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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Ohhh, you guys are so DOM!
  2. Thinking of writing a children's book... some possible cover art or perhaps... so what do you think? this is my favorite
  3. Sorry for the delay, fell asleep can you imagine that hehehe, but never fear, chapter is rapidly coming to a close...I just haven't decided which one of Max's girls gets hit by the meteor...
  4. Yeah, probably. I don't know why these women are surprised when me and the monkey do something crazy, when my youngest was this age, we did the same thing...women, they just don't learn!
  5. Eh, she won't mind much. Once the monkey gives her the hour long monologue how she helped me varnish the hall floor (Which took 30 minutes by the way) she'll be laughing too hard to be mad. Besides summer is here and the munchkin needed work cothes anyway. Tell her I got that there brain thingy and didn't know any better
  6. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning...writing your scene now , yep a scene just for you... Ahhhh, see the instructions didn't say you couldn't use a five year old...so my confusion is understandable
  7. Yeah, pretty much the same here, I finally agreed to make my sorta retirement a real one; someone has to keep the monkey outta trouble after all LOL. Besides, I'm tired of getting shot at.
  8. Amy and Becca are next on the baby train...book 3 is gonna cover a long time span using flashbacks so you'll get to met all the babies... Oh, I took your advice...you'll see this is me, I have four daughters now, granted only one has my blood in her, but that really dosn't matter when you're raising them
  9. Yep, no more kids for Marge, besides three girls is enough for any sane person...one girl is enough for any sane person, to raise that is...then become grey, bald, and insane doing it!
  10. Ever See Stargate Atlantis...she's a friggin Wraithe!
  11. Can't, had a hys remember, chapter 2i think
  12. And now a customer service message" . Subj:.....Beer Temperature Tester (S453b) From: darrell94590 on 9/20/2005 I thought I would give you some enlightenment on the finer points of drinking beer. For the truly discriminating aficionado, a glass of the finest beer should only be partaken if it is the correct temperature. The subtle nuance of the melded grains..... the fragile and fleeting taste of the brewers art..... can only be truly appreciated if that golden elixir is properly chilled. To this end, advanced studies candidates in the Graduate Engineering Department of Texas A&M University have developed an easily used fully portable Beer Temperature Tester which easily indicates whether the beverage is acceptably chilled or not. To test the beer, simply insert the tester into the glass. V V V V V V V After the tester has been immersed for a period of no less than fifteen seconds, remove both probes and observe the indication. V V V V V V V V V V V The beer on the left is the correct temperature.
  13. And you thought my last post was bad! Does she...he? It have gills?
  14. idid say that didn't i, ok i can do that...want quick and shameful or long hot and steamy?
  15. sort of, no, and no...sorry
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