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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I never watched Smallville, but have a question - how does the same network that showed Oliver Queen/Arrow as a main character on Smallville, less than two years after that series ends it's run, come back with a new show, Arrow, that has a totally different vackstory for Oliver Queen? (I have seen every episode of Arrow).
  2. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I honestly haven't seen any of them yet, dunno what that says about me. I do watch TV though, ask me about Battlestar Galactica! My daughter can engage you in a good conversation about the Dark Night movies (I watch most of the Marvel and DC TV shows), and yesterday we were helping my son move into a new place and I found myself carrying his collection of video games, and there was Mass Effect on top of the stack. Between film and video games, you and he would probably get along great.
  3. Joe Long

    She is the One

    top right, look for the envelope to the left of your name when you're logged in
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I mentioned my mother earlier. She would go on out of state trips to participate in bowling tournaments, and the travel group would include both men and women. There might not be any specific evidence that Mrs. Hanigan is cheating, but if she's spending late nights at the office, or taking out of town trips with male co-workers, there may be enough uncertainty to get Mr. Hanigan anxious and irritable. Maybe she strayed at some time in the past in similar circumstances? He wants to trust her, but he can't shake the memory...
  5. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Hey now! I was using those examples of the two extremes of things that could have been happening off-camera over the past few chapters. But as I've mentioned previously, if we throw out enough crumbs, Joe might see something which clicks with him
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Absolutely. It's been at least a couple months and we have no word how far Sam has gotten with Amanda. They could be making out in some dark back hallway at the mall, or Sam could be gay.
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I'm curious by the way Alan was embarassed when this girl was mentioned. He admitted they had kissed - but how quickly will he want or try to get physical? He's sexually experienced, but he can't admit that to anyone outside the family. How attractive is Kelly? Is Alan 'settling' for the first girl to show him attention? (only jashley knows!)
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Reality check: My parents split the summer I turned 18. For a year or two before, Dad was hell to be around. He'd be snapping at us, it seemed especially at me but then he'd always been hard on me. I thought he was just turning into a bigger asshole. I was a freshman in college when mom left, saying she couldn't take it anymore. Although I got along much better with mom, I stayed at home with dad while she moved into an apartment. I was an emotional wreck trying to play it down the middle, trying to not get either of them angry with me. Then, after a short time in the apartment, my mother moved in with her boyfriend. Dad really had been an asshole for years before (and after) but suddenly I realized he had a reason to be irritable - it was quite likely his wife was cheating on him. Dad wasn't perfect, and Mom went out in search of something better. The ironic thing was each new boyfriend, each new husband, seemed to land her in a worse situation that she was before. It wasn't until 30 years after she left my dad (at nearly 70 years of age) that she finally found a guy she deserved.
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I hope jashley doesn't mind, I'm not trying to hog his forum, and I will post my story here at this site one of these days if I ever figure out AFF well enough. Mine is another of the stories driven off the blue site by the under-18 Nazis. I had written a few stroke stories over the years at a few different sites, but reading "She Is the One" and "Being More Social" and unteracting with their authors compelled me to write my own semi-autobiographical serial erotica. I've been busy with real life the last few months, but I have the story outlined to the end and am still writing, off and on. http://storiesonline.net/s/10846/one-thousand-apologies
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Some things I love about Joe's writing. Doing these as a serial, with those of us in the peanut gallery making comments along the way - I admire and enjoy how he can slip things into the story without hitting you over the head with it, and making it a perfectly normal part of the story. For example "We’re young, damn it. I don’t buy into the whole ‘once you get married, sex stops’ thing but I sure as shit am not ready to be so old that ‘real life’ responsibility gets in the way of intimate times with my girlfriend." When I was 17 I swore I'd never get fat either. Sex as a married couple was good through our 20's and 30's as well, but things slowed down in the 40's and now is virtually non-existent in our 50's. I have to read about Jack plowing Kayla like a cornfield to get it up so that I can fill a kleenex. I know there were others, but that related to a comment I had made. And more seriously (and why these chapter can end up ar over 30k words) is how good Joe is at describing the detail in a scene. Many of my scenes were written from actual events that I remembered and trancribed. Then I come here and marvel at everything I had missed, how well Joe sets the scenes in describing the expressions, sounds, smells, whatever, that make the scenes so rich. It is professional quality writing.
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I'll take the under on three days, and they will be tired of nothing but sex.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I reckon I'll have to go write my own sex scene (it is up next in the queue...) Since Mr. Ashley doesn't see fit to fill this site with sex Finally Hannah lifted her leg which allowed me to push forward and slowly enter her. A little bit at a time, I went deeper, and soon the sensation of my skin against her insides made me realize we had forgotten my rubber. It felt great not to be wrapped up in latex, but I didn't want to cum inside her either, so I kept the pace slow as she squirmed against me, keeping my hand on her breast. After a couple minutes I whispered in her ear "Oh God, you feel so good. For awhile there we were doing a whole lot more talking than screwing." "Screwing? Is that what you think we're doing?"
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    That happened to my niece. Her 30 something uncle started fucking her when she was 12, which lasted for a few months (until he was caught and went to the county jail for a year). Afterwards she wasn't able to have lasting relationships with guys and by the time she was 18 started one with a girl. They got married last month after being together for a few years now.
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I agree, Tara was not looking to be with Jack because she was horny, instead she wanted to be with Jack because he was Jack. It was about his personal qualities, so Alan is not a substitute. On my idea that Jack & Kayla might get bored if they spend too much time alone, I remembered an episode of "Mad About You" where they get locked inside the bathroom of their apartment when the door knob breaks. Once they realize they are not getting out anytime soon, it's like "How are we going to pass the time?" They smile, kiss and disappear onto the floor. Once back from commercial we see Paul & Jamie stand up, button their pants and say, "OK, now what do we do?"
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    My wife complains that I never admit to being wrong. I say, "Yes I do, I'm just not wrong very often." This time, I was wrong. She missed it.
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Phoebe Cates as Kayla, in the little red bikini Judge Reinhold as Craig "Doesn't anybody knock anymore?"
  17. Joe Long

    She is the One

    It would probably bother the girl (Belle or Becca) more than the guys. edit - can't forget Kayla. Craig walks in on her?
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and Joe's taking note of the good ideas... it might actually get boring to be alone for seven days. Really, have many times can you fuck? and they've been doing it everyday at home already. After two or three days I can see them inviting the other couples to come join them. Maybe there can be something like Seinfeld's "shrinkage" episode where someone walks in one someone else, either in the shower or in the throes of passion.
  19. Joe Long

    She is the One

    You are correct, sir. Kayla wants Jack alone for a week out in the woods. Kayla wants to celebrate all three birthdays together, but not at the cabin. I had errantly put the two things together in my head. Once at the cabin, either Kayla soon won't be able to walk, or they get tired of sex. My wife and I went on a Caribbean cruise, seven days for just the two of us, and we did it once, on the first day. Every other night we were tired and just went back to the room and passed out.
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Hope you feel better. I've worked nights and just returned from a lunch break nap out in the vehicle. I normally aim for 10k words in a chapter, but when you say "halfway" it reminds me that SITO-28 was nearly 38k words.
  21. Joe Long

    She is the One

    CHAPTER 27 I could tell Kayla was bursting with news before she even got to the car; she had a spring in her step and a smile that just screamed, “I have great news!” She eagerly tugged open the door and slipped in, giving me a peck that hinted at something stronger to come when we were alone. “Guess what?” she said brightly as she buckled on her seatbelt. “What?” I asked as I pulled away from the curb. “My parents said we could use the cabin!” she squealed excitedly, feet bouncing like a little kid. Amanda, who had been affecting her usual ignorance of anyone else’s presence, glanced up from her phone. “What cabin?” “My parents’ cabin,” Kayla replied happily, turning around to look at her, “They said Jack and I could use it in the summer!” She grinned at me. “They’re giving us a whole week!” “Awesome!” I replied, grinning back at her, “When were you thinking? Frank wants to know as quick as possible.” She thought for a second. “July?” “Oh, is that gonna be part of my birthday present?” “Hell no!” she said, jerking her thumb at the twins, “What about these two? We’re celebrating all three birthdays together!” Amanda looked flattered. Alan barely seemed to notice; he was too busy trying not to look at Amanda while her attention was away from her phone. “Who put you in charge of the birthday planning committee?” I asked, smirking at her. “Your mom!” she said with an evil grin, as if reviving that old gem was the best comeback evah. So I decided to kill it. “Really? She did?” Kayla rolled her eyes. “Just get us to school.” “Of course. And hey…thanks.” I gave her a smile that she returned. She leaned her head against my shoulder. Alan and Amanda looked pointedly away.
  22. Joe Long

    She is the One

    There's still the pipe bomb, one of these years. I think something big's going to happen at the cabin. Yes, Jack & Kayla did it on every piece of furniture in her house (do her parents wonder about all the air freshener in the dining room?) but what about getting Alan & Amanda together at the cabin? Or will Sam come along? How far has Sam gotten with Amanda so far? Or is Sam really hiding that he's gay? Will the kids find evidence in the cabin of what their parents had been doing up there on a few weekends? Oh, and Jessica's popped her head up again!
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    High school musical season now in full swing. Wife and I went to see three last year, "All Shook Up (B+)", "Legally Blonde (B)" and "On The Town ( C )". Last Friday my wife and daughter saw "Brigadoon" at our public HS but didn't like it. The next night the wife and I went to "Peter Pan" at the smaller private school our kids went to (34 of 62 students in 9th to 12th were in the production) and it was really good. We were only about 20 feet from the stage and the kids seemed like they had a blast putting it on, not trying to be too serious. A cousin's daughter played Peter Pan after playing Annie last year. She was beautiful, her acting was very natural and she had a great singing voice. Capt Hook was also very well comedically played. I know her grandparents and two aunts very well, but never saw much of her family. Checked out her Facebook, and my jaw hit the floor when I saw the age 16 pics of her in an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie yellow polka dot bikini. (Time for a cold shower) BTW, she has exact same birthday as me, and was also 3 weeks past 17th birthday when starting senior year.
  24. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I read earlier in this forum where Joe made some selections of which actors he'd cast in the "She Is The One" movie. I decided to try that for my own story, and called up "Last Man Standing" on Hulu to check out Kaitlyn Dever for my Hannah. During the episode, where her mother doesn't want her to be the place kicker on the football team, or apply to go to West Point, because she might get hurt, the grandfather says "you can't protect your kids from the choices they want to make, even when they're scaring the hell out of you." I thought, "Yep, that's exactly what we were talking about!" BTW, I fell in love with Ms. Dever. Hannah is 13 who can pass for 16. Dever is an 18 year old actress playing a 16 year old character. She's short, round butt, small boobs, really cute and her TV character is just the right amount of athletic, smart, strong willed and sassy. Watching, I felt like I had already made love to her, years ago. Even though I always thought the teenage Shiri Appleby was the closest in appearance, I would love for Kaitlyn Dever to be my Hannah.
  25. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Well, Tara's been out of state for awhile, but she's back! Who knows, maybe Kayla and Tara already had 2 ways of that 3 way
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