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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    gotta love Facebook
  2. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Drove up to Pa for my uncle's funeral on Thursday, had a little rough time of it, he was a really great guy. Getting older, it was hard not to think of when it might be me in the box. Not that I'm afraid of dying (although there's still a ton of things I want to do before I go), but thinking of my family saying goodbye to me. Enough sad stuff (I'll cry again) one of the bright spots was seeing his granddaughter, my cousin's daughter. I've helped him with some genealogy, but haven't seen much of them the last ten years and my oh my has his little one grown up well. I made a point to spend time talking to my cousin at the lunch so that I could stand a little closer and he could bring her into the conversation. Make sure to wipe up the drool, guys. Tonight we took the grandkids to the fireman's jubilee. In OTA I have a scene at the county fair, and the ones done at the local level are much the same, minus the livestock and monster trucks. There weren't many older teens there (which means less chances of brawls) but quite a bit of 11-15, especially the young ladies. Disclaimer: I have never touched a girl under 18 since I was 20, and if I ever talk to one now I make sure there's no flirting or anything suggestive until she is 18 (after that, fair game) My excuse is I was doing research for my book. I have an upcoming scene at the roller rink, where Joe just doesn't quite fit in with the group that Hannah goes to school with. In real life, I do like to study the maturing process. I know I was 4'10" and 72 lbs on the last day of 5th grade, and 5'9", 130 lbs on the last day of 8th, at age 13y10m. Most girls started about a year earlier than the guys, generally starting early in 5th grade and done by the end of 7th. Assuming that most groups hanging out together were the same age, I was looking at the different levels of physical maturity - height, thighs, hips, breasts and face. Some girls in a group looked 'finished' in their maturity, while others still had soem time to go. I like trying to guess ages. One girl, I'll say a late 13, was clearly the best. Perfect thighs and hips in a tight fitting pair of shorts, small breasts, and a very attractive and mature face. She'll be a knock-out. That was exactly what Hannah was at that age. Another girl looked a little younger in the face, a little heavier but still quite shapely in the thighs and ass - but I knew she'd probably weight 200 lbs by the time she was 30. Saw my nephew's ex-girlfriend with his mother, hadn't eyed her for many years, and she had put on a lot of weight. She's 23, her kids are 10 and 6.
  3. Joe Long

    She is the One

    If I respect her, would you say I have a chance?
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I misunderstood when I first read - ok with seeing each other naked? Yes we were. I always thought my dad had a huge cock, it was so thick even when soft. Much of what I wrote about my mom was true, which is why I could never let her or my wife or kids see the story without yanking that stuff out. It will not happen in "One Thousand Apologies", just hints of a subplot...but there was an earlier stroke story fantasy. I did think about my mother a lot.
  5. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Believe it or not, some of us do have a life other than sites like this (not meant as an insult!) I check here everyday, but I only appreciate what you do offer and will never blame you for tending to other things. You owe us nothing.
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    OK, I lecture and write on non-fiction subjects. Many members of the general public who are interested in my field (read my story) know of me and my work.
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Despite almost having a nervous breakdown having to write about "Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man" in Freshman Composition in college, lately I seem to have a skill at analysing characters in stories. As we've been discussing how Tara now enters in with Jack and Kayla, I thought I'd add some compare and contrast of different female characters, and their attitudes about sex. I have made these and similar comments to these authors either privately and/or in public forums. Bashful stated that I "understood Nicole better than [he did]", and much of "Chris and Christie: Making It Work" was inspired by my comments. So let me throw this out for all a'yunz to discuss "What girls want out of sex" Tara (She Is the One, jashley13) Tara's had bad experiences with guys who only want her for sex, and seeks geunine love and devotion. She desires the emotional connection with a guy, and to be wanted for who whe is, but she's still seeking it through sex. I say, if she finds a great guy first, the meaningful sex will follow. I think she should wait for the guy who wants to date her without any expectations of sex. Nicole (Being More Social, bashfulscribe) Nicole craves intimacy but fears commitment, because relationships end in painful breakups. She wants to keep guys at arm's length, while still being a proud slut who engages in casual sex to convince herself that she's wanted. But, other than Adam, how many guys want her for more than the sex? She lets herself be used, rather than commit herself to the one who really loves her. Christie (Chris and Christie, theblackknight) Christie plays the role she thinks is expected of her. She endures bad sex and suffers verbal abuse because that's what cheerleaders are supposed to do for football players. When she finds true love and intimate sex with her nerdy neighbor Chris, she hides their relationship rather than risk her social standing with the 'in' crowd. Hannah (One Thousand Apologies, Joe Long) Hannah has seen her mother jump from guy to guy, and has sworn not to make the same mistakes. She only engages in intimate sex and with the man she loves, and is hurt whenever it seems that he might not take their sexual relations as seriously as she does.
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Oh that made me cough up a lung first thing in the morning! I don't think Obama ever played baseball or knows what "yunz" means - but he does think we cling to our guns. I'm not quite to the part of my story where the Iranians take the hostages at the embassy and my Dad says something about "that fucking pussy Jimmy Carter". I think we still say that.
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    thanks! I've been working on chapter 7 for awhile, have more than half written. I also went back and started rewriting chpter 1 - nothing in the story changes, but hopefully the writing is better. Trying to get rid of 'data dumps' where the author talks to the audience and replace them with new paragraphs and scenes where the ain character explains the same things to another character. Less detail about setting and background stuff, like the Pirates. Once the whole thing is done I'll probably re-release it as "One Thousand Apologies - The Retelling". I have to thank jashley and bashful for inspiring me to give it a try. I've seen the writing on SITO change and improve since the beginning, and I'm trying to learn from it. I've also been following and working with a published author K.M. Weiland who has a blog http://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/where she tries to instruct and mentor amateur authors like us. Yeah, OK, she's one of those young ladies I've been working my 'charm' on, but it seems to be working, as we tweet and email all the time. I'd rather not share my Twitter at this time as it is under my real name (and I'm actually kind of a well known person). Bashful and Miss Weiland are the only people who know my true identity.
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and a question on your writing process - how much, or how far ahead, do you have the rest of the story at least outlined? Mine is totally outlined to the end, and I'm nearing the end of the 2nd of 3 acts. At 32 chapters and counting, yours reads more like a television series more than a book, or at least along the lines of something like "Game of Thrones" in that it's a continuous story told across several books. I also believe you're catching up with Mr. Martin in word count. IIRC GoT is around 1.5 million words, and SITO is likely close to 1 million (haven't checked recently). (Yeah, I'm that kind of guy)
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Saw Ultron at the drive-in. I hadn't seen many of the Marvel movies (liked Thor best) and thought it was OK. The character of Ultron wasn't really scary to me. Raymond Reddington in a metal suit. However, my wife really liked it, and we've started going back to watch the earlier Marvel movies on demand. However, your mention of the movie created a timeline error. The movie came out in May of 2015 and the scene that referenced it took place in July - the future! There was an earlier mention of New Year's Day being IIRC on a Wednesday, which would have been 2013, and as the story is told in past tense I was going with it taking place about two years ago. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy to notice this. While writing my story, which is set in 1979, I have a spreadsheet with a line for each date, and columns for the weather, news, sports scores, and release dates of movies so I can keep the background details accurate.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Tara is also confusing love and sex, although I admit that seems to a chronic condition among teenage girls. She dislikes guys objecifying her as a cum-bucket, but believes that sex that is instead passionate, intimate love-making is what will validate her. If she can only experience more meaningful sex. But I don't care how tender and loving Jack is when he has intercourse with his cousin, it still won't be the same as he has with Kara, and Tara will know that. It's not the sex, it's the love and respect. Close friends can do a lot, but if she is looking for that one on one companionship, it's the relationship that comes first and the sex is the icing on the cake. ==== I'm going to tell you a secret, so please don't share this! Joe Long is my catfish name. It's not as slimy as it might sound. Maybe ten years ago my wife was going through a stretch where she was acting rather mean (maybe it was her change of life - we're still married.) After all those years that I'd ogle but barely speak to young, attractive grocery cashiers, I went a little further with one who seemed to be enthusiastically returning the attention. I Googled her name and found her on this new thing called MySpace. I created a fake account, and from it wrote to her, while telling her who I actually was. We corresponded though MySpace and AIM, and it really looked like I was going to get some. So, I created the account, using my real first name, no last name and no picture, as a means of secretly contacting someone who already knew me. While on MySpace I discovered the things teen girls did on social media. I was really in a time, not unlike Tara, where I was doubting my self worth. I created a second profile, as Joe Long, stole someone's pic, said I was 20, and asked one girl to be my friend. After that, they started coming to me. I just acted myself, while pretending to be their age, and made several friends. I didn't want to meet anyone, as that would blow my cover. It went on almost as year, as 3 or 4 girls continued to want to chat, almost nightly, on AIM. I had no sex (well, maybe wanked a few times) but it went a long way to re-validate my feelings about myself. I was a person that females wanted to be good friends with (and a couple were indeed throwing themselves at me, but seemed way to crazy to try to fuck.) Now I do it out in the open, using my real name and face on Twitter. There are a handful of young ladies who I follow (and some follow me back) with whom I carefully engage in light flirting. There's also a few down at the grocery store with whom I'm no longer shy to talk to. One who's 20 isn't all that attractive but we are good friends, and my wife even knows we talk. Another smoking hot 20 year old is at the same store, and she stops me to say "How you doing?" and even a big smile and hello the other day at the convenience store while her boyfriend waited in the car. (I do have a favorite Facebook pic of her, age 15, in a pair of shorts) I didn't need sex. I needed to know that there were women out there, even attractive teenage ones, who found me charming and would want to be friends with me, for who I am (even if that's 50 some years old). It worked. By the way, the original cashier who said "I've been with married guys before" - I accidentally sent her a MySpace email from the wrong account. She must have thought I was some perv stalker (I wasn't, really!), so the next time we were on AIM she said it wasn't going to work and cancelled our scheduled date - please don't contact me again. I kept my word, but did run into her a couple times in person and she was friendly.
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Or if your wallet only has room for one condom at a time!
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    We've all been thinking about how Kayla will react, long term, to Jack and Tara. Jack with Kayla, then Tara, then Kayla, then Tara... But what if it's a real three-some? It could be a real mind-blown moment if it's Kayla and Tara who really get it on, and Jack has to worry about sharing his girlfriend.
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and Tara doesn't drive and Kayla doesn't yet either
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    chapter 32 spoilers . . . . . . . All three of Jack, Kayla and Tara should have known that this was a possibility. Nothing was planned, but it must have been at least in the back of their minds, as it was for (likely) all of the readers. It was a matter of if and how it would be approached, and what decision would be made. I thought Joe did an excellent job with the execution of the story, leading to Tara entering the bedroom. I felt Jack's pain in asking Tara to let he and Kayla alone in the first place, how she might feel rejected. As was told near the end of the chapter, Jack was distracted away from what he was doing with Kayla by the discussion of Tara. I know all too well that keeping an ear for a child in the hallway can do a lot to deflate the situation at hand. As chapter 33 begins, if I was in Jack's situation, I know that all the thoughts that were racing through his head, leading to his decision, would make it very hard for me to perform. There's a definite risk that instead of sharing an intimate moment with Kayla, that it would turn into a performance, with Jack worrying about how well he is doing to satisfy both girls. If I didn't just postpone the whole thing until later (the spontaneity ruined), I'd just have to lay back with my eyes closed and let whoever go to work on me - but then my/Jack's thoughts would be on self gratifcation from an anonymous body, not a loving act of giving. And afterwards, there's a mine field of relationship problems looming. Jack ran over all the possible reasons why not too in his head, and even if things go smoothly in the short term, what about the long? Will Tara be satisfied with Jack as just a fuck buddy who she can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with? (Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Tara turns to girls, such as Kayla.) Will Kayla begin to regret sharing Jack? When I met the woman who is now my wife, it took several days for me to meet her younger sister (then 15 years and 3 months while we were both in our 20's)...great ass, nice tits, super smile - I just stared and was like "wow!" Honestly more physically attracted to her than my girlfriend. Their oldest sister's husband flirted with the younger sister, but I was still shy and mostly tried not to stare. Everyone noticed. I did kiss her a couple times, not long and passionate, but some quickies like under the mistletoe (very warm and wet). A couple years later, after we were married, the sister graduated high school and came to stay with us out of state while she looked for a job. One day at the kitchen table as we ate supper and talked about whatever, the sister reached her foot under the table and put it on my crotch. Months later, after our first child, my wife was spending a week at her parents leaving the sister with me in the apartment. One day she came into the bedroom and asked to use my shower. As I layed on the bed I was so tempted to do something (no one else at home), even to knock on the door and ask "Do you need someone to wash your back?" She might have said yes. Instead it was a memory to wank to for years. That's as far as anything got. The sister married about a year later. At the time, my wife asked my if I'd ever have sex with her sister, and I said "Only if I was absolutely sure you'd be OK with it." Well, now even almost 30 years later, when my wife is in a foul mood she might bring it up. She accused me of wanting to have sex with her sister's daughter because I couldn't get her sister (ignoring the fact that the niece is a nympho who wouldn't need any encouragement from me. When she was 15 she told me "We could never have sex." So of course I asked "Why?" and she replied "Because I don't cheat, and you're married." Not because I asked her to, but because she offered to tell me her sexual history. Nothing about me being her uncle or being 35 years older. The little minx is 21 now and lives in PWC) So yeah, it's strewing land mines. Maybe Jack gets lucky and doesn't step on one.
  17. Joe Long

    She is the One

    "One Thousand Apologies", originally at The Blue Site (since banned for underage), now at stories online I will get the next chapter out, sometime - been working on it off and on. I follow bashful on Twitter and we email very occasionally, but I haven't heard anything in recent weeks.
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I'm holding back, as I have a much closer idea than I'm expressing publicly. It's still an area of about 3 million people. I left plenty of cookies in my story, never naming my town but anybody who's familiar with the area would recognize it right away (and that it's near Pittsburgh.)
  19. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Didn't know the song but I don't know most popular music, so that slid by me. I came to NoVa 25 years ago. If you want to compare notes on the area you can PM me. Sounds to me like Jack was headed west on I-66.
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    They've been said to live on the east coast, and it gets snow and ice in the winter. I Googled the name of the steak house where Jack took Kayla for her birthday, and there was one, with a nearly identical review on Yelp, in Westchester Co, New York. When the cabin was first mentioned, I think it was Tara who said something about Friday the 13th, which was in northern New Jersey. But, in this chapter, Wegmans, Food Lion and Giant were all mentioned in the same sentence. There's a Wegmans a mile or so up the road from my work (quite a yuppie food shopping experience) with a Gamestop in the same shopping center. There are a few Food Lions and Giant Food is everywhere around here. Going back to Google, Wegmans and Giant are centered on Baltimore-Washington, but extend somewhat north into Philly, Allentown and New Jersey - but Food Lion is predominantly in the south east, with Baltimore-Washington being it's furthest northern extent. Checking the county where I work, the is a (blank) Ridge HS within 5 miles of the Wegmans/Gamestop. Then the author is a military brat, and Mrs. Hannigan works in politics. The trip to the mountains, the view from them, and the mention of "another state over" sounds like the Blue Ridge. I haven't hiked up there, but have driven the Skyline Drive.
  21. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Spiders and Snakes!
  22. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I hated salads, and refusing to eat one until ranch dressing was invented. Thirty years later, it is still the only dressing I will eat, on my salads or anything else.
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and I hadn't written my roller skating rink scene yet, and Joe's got to steal it
  24. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Thanks, I look forward to reading it. I didn't serve, but my father and son have. Tomorrow I plan on taking my grandchildren to a farm near here where their 6th great-grandfather, a Revolutionary War veteran, is buried. Now...all this time I've been looking for geographical clues, and had been thinking north-east New Jersey or around Westchester Co, New York. Then I read "Wegman's, Food Lion, Giant" and we have all those in northern Virginia! Then add in family in the military (Pentagon?) Jack, Kayla and Tara might be literally in my backyard!
  25. Joe Long

    She is the One

    spend some quality time with the Mrs. We'll understand.
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