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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Ha! Even the birthdate.
  2. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Look at your profile settings. Mine is displaying US eastern time. but if you're a guest, you don't have profile settings!
  3. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and it will probably end up around 40k words (a small book on it's own) and take several hours to read
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    SITO might be a little easier, because although there's graphic sex that's not the focus - it is a romance and a teen coming of age story. I want to take pride in what I've written, but yeah, who can I tell about it without seeming like a perv? Porn was hard in my day. The only video was at the X-rated movie theater. Of course the time I went when I was around 21, the girl selling tickets knew a friend of mine and told him I was there. Other than that, it was stealing a Playboy or Penthouse and going into my parent's collection of porn paperbacks. Reddit - I really enjoyed Victoria Justice, dressed or undressed. Just simply stunning.
  5. Joe Long

    She is the One

    When I was that age we didn't have the internet. The CB radio was our social media, but it wasn't visual. So tell me, do guys your age collect pics of the girls they find attractive? (in case they need something to, you know, look at)
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    shhhh...we don't want you banned
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Repeating what I've said previously, Tara is looking for emotional fulfillment, but she's looking for it in sex, and with someone who although he's a great and kind guy, but can never be the soul-mate she is looking for.
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    In hindsight I realize some things might have been better unsaid. OTOH, as this is an adult fiction site, I figured we're all here because we like reading sex stories (although SITO is much more than that) and there are some things that, you know, are hard to talk about in most other places. With fiction in general, we look to our experiences and imagination, things we've done and might have been tempted to do, in order to weave a hopefully entertaining and/or titillating story. When we read about Kayla's parents going through a difficult time, we wonder why, and whether Joe has already decided what the story will be. In order to guess at those possible scenarios, I looked back at why my own parents split up, and what I knew then, while it was happening, was not what I know now. By drawing on our (collective) experiences, we can visualize realistic scenarios that might be written into the fictional story. Now, am I the only man here, or anywhere, over 35 who's looked lustfully at women in their teens and twenties? I dare think it's fairly common, so again, would be a topic for erotic fiction. How does it happen? What are the consequences when discovered? Would it be that unrealistic that after Tara visited for Christmas and met Kayla's Dad, that he might have been downloading pics off her Facebook? Could that be why his wife is now so uncomfortable around him? So anyway, that was the kind of comversation I was trying to start. Again, I apologize for my excesses as I was learning the limits in what was for me a new setting.
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    As it was the opinion of more than one, I'll cool it, sorry. SITO forum yes, but I was also thinking erotic fiction in general, and how we draw upon personal experiences for writing ideas. BTW, she's 25, no blood relationship.
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and six months from now you'll look at it and want to write it all over again!
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I will, I'm getting there. Chapters aren't as long as jashey's, but I've got three scenes to go which will likely get me in my typical 10-12k range, after editing. teaser: strip monopoly I've also been doing heavy edits/additions on chapter 1, and expect to be done in another week or two. If you email me at jplong at mail dot com I'll send it to you.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    The reality checks are here in the forum, although they didn't restart until the chapters that were first posted on this site (20+). Might be around page 50 or so of this forum.
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Just had an eventful evening. Most of the family went over to my nieces for a cookout. Out of IIRC 11 nieces, 4 are very fuckable (and of age), and this one hosting is the most drop dead gorgeous. One time when she was about 12, not quite fully developed, she had spent the night at our place and in the morning came over, sat sideways in my lap, and with her arms around my neck gave these big sad eyes, "Please, Uncle Joe, could you make me some pancakes?" It's a wonder she didn't get stabbed in the ass, and that incident kept her in my thoughts for a long time. I've made a point ever since to compliment her (it's very easy) and once she was legal a little flirting. Now she's 24 or 25, lives with the guy who's been banging her since she was 14, and they have 3 little kids. My wife and I, our daughter and the grandkids came over, with some other family members, and there were lots of kids running around the yard. I don't drink often, but I didn't have to drive so I splurged and went for a 2nd Bud Light ("But Uncle Joe, it's PLATINUM! - If you ever need a beer, stop over, I always have some!"). It was enough to get me buzzed and she was too. After a couple hours everyone had eaten and some were heading home. Our niece asks my wife and I if we'd like to come into the family room and smoke a little weed (which she's NEVER done before.) I had some horny thoughts instead and things stirred below. We got into a discussion of legalization (wife's against, I don't care) but then the wife's ready to go. I was getting a ride back to work so we were going separate ways. I always look forward to the hello and goodbye hugs with my niece, so when my wife was far enough away I went in for the hug, then whispered in my niece's ear, "I appreciate the offer, but I've never smoked anything in my life. Now if it was an orgy, you might have talked me into it!" She backed off with a "whoa!", but while smiling and laughing. My wife was, "What did he say?" I headed thru the house to my ride, but my wife caught up and said, "Joseph Long, what did you say to her?" A little buzzed and feeling quite relaxed, I whispered to her "I told her I appreciate the offer, but I've never smoked anything." My wife looked at me and said sternly, "You better not smoke anything. Goodnight, see you tomorrow." Mission accomplished, a seed planted.
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    A cousin who was one of inspirations for my character Hannah* is very sick right now, and I'd appreciate all the prayers we can get. The intro scene of my story, where I had to run upstairs to take care of things as soon as I laid eyes on her, is exactly what happened the time my aunt showed up, after many years, at my door in Virginia. I had a serious hard-on for that girl all through her teens. Her mom, my aunt, posted an old photo today on Facebook, of her as a young teen along with my cousin who inspired Donna! Looking back more than 20 years with that photo, I realize how much she looked like my mother. I'll have to mention that when I re-edit the appropriate scenes. Anyway, my cousin is a very sweet girl who's been through a bunch of medical issues her whole life, and is now going through some very serious stuff. She needs all the prayers she can get. *especially early on in my story, almost every I told happened with someone. Hannah is 90-95% two cousins and a girlfriend, all of whom were about the same age, and one of the cousins and the girlfriend even lived in the same neighborhood and went to school together for awhile. So I merged them to make identification more difficult, in case someone who knows either of them reads the story (I'm currently Facebook friends with the cousins and the brother of the girlfriend - "Dave")
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Welcome! These are in-depth, thoughtful comments, where we discuss life, sex and literature.
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Even though Jack said "Yes" he may not be able to be in the mood (for it to be truly intimate) that moment. It may have to wait until the next day, and could very well still be clumsy, as in "OK, how are we supposed to do this?" I know. I had written a handful of stroke stories, but SITO and BMS encouraged me to do long form. It was still intended to be a sex story, but it took 30k words for thsi first kiss and grope, and another 10k to do the deed. Now I'm doing massive edits of chapter 1, and it will be longer.
  17. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Just because he was sexually attracted to one guy doesn't mean he can't also like girls. My nympho niece told me that she prefers girls in bed, but emotionally (relationship wise) she seems to prefer (and has fucked many, many) guys. When she was 15 she told me she masturbated something like 30 times a day. "So when you say you have to go to the bathroom, I'm going to be wondering if you really have to go, if you're having a smoke, or your just getting off." She said the orgasm doesn't leave her satisfied for long enough. I told her I "only" did it 3 to 5 times a week. Awhile later I mentioned that I thought of her 3 to 5 times a week. Then maybe another year later she told me that she was mad at her boyfriend for thinking of other girls when he masturbated. She knew because he couldn't lie to her. She told me that she only thinks of her boyfriend when she does it, but I told her that I think of "who I haven't had, who I can't have" whenever I do it.
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Also, in the story, and even within scenes, the story is a process of actions and reactions. Reading an existing story such as SITO and getting to know the characters, you can then ask what you'd think they'd do in different situations. For example, what are the possible consequences of Jack saying "Yes"? I'm a parent of grown children, and I know the urges I've felt over the years, but I haven't seen that type of thing in this story yet. If it was discovered that one of the adult men in the story was masturbating when thinking about one of the young girls (an employee, a son's girlfriend, a girl next door, a niece...even a daughter) - what would the reactions of each of the characters (wife, children, the object of affection herself) be? Which characters, as we know them so far, would be the most likely to be involved in such a scenario? I haven't had to deal with the reaction part (just the lusting), so let you imagination go to find a reaction that you think would be true to the character and the situation.
  19. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Ten, maybe even five years ago if I would have tried to write fiction, my mind would go blank. Then I started doing sexual fantasies (have to start somewhere!). After I started writing, despite my age and numbers of life experiences, I thought that once this current story is completed I'd use up all my good ideas. Now, it's so much easier. This past weekend, I spot a cute girl (not quite old enough yet, but so close) in a pair of purple shorts at the fireman's jubiliee. Then I think of the friend on the sports message board talking about traveling to Germany with his high school, and when my lawn mower is broken the guy from church (who my wife says is older than me) comes to fix it and help with the lawn, bringing his youg wife and kids the age of my grandchildren. In a few minutes I had a story in my head. "Tweener babysitter notices her new client stealing glances." Past tense, first person (female) point of view. Young girl, almost finished with puberty (late 12, early 13), advertises for a babysitting job to make money for her trip, even if it won't be nearly enough (but what else can she do at her age). Puts up ad at grocery store. Gets reply from man in his 40's, has young wife and kids 6 & 3. He works from home and on days his wife works needs someone to watch the kids. He can't keep his eyes off the girl, and despite his best effort to hide it, she can't help but notice. Not quite sure what to make of it, she talks to her BFF, who urges her to flirt back. Eventually she decides there's a new way to make the rest of the money for her trip. It will be a long, slow tease. It's been taking me forever to find time to get through OTA Chapter 7, but now I'm going back and do major rewrites of chapter 1. The story stays exactly the same, but some junk is stripped out, more detail is added, and generally told more skillfully. I find when writing computer code, I look at stuff I've written months or a year later and am aghast at the clumsiness. The same for prose. I thank jashley13 and K.M. Weiland for helping me learn to be a better writer (and I'm still learning - never think you know it all.)
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    one day when Hannah is cleaning, she discovers a crusty Kleenex between the trash can and the wall, next to Mike's desk. Checking the PC, she discovers a browser tab he forgot to close that is displaying one of Tara's Facebook pics - she in her teeny weeny yellow polka-dot bikini (see above). Her husband, masturbating to pics of her sister's daughter! (reality check: I have three lovely nieces, all now 18+)
  21. Joe Long

    She is the One

    @ayeayeRonald here's hoping you can get the troubles behind you. Story wise, we have the teenagers doing teenage stuff among themselves, and adults doing adult stuff together, but the two groups never really mixing except to parents. Let's not assume that the parents are no longer sexual creatures. I may not get it much these days but that doesn't mean I'm blind. Any of the adults males in the story (Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hanigan, other kid's dads, Frank, teachers, etc) could have an eye on one or more of the young ladies. Just because they ain't touching doesn't mean there not looking, or maybe even flirting or brushing against - little things to get some release without (hopefully) crossing any boundaries. In private, there can be photo caches and late night wank fests while on Facebook.
  22. Joe Long

    She is the One

    She's graduating Friday, I'd like to be there, but I'm back in Virginia and have prior commitments.
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Keeping it real - I would *never* suggest anything that I haven't experienced in real life! So Kayla's parents are having a rough stretch. Now that her Mom has been frequently been working late into the evening in DC, one day Mrs. Hanigan borrow's Chester's tablet and discovers that he's been reading stories on xnxx, and that he had a folder full of provocative photos of Tara that he had downloaded from her Facebook page, dating back to December. (my wife hasn't found my photo stash)
  24. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and talented too - she starred in the lead as Annie when a Junior and as Peter Pan when a Senior
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