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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Ask and you shall recieve, Chapter 14 of Northstar is up.
  2. Because life is only a game! ...but why?
  3. Mmmm, just woke up with hang over - going back to writing...
  4. Mmmm, just had my first beer! I think imma gonna give up writing for booze...wool hoooo!
  5. Guilty Ever eat something you didn't know what it was?
  6. Working on it, but keep getting ideas for GITG...
  7. A day without giant spiders blowing something up is like a day without sunshine1
  8. Apple users understand this one, pleasde explain it to the windows people
  9. Yeah, poor Max is running out of body parts! Thought I should give him a break
  10. Wow, I didn't realize the theft of stories was such a big problem, I'm kinda new to the online posting game. I did do some magazine publishing and the trick there was to send yourself a certified copy of your story to prove you had it before you shopped it out - saved me once. But since I don't really sell my stuff, I'm not that concerned about plagerism, I write more for me now. But if you use a site that doesn't time stamp, email it to yourself before posting it.
  11. Interesting...that explains so much! Oh well, chapter 20 is up. almost ready to start the war, just have to get one more character into the story and our casts of freaks will be complete!
  12. Damn! Chaparones...somebody slip 'em a mickey!
  13. That's cause this is where all the col kids hang out dude!
  14. Damn, there's like a half dozen angeldusts out there; took me awhile but I found you. Didn't I read these at the site that shall not be named? Like the stories, hope you keep developing them.
  15. Right, that's just more people I have to do stuff for, I'm such a Charlie Brown
  16. Yeah, I haven't been posting stories long but have seen it happen to a few people. I figure that if I post stuff here my stories are gonna get downloaded and maybe even passed around. I don't really mind but I can see why Eon is pissed; if someone started selling my stuff on Amazon I think I might get pissed too!
  17. Oops...ah, maybe she's just a big slut1
  18. Not sure, maybe fifty or so. Course my target was fifty for BITG and it went to 63
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