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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I was going to point out and forgot, that there were IIRC 2 clear errors in the last chapter, twice that Tara was called Kayla. I know one was at the skating rink. I thought, "What?" and had to reread. I don't think Joe made any errors when everyone was packing up at the cabin, but there and at the house I had some problems following along.
  2. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Quick thoughts after having just finished chapter 35 [minor spoilers ahead] Basically three sections Maybe it was me, but I had a little difficulty following along on the return home. Iy started with just the three, but expanded to many characters at the Harrison's house, and throughout find myself many times having to reread to make sure who was speaking. Seemed to sprint through. Again, maybe it was me and will read easier a second time through (although I rarely do that). Parts two and three, Rhona at the store and Kayla at her house later were great. We've been on here for weeks speculating what might occur both after they come home and when Jack sees Rhona again, leaving the author Joe to pick out what he wanted to supplement whatever he had already scripted. He did not disappoint. I really enjoyed the back and forth with Rhona and it really helped to developed a deeper, more rich character for her. With the way Kayla seemed to wince at the mention of Rhona's name before work, I was both eager to read and dreading Kayla's reaction if Jack seemed to even smile about Rhona. It was difficult, the worst fight they've ever had. I'm an old guy who's been married for 30 years. I've had fights like that and survived, but I don't know if I could survive it before having committed "until death do us part." The emotion was raw and well expressed and left me crying. Not as many tears as thismy's wedding scene, but still...left me feeling their pain. Now I have to go read my own story again, to hope that I can convey my character's emotions as well as jashley has.
  3. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I understand, and apologize. I'm familiar with your situation, and knew of the term when I typed although when we're sitting at our PC's we don't think that we may be talking with someone across the globe. I believe Joe has written the term somewhere in the first dozen chapters and that's why I thought of it. So, I repeated a phrase Joe/Jack used, which I then used to describe all the nastiness that took place at xnxx, forcing both of us, among others, to leave. In the back of my mind I knew it also was originally used in Northern Ireland. Again, sorry, and I hope this explains my thought process.
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and let me remind you that the story got over 1.5 MILLION views at xnxx before The Troubles
  5. so the game will be published under bashfulscribe?
  6. If it's on the Site Which Shall Not Be Named, that means the new series has sex in it too? (not that there's anything wrong with that!)
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    ah, Joe! I'm just about ready to post my redone chapter 1, but of course I didn't want to do it when you released a new chapter (no one would be paying attention to me). So now I'll have to wait a few more days
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    better late than never!
  9. and who is this they? might have to block them
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    yeah, just joking. you said it was a crazy theory. there was one of those Lifetime type movies awhile back. Girl was in a car crash, 18 or 19 years old and engaged. Wakes up 20 years later, her faince is married to her sister and they have teenage kids. In that scenario, people have their limit on how long they'll wait. I was wondering who might wait longer, Kayla or Tara.
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Bobby Ewing is not dead! When Jack wakes up, Kayla was a new boyfriend, but Tara's been there holding his hand the whole time.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    You've got the skill, I'd be thrilled to have another story to gobble up all my time. And, I'm sure sometime after HS Jack & Kayla will cohabitate before actually saying "I do"
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Although, seven years? That the rest of high school, all of college, plus one. In my junior year I was coming out of class into the hallway, when I saw a guy I knew somewhat, a senior, dressed in a tuxedo and shaking everybody's hand. When he got to me I asked, "What happened? Whay are you dressed like this?' With a huge grin in his face, he nearly shouted, "I got married, man!" They were both from devoutly Christian families, so he may have also been on his way to getting laid engage in passionate lovemaking with the woman of his dreams for the first time in his life. It's 50 years later. I don't know for sure if they still are (checks Facebook - can't find him) but they were for the very long time that I knew of. Barring that, I would totally be in line to read a thismy original. Go for it, dude!
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Damn, dude. Seriously good. You could end the whole thing, right there. If I had a camera I could show you the tears streaming down my face. Now I want to go back and reread my final scene. I suddenly feel so unworthy.
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    The question is how much time. It's a slow healing wound
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Maybe, but I don't think the issue is the threesome itself. It was the image of Jack being so intimate with Tara, doing something that he had only previously done with Kayla, that is making Kayla insecure. Her fear is losing Jack. There's nothing bigger than that, except of course, one's life.
  17. Joe Long

    She is the One

    From personal experience, I don't think that mental image will ever leave Kayla's brain, til the day she dies. It's just a matter of how well she can push it down.
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I had suggested a new hunk at school, but also Jeff would be a good catalyst. I don't know if Jeff could get his whole family to move, but he could definitely go on a road trip, after tracking down Kayla.
  19. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I don't think any of them will ever consider a threesome again. What has happened, even when things appear to be patched up, is a lost of trust. I think that will cause Kayla or Jack to over react when they see the other doing anything out of line, even unintentionally.
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I said about experiences I've had, unplanned, when the sight of someone is just overwhelming. You can try to ignore them, but just can't. It would be fun to have this happen to Kara, but that struggle is mostly mental and as we are getting the story from Jack's POV, we only get to see inside his mind. Anything with Kara would have to be thru Jack's eyes, which might not be as satisfying for the reader. Still, it might work, Some hunk starts at school, and hard as she tries Kara can't quit stealing glances. Jack challenges her about how her tongue hangs out whenever the new guy is around. Of course she doesn't want to, but her comment about "other guys" is still in his mind.
  21. Joe Long

    She is the One

    If she's not good I wouldn't want her anyway, except maybe for one night of drunken sex. **DANGER, WILL ROBINSON** But in this day and age, one night of drunken sex can ruin your life forever. I think the key is not getting hung up an anyone until there's an actual relationship to invest in. Otherwise she's just the shiny toy in the store window. If it doesn't work, move along. I wasted too many years before learning that.
  22. I love you man! I'm sorry What I really appreciate from you guys' writing is the ability to convey the emotions and struggles of the characters, and you have a large stable of characters that get meaty roles. I've always liked Nicole because she was so, deep, mysterious and complex. My heart goes out to her. She reminds me of an acquaintance who also is proudly sexually active (as a recent college graduate) but on the other hand does want commitment, and has been suffering lately for her inability to keep guys. May has also reminded me of a girl or two that I pined for without success. I know what Adam was feeling. Megan, however, I never made much of a connection to. Maybe that's just me, as in I can't think of anyone like that, or if I did know someone I might not like them personally - but she is still an interesting concept as a character. Maybe also I would spent more time with her if she wasn't sharing the stage with Nicole and May.
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    When in college, if a girl I asked out told me she was turning me down because she was already taken, I'd do my best to place myself in her friendzone as a backup option, as long as I was still available. What was the worst that could happen? You'd be friends with some hot girls and they'd pass on the word to their friends. Has to be better than getting a reputation for being a douche.
  24. The exchange was something that popped into my head as an example of everybody being pissed at everyone, not that it was something you would have written, so I apologize if I gave that impression. Meant it more as something humorous.
  25. Now what am I going to say? LOL I am fascinated by analyzing characters, here and on TV. It's become increasingly easier for me to visualize even someone else's characters interacting in a new scene, as I posted above. And that, of course, has made it easier to write my own story, which being based on me is very introspective. I'd have to say I was closest to being like Adam. I started writing last year at the other site which shall not be named, and now with the intervening time to read the continuing works of bashful and jashley, and read up on the craft of writing, I've gone back to the beginning of my story (which I will re-release very soon here at AFF.) My story doesn't change. There's new dialogue and scenes to better show the characters and their back stories, but I'm really concentrating on effectively expressing the emotions and the inner struggles of my main character. He has to face up to his short comings and deal with them, not run away. These stories are not about sex, they're about teenagers struggling to grow the hell up. I'm hoping, that as an old guy, I can be an example to at least one reader who may be going through the same issues that I did, that it gets better. In the process, I've learned even more about myself (in a good way.)
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