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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. They have mechanical nanites that can crawl and make minor repairs just like the ones the carbon based units(Remember where that came from?) carry And so the most important thing, and why I got no writing done yesterday: Arizona Falls in Elite Eight, 85-78, to Wisconsin That's right, Badgers in the final four!
  2. That's right, Badgers in the final four!
  3. 31569 That's right, Badgers in the final four!
  4. Kind of a cross, they would age extremely slowly. Not noticeable at first, but with extreme age you would see differences. Plus every one would age at different rates, remember he told Suzy that he couldn't predict how much her life would be extended. The biggest qyuestion is how to simulate Alice and Mays aging. Don't know yet if I'll go with the nanites or the synthiskin can be programmed to look like aging
  5. I haven't, I have written part of another chapter, might work on it abit whan gitg is done
  6. Wasn't the last chapter, wanna deal with Kara before I end this book, am writing part one of that now, and I think it will take maybe 2 chapters, then I'll start book 3, thinking of calling it Snakes in the Grass. Should post sometime in te next couple of days if nothing major in the real world comes up
  7. thats one of the themes that no matter where he goes he comes back to her. that and that love and sex are not the same thing
  8. <------------interesting idea....
  9. he has some new toys, remember when the house was attacked? oh, daddy wont get to confer with his daughter just yet, Amy has plans. oh and charles and sarah learn about jeeves just like carol did. Marge thinks she let him down when June was killed and when he was in the prison, i don't remember the chapters exactly. but all the girls feel responsible for what he's gone through. As for crawford and sun, there's more of them in book 3...its has to do with the two school board members
  10. yeah, i probably overdo the whole max loves emma thing, i just dont want people thinking hes dropping her for someone else...but everyone probably has it now i almost wrote a little spider in but he is trying to stay low key...of course everyone and their brother know all his secrets now so... i listen and if someone has a good idea, well im not too proud to steal it
  11. Ok, 56 up. Took me longer than I thought but I think its not too bad.
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