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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. I was just gonna have her like eat him in an ally or something but Magus said it was too predictable. Last line was all mine though
  2. Mmmmmmm, that sounds interesting
  3. Awww thank you sweetie, it's what friends are for i vote narrator, then you can slam the individuals you don't like...like: Boob...ah Bob grunted his response right before he picked his nose – and ate the booger!
  4. I voted for Stalin...was that bad?
  5. yep, plus I can make sure they stay out of trouble that’s right I’m sneaky LOL
  6. OMG it’s Desiderous Price’s story! It’s all his fault! Get Him! Sorry, I just wanted to incite some mindless mob violence, I never get to at home Lizzie says its not lady like...
  7. we actually didn’t get any, we’re kind of in the boonies. We did have a house full of teenagers though, Magus took mouse and Monky trick or treating while us girls had a party sounds fair Magus made us a huge breakfast about an hour ago, it was awesome, I think he did it so all the girls would think he was cool, there’s still like twenty teenaged girls here.
  8. Kiss was worth it, so remembering that Mwahahahaha
  9. Little Red Riding Hood From Magus and DirtyAngel (That’s me ) is up, its short but fun, hope you like it.
  10. Sound like some self important troll who is obviously a legend in their own mind, probably too stupid to know they're stupid. I love your story, well would have liked it better if Val hooked up with a blonde pixie instead…
  11. wow, just read this...um...no comment. Yep I'm a coward
  12. This is less about content in some story or on some web site, this is that timeless phenomenon of people wanting to force their morals, which they probably don't actually follow themselves, on others simply as a way of excersizing power and control over another. Censorship isn't about protecting teens from evil pornographers, it's about conditioning people to obey, can't stop the unwashed masses from thinking for themselves if they can read whatever they want on the Internet, just ask Kim Jong-Un. It starts with banning adult themed content and before you know it they're burning The Cat In The Hat because that darn cat is obviously a criminal element we don't want out poor innocent children exposed to! Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox again, sorry for the rant but censorship is a touchy subject, I've dealt with it before from parents and school board idiots, did you know I had a mother object to us reading Winnie The Pooh to the kids one year? Evidently talking animals are an affront to God, personally I doubt SHE cares
  13. While I don't like flag burning, I think people should be more grateful for what we have, I am proud that this is one of the few countries in the world where someone can burn the flag and not end up in front of a firing squad. Try burning the Chinese flag in Tiananmen Square and see what happens. Ok off my soapbox, just thought I'd pop in and and let everyone know how the big guy is doing. Everything seems ok, he's still kind of tired all the time but he seems to be doing better. He’s reading to the kids right now, that always makes him smile or maybe it was the kids teasing him when I gave him a big kiss earlier they're all “ohhhhhhhhh, Miss Kari is kissing Mister Stevie!” He always blushes, it's so cute well that's the saga soap opera here, hope everyone out there is doing good on national hype your kids up on sugar day I brought candy for the kids today too, parents are gonna hate me today lol. Well gotta go, time to start the party...we have cake too
  14. Sigh, Raiders won today so Steve has the girls decked out in their Oakland Raider PJ’s LOL. You should see poor Lizzie’s face when Steve and Mon start yelling at the TV, “STUPID REF!” Now Mouse is doing it too LOL, I told her it won’t be long before he has those girls drinking beer and smoking cigars
  15. OK, so in case anyone is wondering, Steve is doing better, much better. We have an appointment next week for more mir’s so we’ll know more then but he is doing much better, made me late for work last friday ;). Lizzie has stopped working completely to stay home and take care of us mere mortals :P, I offered but she said she was ready to retire and to be honest I really am glad I didn’t have to give up my kids, I really missed them when I was recovering. Mouse is walking and she moves like greased lightning too LOL, its a group effort to keep her out of too much trouble, takes after her father there LOL. So Mouse, Mon, and Steve have become the terrible threesome, constantly getting into some mischief LOL, they are definitely Daddy’s girls. So everything is going pretty good here, hope it lasts we could use a break, seems its been one disaster after another lately but I guess that makes you appreciate the good times even more – see I’m trying to be positive! Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, I think it really does help, even if its just the smile on his face when he reads the PM’s and posts. Thanks again guys.
  16. Might do one, I'll talk to Steve, maybe I can get him to write one as well
  17. Hey everyone, just read all the new posts, thank you guys Steve is back in the hospital, they found another tumor and he had to have surgery again. Doctor says he's pretty confident he got it all but the big guy is going to be out of action for awhile. He's still in a lot of pain so they're keeping him pretty drugged up right now but everyone keeps telling me it'll get better, sure hope so, thanks again for all the well wishes and positive thoughts, I'm pretty sure it helps when he reads them.
  18. The drop down menu on the far right, the three lines, it's the second one down
  19. Yay, I found the archive link it's in the far right drop down menu, small victories count too
  20. So here we are at the clinic for chemo again have a chapter written but I don't think he'll be up to editing it for a few days. I'll give it a shot this weekend but usually I need his help, I'm not totally convinced he writes in English
  21. Oh, I was actually asking if there was a quick link from the forum page to the story archive side. There was one at the top of the page in the old format. It's ok if there isn't but I was just curious
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