Congratulations!
  7. Nope, for once I'll take the high road and say nothing...and its killing me
  8. I guess I'm new...I think I did this once already though so hi all the newbies and hi all you old vets :wave:
  9. spider sex? :shudder: I worry about you JayDee and i'm crazy as a bedbug
  10. FOOTBALL! I'm an awesome girlfriend :)

  11. omg, dude just grab your butt and pull the wedgie out already...your distracting me
  12. hi KoKoa, what's a nice girl like you doing in here?
  13. Ohhhhh, wish you would have said something earlier....the pixie army just ate him....i think we have part of a leg left over here some where...FIDO, PUT THAT DOWN!
  14. Friday the 13th!....so not getting out of bed :o

  15. It looks like it still kicks, remember I normally weigh less than 100 pounds
  16. You'd be almost done if your NaNo was your elveseseses
  17. well Chrissy, looks like you need a new story since we seem to have divided up all your characters
  18. Drug the poor girl? So getting my troll and redheaded witch and we're riding in there and save poor Val...who will be so grateful she will fall head over heals in love with me...cause I'm Carrie Sue LOL
  19. Look you guys fight over the elves all you want, Val is mine Once you go pixie, everything else is nixie(?) eh, I'm not the poet in the family so good enough
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