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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Hey, I know I check here everyday, but take your time, make it worth the wait!
  2. Starring Kaitlyn Dever as Hannah Constantino
  3. sounds like a wood chipper would do just fine (feet first, of course)
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Hey Jack, welcome to married life!
  5. and that's magus on the bottom?
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    got to give them some privacy!
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    they have collaborated on some story stuff over the past year, so apparently been friends.
  8. not that they are justified (that's another show!) but that he can be calm and cool while doing the job he was sent to do. I'd suggest reading this close to true life story that he's involved in http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/60282-choices-in-originals/ The author (magus' #2 wife) was talking about ch2 in the shout box today. magus goes to her dorm room to confront her, the roomie's boyfriend comes after magus with a baseball bat, but he tosses him aside all while maintaining a calm conversation with her. I'm laving out a lot of details to not spoil it. If you don't know his story, please read. It is quite unique, and he and his wives are quite entertaining in the SB. And, in case you didn't pick up on my phrasing, a special operator is one who engages in special operations
  9. It was a gag! magusfang is a special operator with a heart of gold. He'd kill you while smiling.
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I'm 32 years past that part of my life
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Paper? I'd have to search the house for a pen
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Only the details that are important to the story. The TV room doesn't have a door, so people in the hallway can see in, or those on the seat watching TV can see out. The bedroom is opposite, so in the dark some light can shine from the bedroom into the TV room. It doesn't really matter what color the TV room, or the guy's bedroom is. Girl's like to express themselves with color, so the colors in her bedroom might be relevant to her personality. With the 4th person over for dinner, Mom points to the dining room and says "more room out there." From that you know that the family of three normally eats in the kitchen, but it would be crowded for four. The meal gets moved to the more spacious dining room. Then a conversation can occur at the kitchen sink, out of view from the people still sitting at the dining room table. I like to stick to what the POV character can see. He can't look at a girl and know she's a 38D. He'll see small. medium, large, or that it feels nice in the palm of his hand. Try to get the maximum amount of story relevant info out in the fewest words, keeping the sentences simple and easy to understand. I rewrite a lot fo sentences for efficiency, and some still need work.
  13. I had to work out some issues with proper song attribution when lyrics were quoted in the story. Author's notes chapters are not allowed, so I am posting here a soundtrack for the story, which I may update from time to time In chronological order. *Lyrics are quoted in the story. In other cases, dialogue was inspired by lyrics. Some songs may not appear in the story, but are very much in my mind, setting the mood, when I write. Piano Man by Billy Joel (Piano Man, 1973)* The Wall by Kansas (Lewftoverture, 1976)* Do You Think I'm Sexy? by Rod Stewart (Blondes Have More Fun, 1978) We Are Family by Sister Sledge (We Are Family, 1979) My Sharona by The Knack (Get the Knack, 1979) City of Anger by Mad at the World (Seasons of Love, 1990) Broken by 12 Stones (12 Stones, 2002) Pitiful by Blindside (Silence, 2002) Beautiful Day by Sanctus Real (In the Name of Love [u2 tribute], 2003) One Thousand Apologies by Demon Hunter (The Tripych, 2005)* Angel by April Sixth (In Memory, 2005) Calm the Storm by Spoken (Illusion, 2013) Through It All by Spoken (Illusion, 2013)
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I might not have saved it, but a chapter or two ago I added them up and is was around 700k total. Look back thru the page son this forum, I posted a word count for each chapter. I looked back for you, and will repost it here Each saga is equivalent to a standard length novel, so 'Summer' could be considered the 5th book in the series (thousands of words) Kara Saga 117.6 1 10.7 2 14.9 3 14.6 4 11.8 5 12.1 6 17.0 7 17.2 8 19.3 Jessica Saga 131.4 9 17.0 10 16.4 11 17.4 12 20.2 13 19.7 14 17.8 15 22.9 Tara Saga 137.1 16 17.7 17 18.2 18 23.8 19 18.1 20 21.1 21 19.3 22 18.9 Twins Saga 149.1 23 16.4 24 21.6 25 28.6 26 19.9 27 24.8 28 37.8 Summer Saga 203.9 (and counting) 29 22.8 30 27.5 31 25.3 32 33.5 33 32.7 34 31.6 35 30.5 total 739.1
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I've mentioned too many times here over the months about my story, so I just want to say go check out the 'Promote a Story' forum to find a link to the first two chapters. Hope yunz enjoy
  16. I posted chapter 2, which was quick to come as I had split the original ch1 into two more manageable sized pieces. From now on, expect about 2 weeks between chapter, roughly 1st & 15th.
  17. that's what you get carrying 300 lb beams on your shoulders
  18. I think you've done fine. Some stories, IMO, tend to make the characters too old for their grade. In Pennsylvania, I believe that each district can set their own age cut-offs, but AFAIK most every place use's September 1. If a student has already turned 14 on Sept. 1, they are on schedule to start 9th grade. At the start of the school year, near 100% of the 9th graders would be 14. By the end of 9th, roughly 75% would have already turned 15 during the 9 month school year. I was born in August and had just turned 17 as a HS senior, and 18 as a college freshman. As BMS is nearing the end of the school year, Adam should be having his 15th birthday sometime soon, before the beginning of September. Then's it's 15 to start 10th, 16 for 11th, and 17 for 12th. Some may have been held back a year at some point, and a very handful may be young for their age, especially if they transferred from a district with a different cut-off. A girl I knew in college didn't turn 18 until January of her freshman year.
  19. Author: Joe Long Title: One Thousand Apologies Premise: I was a 19 year old virgin when I met my first love. She was my 13 year old cousin. Summary: A family man looks back at his college days in the 1970's, recollecting the people and events, steps and missteps, that forced him to grow up quickly. Feedback: Yes please. Please leave comments at the forum. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/60288-one-thousand-apologies/ Fandom: Originals, Coming-of-Age Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107817 This story had been originally published at other sites last year. I hev taken considerable effort to go back and edit and expand the text, to make it an even better story. I welcome comments and discussion at the forum. For the next few months, I hope to be posting new chapters within a week or two. Chapter 2 will likely be posted very soon, in the next couple days.
  20. I've posted a new series, http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107817 and would welcome discussion of the stories here in this forum.
  21. I was turned off by every stroke story that wanted to lay all out the measurements up front, the author just dumping it on the readers. I kept that in mind as I was writing, sometimes being general, sometimes specific if context allowed it, and only mention any of them when they are appropriate for the scene. In my opening scene, the MC hasn't seen his cousins for 5 years, and he's introducing these new characters as he sees them. The male cousin is "hard to miss at well over sic feet", the first sister "maybe five-one" and the second "a little taller". Later as the guys discuss playing baseball, the MC says how it's hard to be considered a prospect "when only five-nine", and his cousins responds "well, I've got around seven inches on you". IIRC breast sizes are basically small, medium and large, such as "could fit it in the palm of my hand" - again, what the MC perceives in a real life setting. The only time dick size is mentioned is when the MC wants to know if he's larger, which is a thing guys have been known to do. I can honestly say I don't believe I've ever measured girth.
  22. yeah magus, she was getting really worried about you, didn't answer any texts...then wanted to know what "fucking the heat pump" meant. how would one do that?
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I asked my daughter if she did that and she said yes
  24. Joe Long

    She is the One

    some notes - the only time I ever broil a steak is for London Broil, and I leave it very read in the middle. Most of the time it's pan fried, usually a pat of butter. Take out the steak while still at least pink, keeping the pan over the heat until the broth boils down to a sticky goo. Wipe both sides of the steak in the pan so that the mixture sticks to the outside. I always, always pee the last thing before I get in the car, even if it's to go to the grocery store. A few years ago I flew to the other coast for a conference. I was at the airport, ready to board my return flight, when I reached for my keys and couldn't find them. I cancelled my boarding, rescheduled for 24 hours later, slept in the airport (it was a redeye) and at 10 the next morning verified that my keys and other items had been left in my hotel room. I would have been in Baltimore with a car and no keys. Went to the vet's office this week. There were several very attractive young ladies assisting behind the desk. Kara can find a job. With all we've speculated here, I LOL'ed at Jack's reaction to Joe and Sam. Then after what I had suggested to jashley, Rhona doesn't even have a Facebook page! (Maybe she still has a Twitter) "Law’s just a piece of paper when there’s a fine piece of ass. All I’m saying.” - loved it. I'm old now, I would never touch anyone younger than some number written on a piece of paper, but when I was still in college (19 to 22) I consider the girlfriend market anyone who had hit puberty and seemed mature. During that period I dated or lusted after several girls who were 13 to 16, but left them all chaste. (not that I didn't want to)
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