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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. We have three. Oh per person . Sorry, being a little blonde tonight LOL. One per person not per computer, got it, sorry kind of tired we run into the problem because we use the desktops too and if Magus logs on and uploads a story I have to clear the cookies to log on and upload a story. If I don't it shows Magus's stories
  2. you have to clear your history and cookies, you still have cookies from when you logged in as magic smith and its confusing the system
  3. so gonna pay for this later Might be just a touch roughing the quarterback
  4. true, but we need to get our outside cats fixed or we'll have an army of mousers here by spring soon as a female goes in heat every male for twenty miles will be on our door step
  5. so taking a picture of his lordship and never noticed something until I looked at the picture, seems his lordship has a friend
  6. It's good to be king...

    1. BronxWench


      "and I'm in love with being queen..." :D

  7. I've only ridden with Lizzie a few times, frankly horses scare the crap outta me
  8. remember when Val goes all bad ass queen of the elves girl, no bikini armor
  9. he already chewed her ass out over the phone, told her it would be a cold day in hell before he let me go , I think he woves me
  10. Elves, where are the elves oh and don't forget bikini armor lol
  11. hmmmmm, maybe strafer has a bigger penis than beastboy
  12. yeah me too, time to kick some gorilla butt
  13. nope, my crazy aunt filed to take my baby because I refused to return to New York and let her marry me off to one of the freaks her friends call son. I was annoyed at our lawyers laughter, a chuckle ok but he probably wet himself he was laughing so hard :-/ . Then when I told Magus, he laughed too! So ok, I was being silly but this is my baby we're talking about and the letter the Sherrif delivered looked official. anyhow, its already been tossed out so I feel much better about the whole thing. And she is truly insane and pretty damn rich so she could potentially make our life hell.
  14. its ok for us, we've accepted the darkside...but innocent civilians...
  15. The SB is a dangerous place, never know what'll pop up there
  16. Is it fair to submit the general public to something born of his mind?
  17. Well our house looks like xmas threw up all over the place so...yep, should be good...maybe one more light...

  18. Yep, Yowli is smitten, he doesn't want to do the ceremony because he no longer wants to share Val. Gonna have to kill Izzy and Anurysm and make off with Val
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