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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. Ok, probably a stupid question but is there a link to the Archives from the forum? I looked and didn’t see one. I know there was under the old format and was just wondering if it was deleted or is it going to bite me on the nose any second
  2. so Steve is feeling much better, he seems stronger with the new chemo but I think he just doesn't feel as sick. I know his appetite is back so that has to be good. He says he has more energy and has been a lot more playful than he's been for a while, so I tend to believe him. So everyone is very hopeful here, been a pretty good week, lot more laughter in the house give your wife a hug for me and tell her I said thanks, and thanks to you, for keeping us in your thoughts. and give her a hug, I know it has to be unbelievably hard to lose your baby like that. I don't think it matters where you take her, as long as you show her how much you love her, I think that's what helps he through that day. And give her another hug from me maybe a kiss too
  3. yeah, the throwing up is a dead give away :-/
  4. Not much but some rain by us. Haven’t been doing much this weekend, Steve got his shot Friday and has been pretty sick, still throwing up but he says he's starting to feel better, of course he always says that :-/
  5. What Lizzie said Herd cats? My Minions, they love me, I’m the Pixie Queen My little minions and I shall take over the world...right after our nap...oh and maybe a juice box first...and we have to make sure we’re done by eight, its a school night after all...eh, maybe next week we’ll take over the world
  6. Poor babies, you guys have it so rough, I don't know how you go on
  7. Yay, started reading again, ok did I miss something with the chicken suit?
  8. We're keeping a close eye on him, all of us. Mon scolded him for picking her up, though she didn't make much of an effort to get down he's doing better but he was very sick and is still fighting cancer, as Lizzie keeps telling him “remission is not cured”, and he's not a young man anymore. But he's a stubborn cuss , thinks he should rebound like he did twenty years ago. Are all men so hard headed? :-/
  9. Yep, big ape will be all better soon. Now I just gotta figure out how to lock this door...
  10. He got all teary eyed when the kids all wished him to get better, he's such a girl
  11. Awww, you guys are so sweet, thank you.
  12. Oh she so pissed me off. First she's all judge mental cause she saw me kissing both Magus and Lizzie and that annoys me anyway, second she just barges into his room, Doesnt knock or anything and gets all pissy because I may or may not have been being overly familiar with my hubby. But in my defense his orders only said NPO and we were not having oral relations Then she goes all bat shit crazy because I'm cuddling my hubby, just cuddling -and I even had my clothes on! So she threatens to ban me from the hospital. Bet if i was some crappy reality tv celebrity it would have been fine, but since I'm just a lowly first grade teacher, evidently my snuggling with the man i love is some crime against humanity! So I may have over reacted a bit, but that bitch deserved it. My baby is sick and he needs my hugs, as does my other sweetie, they're always there for me and I'll be damned if some self sactimonous bitch prevents me from showing my sugars just how much I love them! Ok, rant over
  13. I know right. I think he needs a spanking but I guess he's too old to change. But I guess that's why we lov him so much
  14. Thanks sniper, he's doing better and so am I actually since talking with his surgeon. God I'm such a mess but I can't help it, I really love him and the thought of losing him scares me silly
  15. Trip was ok, funeral sucked, I hate my family I felt kind of weird going through my Aunts stuff but it has to be done. Feel kind of guilty about how I feel like treated her too, she left me a letter, it's kind of odd like it was written by someone else. I mean the last thing I expected was to read that she loved me, she treated me like I had the plague or something after all. I don't know, it's hard not to be angry about all the shit she pulled but I feel sort of sad for her too. Guess I just need a little time to sort it out. I just wish she would have talked to me, instead of leaving me that damn letter. Well I'm back to teaching and it's so awesome to have all the little ones around me, man did I miss it lol. Steve came to read to the kids this morning and they loved it. It's so funny watching their reactions to meeting the big ape. Some are scared at first and some just sort of gravitate to him, but by the end they all love him lol OMG and soccer moms are such hussies, you should have seen those women shamelessly flirting with him -and me are itchy there are too! So sorry about the writing delays, been a little hectic here, I'm a little rusty at herding cats but I do so love it lol.
  16. Hey, I just started a new job too not sucky hours like yours though But the good news is I will have an entire classroom of young minds to corru...ah mold? on Monday, I'm so excited though leaving Angie at home sucks
  17. Yep, private school and they're pretty good about backing their teachers here, plus the pay is pretty good
  18. 6 and 18? really? cool, we're ahead, we can take another month off just kidding,
  19. Hi everyone, just a little update. Chapter 17 is about half done, sorry for the delay but we went to visit an injured friend. But we're back at it now and should have it out in a day or two. Everyone here is doing fine, Magus is his old mischievous self, him and Mon are driving poor Lizzie to distraction as usual, but she loves it, let's her be all mommy like LOL. He still tires easily but Lizzie says it will take a while before he fully recovers, it was a pretty massive surgery and she says it will take time before his body adapts. He, of course, says he's fine but don't worry, everyone keeps a pretty close eye on him, especially Mon, it's so cute watching her scold him when he does too much, I pity the poor man she falls in love with, going to keep him on a pretty short leash I bet LOL. Mouse is doing great, crawling like a pro and even standing some with help, but the big news is she swims! Not very far and her form is a bit rough but holy crap, she is so my little girl, a real water baby LOL. She is running us kind of ragged though, quick little thing, have to watch her every second. We thought we had the house pretty well baby proofed, but man were we wrong. She has figured out how to open the baby gates we put up so Magus built some that were a little harder to open LOL. Thank God for Mon though, she and Ang are basically joined at the hip and she keeps her little sister out of too much trouble. I feel a bit guilty, being kind of glad that Lizzie's sister is such a screw up, but I am so glad Mon is ours now, she's an amazing little girl. I know she's one of the main reasons Magus rebounded so quickly, he loves his little imp so much and she adores her knew Daddy so much. I'm doing fine, in fact my follow ups with the OB doc are now at five years so I guess I've been kicked to the curb LOL, putting on weight again so feeling stronger too. Was a rough ride for a bit but Angie was so worth it, still can't believe that little angel is mine . I am starting back to work this fall, going to actually teach full time, just miss the kids so much I had to. Oh and I got Kindergarten! I am so psyched! The old kindergarten teacher retired unexpectedly and they offered it to me, I had to take it. I think Magus is a little disappointed, pretty sure he wanted me to retire or at least go part time, I think he likes having me around all day But he seems to understand I need this so he's been really supportive. Lizzie is still just working part time though so one of should always be around to keep him straight LOL. She is thinking about taking her medical boards and actually getting her MD finally, I've been kind of pushing her towards it. It always seemed odd that she went to medical school but never took the boards, she says it was because she really loved being a nurse practitioner but I think she was just scared about not passing which is ridiculous, she's the smartest person I know. well that's all from here, hope everyone is doing well out there and hope to hear from you all. And don't worry, we'll get 17 out soon and I'm actually almost done with chapter 5 of Choices so hope to get that out soon. Bye all, hugs and kisses
  20. We not all that way sweetie, honest.
  21. SWEET! And gotta agree with Bronxie, awesome cover. Congrats Chrissy
  22. I wanna live in your world...oops, did I type that out loud?
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